Kern F
Mathematical modeling of fetal limb growth
Using ultrasound measurements of the femur, tibia, humerus, radius (N = 515), and fibula and ulna (N = 385) from normal fetuses between 12 and 40 completed weeks of gestation, growth models were determined for each bone by computer analysis. On the basis of residual analysis, growth of fetal limb bones could best be expressed as a function of tangens hyperbolicus. Growth profiles and growth data are shown with 5th, 10th, 50th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. These results are compared with previous investigations of limb bone measurements.
Entwicklung eines Wachstumsmodells für fetale Kopf- und Rumpfmaße
Head parameters BPD, FOD and HC and abdomen parameters ATD, APD and AC have been ascertained in a prospective cross-sectional study in 515 healthy single fetuses between 13 and 40 weeks of gestation by ultrasound. In all cases ultrasound velocity was 1540 m/sec. From these data, a growth model was achieved for each parameter and corresponding growth curves with 5%, 10%, 50%, 90% and 95% percentiles were established.