Simona Aprile
Application of PGPB Combined with Variable N Doses Affects Growth, Yield-Related Traits, N-Fertilizer Efficiency and Nutritional Status of Lettuce Grown under Controlled Condition
Nitrogen (N) fertilization is a crucial agricultural practice for boosting production traits in vegetables. However, N synthetic fertilizers—commonly adopted by farmers—have several counterproductive effects on the environment and on humans. The research was performed to assess the combined influence of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) (Azospirillum brasilense DSM 1690, A. brasilense DSM 2298 and Pseudomonas sp. DSM 25356) and various N fertilization doses (0, 30, 60 or 120 kg ha−1) on growth, yield, quality and nitrogen indices of lettuce in protected cultivation. Plant height, root collar diameter, number of leaves and fresh weight were enhanced by A. brasilense DS…
Effects of plant density and cutting-type on rooting and growth of an extensive green roof of Sedum sediforme (Jacq.) Pau in a Mediterranean environment
Abstract Species of the Sedum genus are a popular choice for green roofs as they thrive in shallow growth layers and are resilient to extreme environmental conditions; they are also easy to propagate from seed, plantlings or plant parts. The use of rooted cuttings is most widespread due to good rates of establishment. In the interest of cost reduction, the direct spreading of Sedum cuttings over the roof area, especially over large areas, has attracted attention in recent years. Considering the interest on the above method and the seeming lack of experimental data available, this study aims to further knowledge in this area. Experimental tests on direct spreading of unrooted cuttings of Sed…
Growth and development of succulent mixtures for extensive green roofs in a Mediterranean climate.
Green roof systems, aimed at reducing anthropic impact on the environment, are considered environmental mitigation technologies and adopted by many countries across the world to strengthen urban ecosystem services. This study evaluates two mixtures of succulent: one of Crassulaceae and the other of Aizoaceae, used in the creation of a continuous and homogenous plant groundcover in Mediterranean environments. To assess the species mixtures, the parameters plant height, growth index, cover percentage and flowering were observed. Hydrological observations were also carried out to evaluate the rainfall retained by the test system in any given month. All data were subjected to analysis of varian…
Evaluation of natural products to control some rose diseases.
A Case-Study of Green Roof Monitoring: The Building of Council for Agricultural Research and Economics in Bagheria, (Italy)
The energy saving in building goes on as an important challenge in the policy of Developed Countries. While the issue of energy building efficiency in heating season has deeply been investigated for a long time, the issue of energy building efficiency in cooling season is relatively recent. Moreover, considering the increase of electric consumption for air-conditioning in summer, mainly due to the growing quality of life, the research of technologies for reducing energy building consumption during this season becomes essential. The green roof represents a technology useful to reduce the energy consumption during the cooling season. In this work the authors report the results of a monitoring…
Primo contributo alla conoscenza della flora dromofila della Sicilia occidentale.
Studies on sedum taxa found in Sicily (Italy) for mediterranean extensive green roofs
One type of green roof whose function is ecological and environmental rather than aesthetic is the extensive green roof. Many studies have shown that Sedum performs very well compared to other hardy species in substrates of less than 10 cm. It seems that Sedum species are able to survive in very thin substrates; they tolerate extreme temperatures and sudden variations in temperatures, high levels of solar radiation, strong winds, poor substrate fertility and extreme drought. In particular, this paper looks at the potential of a number of species from the Sicilian taxa of the genus Sedum (Crassulaceae), which are considered to be those xerophytes most suited for use in extensive green roof s…
Green Roofs as Effective Tools for Improving the Indoor Comfort Levels of Buildings—An Application to a Case Study in Sicily
In the line of pursuing better energy efficiency in human activities that would result in a more sustainable utilization of resources, the building sector plays a relevant role, being responsible for almost 40% of both energy consumption and the release of pollutant substances in the atmosphere. For this purpose, techniques aimed at improving the energy performances of buildings&rsquo