A. Candela
Drainage inlets efficiency and its impact on pluvial flooding hazard evaluation uncertainty
Flooding events in urban areas occur quite frequently as a consequence of rain events of lower intensity than the design one, even in case of correct network dimensioning. Inlets are in those cases the critical nodes, and efficient drainage is only ensured when care is taken on their appropriate design and positioning within the pluvial flood-prone areas. Classical approach for design and position of these hydraulic structures can result in high level of uncertainty in defining properly risk levels in urban areas. Further, evaluation of flood hazard in urban areas is made even more difficult if one considers that pluvial flooding can be caused by storm events characterised by a low return t…
Derivazione delle curve di frequenza di portate al colmo per bacini non strumentati a partire da informazioni regionalizzate
Influenza dell'incertezza relativa alla scala delle portate sulla modellazione afflussi-deflussi a scala giornaliera
Le misure di portate defluenti in un corso d’acqua sono solitamente affette da Incertezza dovuta ad una serie di cause concorrenti che influenza fortemente la risposta dei modelli afflussi-deflussi. Nella presente memoria viene analizzata l’influenza dell’incertezza relativa alla scala di deflusso sulla modellazione della risposta idrologica di un bacino idrografico a scala giornaliera. A tal fine è stato utilizzato un modello concettuale, basato sulla teoria dell’IUH (Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph), che tiene conto insieme delle trasformazioni lineari e non lineari che conducono alla formazione del deflusso fluviale a partire da dati giornalieri di pioggia, temperatura dell’aria. La Propag…
Point and non-point pollution assessment for a receiving water body quality management
Diffuse and concentrated pollution control at watershed-scale: an Italian case study
Uncertain Characterization of Flood Hazard Using Bivariate Analysis Based on Copulas
This study presents a methodology to derive probabilistic flood hazard map in flood prone areas taking into account uncertainties in the definition of design-hydrographs. Particularly, we present an innovative approach to obtain probabilistic inundation and flood hazard maps where hydrological input (synthetic flood design event) to a 2D hydraulic model has been defined by generating flood peak discharges and volumes from a bivariate statistical analysis, through the use of copulas. This study also aims to quantify the contribution of boundary conditions uncertainty in order to explore the impact of this uncertainty on probabilistic flood hazard mapping. The uncertainty of extreme flood eve…
Stagionalità e regime delle piene in Sicilia
Can uncertainty in flood hazard estimation be reduced by using high detailed topographic data for floodplain modelling?
Floods are considered the most frequent natural disaster world-wide and may have serious socio economic impacts in a community. In order to accomplish flood risk mitigation, flood risk analysis and assessment are required to provide information on current or future flood hazard and risks. Hazard and risk maps involve different data, expertise and effort, depending also on the end-users. More or less advanced deterministic approaches can be used, but intuitively probabilistic approaches seem to be more correct and suited for modelling flood inundation given typical uncertainties. Two very important matters remain open for research: the calibration of hydraulic models (oriented towards the es…
A new approach for assessing minimum flow in ephemeral streams
The aim of this paper is to propose a new methodological approach, appropriate for low-yielding catchments, by calculating the ecological minimum river flow starting from the river water quality based on biological indicators and physical–chemical characteristics as reported in the Italian Water Law no. 152/06 and in the UE 2000/60 Directive (WFD: Water Framework Directive). Actually, protecting and restoring river flow regimes and hence the ecosystems they support by providing environmental flows, has become a major aspect of river basin management. In detail, pollutant concentrations downstream and fluvial structure cross-sections have been evaluated, starting from discharges released dow…
Pluvial flooding in urban areas: the role of surface drainage efficiency
Pluvial flooding in urban areas may derive from the limited or temporarily reduced efficiency of surface drainage, even when the underlying storm sewers are properly designed. This study focuses on the impact of uncertainties in the operational condition of the surface drainage system on pluvial flood hazard. The flood propagation model FLURB-2D is implemented on a selected study area in the town of Genoa (Italy). Synthetic hyetographs based on the Chicago and bivariate copula methods with suitable return periods are used as input. While simulating the design rainfall, inlet operational conditions are varied stochastically using a Monte Carlo approach. Results confirm that microtopography h…