Antonio Triolo
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the prevention of complications of opens fractures (nonunions, osteomyelitis)
Laser treatment of giant xanthelasma palpebrarum
Xanthelasma palpebrarum is the most common cutaneous xanthoma. It typically presents in middle-aged and older adults, most often around the eyelids. The diagnosis is made clinically. Giant xanthelasmas palpebrarum are xanthelasmas that extensively affect the superior and inferior bilateral eyelids. Many techniques have been put forward for treating these lesions (surgical, laser, and chemical techniques), but we describe our experience in the treatment of giant xanthelasmas by ultrapulsed CO2 laser. Between 2009 and 2012, in the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Palermo, 12 patients with giant xanthelasmas were treated using a CO2 laser. The laser parameter…