Kati Pajunen
Do key audit matters (KAMs) matter? : Auditors’ perceptions of KAMs and audit quality in Finland
Purpose Key audit matters (KAMs) in International Standard for Auditing, 701 seek to enhance the value of the auditor’s report by increasing the transparency of how the audit was performed. The purpose of this study is to investigate how professional auditors themselves perceive the impact of KAMs on audit quality and audit effectiveness. Design/methodology/approach Statistical analyses of an electronic survey of certified public auditors (CPAs) in Finland. Findings Regarding the perceptions of KAMs, the authors found two dominant views on auditing: quality and efficiency. In general, the respondents did not consider that KAMs improve audit quality. However, auditors focusing on efficiency…
Kirjanpitolain oikean ja riittävän kuvan lisämääreet : mitä oikea ja riittävä kuva, olennaisuus sekä toiminnan laatu ja laajuus tarkoittavat?
Vuonna 2016 voimaan tulleessa kirjanpitolain uudistuksessa oikeaa ja riittävää kuvaa koskeva lainkohta sai lisämääreikseen olennaisuuden sekä toiminnan laadun ja laajuuden. Analysoimme tässä artikkelissa sitä, mitä kyseiset seikat tarkoittavat oikean ja riittävän kuvan yhteydessä, ja mihin muutos perustuu. Oikea ja riittävä kuva sisältyi ensimmäisen kerran kansalliseen lainsäädäntöömme vuoden 1992 kirjanpitolain uudistuksessa. Olennaisuus on keskeinen teema uudessa tilinpäätösdirektiivissä, ja se on ollut keskeinen osa suomalaista hyvää kirjanpitotapaa, mikä on näkynyt esimerkiksi työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön yhteydessä toimivan kirjanpitolautakunnan (KILA) lausunnoissa. Toiminnan laatu ja …
The Role of Charisma in Accounting Change
According to Max Weber charisma will be applied to a certain quality of individual of which he is considered extraordinary and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman or at least specifically exceptional powers or qualities (Weber, 1978). In this paper we focus on the charisma of Prof. Martti Saario, and what role his charisma played in the accounting change in Finland in the middle of twentieth century. Our aim is to demonstrate that his exceptional personality with charisma succeeded in communicating a meaningful and appealing message to his students and other followers. The intended contribution of this article is to enlarge our understanding of accounting change in a national c…
Practitioner views of goodwill accounting under US GAAP
PurposeAccounting standards for goodwill may intensify the agency conflict. Since auditors evaluate intangible asset valuations, this study examines to what extent being an auditor (including Big 4 auditors) and being female as indicators of professional skepticism and conservatism predict accounting professionals' critical views of goodwill accounting under US GAAP.Design/methodology/approachStatistical analyses of a survey of accounting professionals in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States.FindingsThe respondents' views are dispersed from trust in GAAP to views reflecting management opportunism in goodwill accounting. While being an auditor (including Big 4 auditors) does not…
Higher Education of Digitalized Accounting Benefits from Networked Cooperative Learning and Working Life Collaboration
Cooperative learning is a structured way of small group working. The key elements are positive interdependence, individual accountability, promotive interaction, social skills and group processing. In this study, we create a new approach of networked cooperative learning, and examine how it contributes to the learning of digitalized accounting in real-life problem-solving cases. The interaction between digitalized accounting and cooperative learning has not been studied before. The data consist of qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were gathered from group work, where accounting firms, their customers and students as well as teachers from two educational institutes work…