Juris Tambergs

Physics and Religion in the Crossroads of Paradigms

The change of paradigms in physics and Christianity during historical periods up to the nowadays postmodernism situation is shortly discussed. The search for new physics paradigms in the direction of unification of general relativity theory with quantum theory is analyzed as well as the present status of this search in the context of postmodernism tendencies in Christianity.

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The problems of the dialogue of quantum mechanics and theology

The paper is a review of bordering problems between quantum mechanics, describing the microworld, and Christian theology. The basic concepts of quantum mechanics and their essential distinctions from our notions about the macroworld are given in a popular way. The outlined methodological principles of quantum mechanics are used as an analogy for the illustration of Christian faith miracle, taking as an example the celebration of Holy Communion. The problem of relationships between the methodology of quantum mechanics and the observer’s consciousness is analyzed. The critical appraisal of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is given. The possibilty of a deeper understanding o…

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Bibliskā un dabaszinātniskā pasaules aina II daļa

Lekciju kurss Latviajas Universitātes Teoloģijas fakultātes studentiem, otrā daļa. Lekciju kurss ir lasīts arī Lutera Akadēmijas studentiem.

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Inercoīds – netriviālas sistēmas kustība

Referāta saturs Inercoīds, tā darbības princips, kustība un tās demonstrācija (G. Māliņš) Inercoīda kustības iespējamie skaidrojumi (J. Tambergs) Videomateriāli par eksperimentiem ar inercoīdiem (A. Andrejevs) Kopsavilkums – patreizējais stāvoklis un perspektīvas (J. Tambergs) Diskusija

research product


A recent development in the understanding of conceptual foundations of quantum theory is discussed, giving particular attention to the analysis of the so called Schroedinger’s cat paradox. The solution of this problem in the frameworks of Everett-Wheeler many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is considered, as well as the philosophical and theological consequences following from this interpretation. The recommendations are given, concerning the use of questions related with conceptual foundations of quantum theory in the education when introducing students and senior class pupils in problems of the dialogue between science and religion. KEY WORDS: science, religion, dialogue, found…

research product

Bibliskā un dabaszinātniskā pasaules aina I daļa

Lekciju kurss Latviajas Universitātes Teoloģijas fakultātes studentiem. Lekciju kurss ir lasīts arī Lutera Akadēmijas studentiem.

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