3‐D Architecture and Plio‐Quaternary Evolution of the Paola Basin: Insights Into the Forearc of the Tyrrhenian‐Ionian Subduction System
Using seismic reflection profiles and bathymetric data, we analyzed the stratigraphy and tectonics of the Paola Basin, providing information on the dynamic of the forearc of the Tyrrhenian-Ionian subduction system. The Paola Basin is a NNW-SSE trending syncline, bounded by the Coastal Chain to the east and the Paola Anticline to the west. It hosts up to 5.2 km thick Plio-Quaternary deposits, most of them supplied from Apenninic/Sila entry points and transported by longshore currents. The total subsidence reaches a value of ∼5 km. The sedimentary load varies from 60% to 75% of the total subsidence. The Pliocene to Lower Pleistocene sedimentary infill of the syncline displays a strata growth …