Pekka Ilmakunnas

Geneses of Labour Market Turnover: Job Search and Entrepreneurial Aspirations On-the-job

In this paper we study the labour market behavior of employed individuals that have entrepreneurial aspirations in addition to aspirations to switch job. We analyze empirically these two “search processes” side-by-side and report three main findings: First, neither entrepreneurial aspirations nor aspirations to switch job are uncommon, but only few are engaged in both search processes. Second, the two processes are not alike: It is more difficult to empirically explain entrepreneurial aspirations than aspirations to switch job. Only few observable characteristics of the employed are related to both processes. Varied experience and job dissatisfaction are directly related to the probability …

research product

Olley–Pakes productivity decomposition: computation and inference

Summary We show how a moment-based estimation procedure can be used to compute point estimates and standard errors for the two components of the widely used Olley–Pakes decomposition of aggregate (weighted average) productivity. When applied to business level microdata, the procedure allows for autocovariance and heteroscedasticity robust inference and hypothesis testing about, for example, the coevolution of the productivity components in different groups of firms. We provide an application to Finnish firm level data and find that formal statistical inference casts doubt on the conclusions that one might draw on the basis of a visual inspection of the components of the decomposition.

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Työolot – kadotettu avain pidempään työuraan?

Artikkelissa tarkastellaan koettujen työolojen ja johtamisen merkitystä eläkkeelle siirtymiseen. Työntekijöiden kokema työn vaarallisuus ja siihen liittyvät haitat sekä alentavat ikääntyneiden työntekijöiden työtyytyväisyyttä. Tämä puolestaan aikaistaa lisääntyneiden eläkeaikomusten välityksellä havaittua eläkkeelle siirtymistä. Toisaalta uusilla johtamiskäytännöillä on päinvastainen vaikutus. Ne myöhentävät eläkkeelle siirtymistä. Tulokset perustuvat tutkimukseen, joka käyttää Tilastokeskuksen työolotutkimuksen työoloja kuvaavien muuttujien lisäksi Tilastokeskuksen ja Eläketurvakeskuksen rekisteriaineistoihin perustuvia seurantatietoja henkilöiden työmarkkina-aseman todellisista muutoksist…

research product

Työhyvinvointi kannattaa : työolot, työtyytyväisyys ja tuottavuus

Teollisuuden palkansaajien julkaisema Edistys - raportti Työhyvinvointi kannattaa. Työolot, työtyytyväisyys ja tuottavuus tuo esiin työhyvinvoinnin yhteiskunnallisen merkityksen. Raportin mukaan työolot vaikuttavat muun muassa työtyytyväisyyteen, yritysten tuottavuuteen sekä työurien pituuteen. Raportissa Palkansaajien tutkimuslaitoksen tutkija, Jyväskylän yliopiston terveystaloustieteen professori Petri Böckerman ja Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun taloustieteen emeritusprofessori Pekka Ilmakunnas ovat koonneet yksiin kansiin tuloksia tekemistään tutkimuksista, joissa on tarkasteltu työolojen vaikutuksia työhyvinvointiin, työntekijöiden poissaoloihin, vaihtuvuuteen ja eläköitymiseen sek…

research product

Heritability of Lifetime Income

Using 15 years of data on Finnish twins, we find that 24% (54%) of the variance of women’s (men’s) lifetime income is due to genetic factors and that the contribution of the shared environment is negligible. We link these figures to policy by showing that controlling for education reduces the variance share of genetics by 5-8 percentage points; by demonstrating that income uncertainty has a genetic component half the size of its variance share in lifetime income; and by exploring how the genetic heritability of lifetime income is related to the macroeconomic environment, as measured by GDP growth and the Gini-coefficient of income inequality.

research product

Do good working conditions make you work longer? Analyzing retirement decisions using linked survey and register data

We analyzed the role of adverse working conditions and new management practices in the determination of employees’ retirement behavior. The combined data contain both comprehensive information on perceived job disamenities, job satisfaction, and intentions to retire from two nationally representative cross-sectional surveys and information on employees’ actual retirement decisions from longitudinal register data that can be linked to the surveys. Using a trivariate ordered probit model, we find that job dissatisfaction arising from adverse working conditions is significantly related to intentions to retire and that this, in turn, is related to actual retirement during an extensive follow-up…

research product

How does the age structure of worker flows affect firm performance?

We develop a method for decomposing firm performance to impacts coming from the inflows and outflows of workers and apply it to study whether older workers are costly to firms. Our estimation equations are derived from a variant of the decomposition methods frequently used for measuring micro-level sources of industry productivity growth. By using comprehensive linked employer–employee data, we study the productivity and wage effects, and hence the profitability effects, of the hiring and separation of younger and older workers. The evidence shows that the separations of older workers are profitable to firms, especially in the manufacturing ICT-industries. To account for the correlation of …

research product

What Distinguishes a Serial Entrepreneur?

We analyze serial entrepreneurship using a unique cross-sectional survey of employees that is for this study linked with longitudinal, register-based employer-employee data. Serial entrepreneurship accounts for nearly 30% of the transitions from paid employment into entrepreneurship. What make an entrepreneur serial are her aspirations and her ability to go ahead and live by them. Specifically, we document that having worked in the past as an entrepreneur increases both the probability that a person presently in paid employment aspires to again become an entrepreneur and , holding the aspirations constant, the probability of her again becoming an entrepreneur. We also find that an employee …

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The Return-to-Entrepreneurship Puzzle

The returns to entrepreneurship are monetary and non-monetary. We offer new evidence on these returns using a large sample of genetically identical male twins. Our within-twin analysis suggests that OLS estimates are downwards, and traditional first-differenced panel data estimates upwards biased. We find no differences in the earnings of men with either low or high education. Our within-twin analysis of non-monetary returns shows that entrepreneurs with low education work longer hours and have greater responsibilities, but also face a reduced risk of divorce and less monotonous work tasks. The same does not apply to highly educated entrepreneurs.

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