V. A. Khitrov
Parameters of the 125Te compound state cascade gamma-decay
Reliable information on level density and radiative strength functions for the excitation energy region with density of excited states more than 100 levels per 1 MeV and higher can be obtained now only by its model-free extraction from intensities of two-step cascades proceeding between compound states and few low-lying levels. Full model-free determination of these parameters in any method is possible only if one can extract from additional experimental information about general trend in dependence of ratio of strength functions of emitted reaction products of a given type on excitation energy of the nucleus under study. Analysis of the available experimental data for 125Te shows that the …
Cascade population of levels and probable phase transition in vicinity of the excitation energy ~0.5Bn of heavy nucleus
From the comparison of absolute intensities of the two-step gamma-cascades and known intensities of their primary and secondary transitions, the cascade and total population of about ~100 levels of 181Hf and 184,185,187W excited in thermal neutron capture was determined. These experimental results and intensities of two-step cascades to the low-lying levels of mentioned nuclei were reproduced in calculation using level densities with clearly expressed step-like structure. Radiative strength functions of the primary transitions following gamma-decay of these compound nuclei to the levels in the region of pointed structure are considerably enhanced. Moreover, population of levels below 3 MeV …