Massimiliano Monteforte
Wave energy assessment in Sicily (Italy)
Abstract This research presents an estimation of wave energy potential in Sicily (Italy) carried out using both buoy wave measurements from Rete Ondametrica Nazionale (RON), the Italian Government wave buoy network, and wave parameter data by ERA-INTERIM, a recent meteorological reanalysis project of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Starting from these offshore data, we first identified the western part of Sicily as the area with a higher availability of offshore wave energy; subsequently, we selected a study area in the western part of the south coast and assessed the nearshore potential energy by performing propagation using a spectral model (SWAN). The near…
Analisi statistica della marea meteorologica sui tre versanti siciliani
La progettazione di porti, di opere di difesa e di protezione dei litorali e la pianificazione delle attività umane sulla costa richiedono una buona conoscenza delle fluttuazioni del livello del mare. Quest’ultimo è determinato dalla somma di due contributi principali: la marea astronomica, che essendo periodica è di facile predizione, e quella meteorologica, che viene considerata aleatoria. Nel presente lavoro, a partire dalle misure del livello idrico registrate dai mareografi dei porti di Catania, Palermo e Porto Empedocle nel periodo 1999-2010, sono state ricostruite le rispettive maree meteorologiche ed analizzate statisticamente al fine di trovare la migliore distribuzione di probabil…
The present thesis aims at contributing to a better understanding and modelling of flow driven by wave propagation approaching artificial or natural structures. From a physical point of view, a simplistic descrip- tion of the interaction of sea waves with a coastal structure can be given as the result of all processes felt by the waves which, propagating from offshore to nearshore, impact on the structure itself. Indeed, as sea waves approach a shore, the motion they generate deep down begins to interact with the sea bed. This slows the waves down and causes the crests in a series of waves to bunch up; this effect is called shoaling. The period of the waves does not change, but their height…
Inflow/outflow pressure boundary conditions for smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of incompressible flows
Abstract Open Boundary treatment is a well-known issue in the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method, mainly when the truly Incompressible (ISPH) approach is employed. In the paper a novel method is proposed to set pressure boundary conditions in the computational domain inlets and outlets, without requiring the velocity profile assignment. The new technique allows to treat in the same way inflow and outflow sections, effectively dealing with the release of new particles at inlets and the deactivation of the ones leaving the domain through the outlets. Several 3D numerical tests, both in the laminar and turbulent regimes, are carried out to validate the proposed numerical scheme consi…
A shallow water SPH model with PML boundaries
Abstract We focus on the study and implementation of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) numerical code to deal with non-reflecting boundary conditions, starting from the Perfect Matched Layer (PML) approach. Basically, the method exploits the concept of a physical damping which acts on a fictitious layer added to the edges of computational domain. In this paper, we develop the study of time dependent shallow waves propagating on a finite 2D-XY plane domain and their behavior in the presence of circular and, more generic, rectangular boundary absorbing layers. In particular, an analysis of variation of the layer׳s thickness versus the absorbing efficiency is conducted. In our model, the m…
Confronto fra valutazioni del run-up fatte con un modello matematico e una formula empirica con misure di campo
La posizione planimetrica della linea di riva, soli tamente, viene determinata attraverso l’uso di immagini aeree ed utilizzata pe r la ricostruzione dell’evoluzione storica dei litorali. Tuttavia, le informazioni est ratte da tali immagini, descrivendo il confine istantaneo acqua-terra, consentono l’indivi duazione della linea di riva esclusivamente come limite asciutto-bagnato proprio nel momento della ripresa. Per una più corretta localizzazione della linea di riva , è quindi necessario quantificare, oltre agli effetti di marea e di trasporto solido, gli effetti prodotti dal moto ondoso su tale posizione e in particolare il cosiddetto ru n-up. Nel presente lavoro si studia il run-up in u…