Giuseppe Brischetto
Tyroid surgery with “ligasure
Thyroid Surgery with "Ligasure"
Videolaparosurrenectomia: nostra esperienza preliminare
INTRODUCTION: In 1992, Gagner described the first laparoscopic adrenalectomy. Since then this technique has been more and more widely employed and several studies confirmed its advantages, comparing to the traditional approach, in terms of reduction of mean hospital stay and therefore of the health expense. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The Authors' preliminary experience spreads from March to November 2003 when 4 patients were studied and thus underwent a transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy: 2 of them were affected by Cushing syndrome, 1 by pheochromocytoma in MEN and 1 by an incidentaloma. The transabdominal access in lateral decubitus with 4 trocars was performed. RESULTS: No complication…