Mirko Gombia

Analisi critica delle curve di rilassamento in materiali lapidei provenienti da beni culturali.

research product

Validity of NMR pore-size analysis of cultutal heritage ancient building materials containing magnetic impurities

NMR relaxation time distributions, obtained with laboratory and portable devices, are utilized to characterize the pore-size distributions of building materials coming from the Roman remains of the Greek-Roman Theatre of Taormina. To validate the interpretation of relaxation data in terms of pore-size distribution, comparison of results from standard and in situ NMR experiments with results of the mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) has been made. Although the pore-size distributions can be obtained by NMR in terms of either longitudinal (T-1) or transverse (T-2) relaxation times distributions, the shorter duration of the T-2 measurement makes it, in principle, preferable, although the dete…

research product

Applicazione di trasformate wavelet per la riduzione del rumore nelle immagini NMR di rocce sedimentarie

Il sempre crescente interesse verso i Beni Culturali suscita molteplici problematiche inerenti la salvaguardia e la diagnosi del loro stato di conservazione. In questo ambito, lo studio delle caratteristiche, quali ad esempio le proprietà capillari delle rocce sedimentarie, ricopre un’importanza cruciale non solo per studiare lo stato di conservazione ma anche per fornire utili indicazioni sulle possibili tecniche e sui materiali da utilizzare negli eventuali trattamenti di protezione e restauro. Al fine di ottenere approfondite informazioni sulle proprietà capillari, il presente lavoro propone un metodo matematico utile nello studio della cinetica di assorbimento capillare. Lo studio è sta…

research product

Solid-liquid nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation and signal amplitude relationships with ranking of seasoned softwoods and hardwoods

In 1H NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) relaxation measurements for a set of eight hardwood and softwood samples, each Free Induction Decay (FID) is fit by the sum of a “Solid” signal of the form A exp[−c(t/Ts)2] [1−g(t/Ts)2+h(t/Ts)4] plus a “Liquid” signal B exp(−t/T2 FID). Distributions of longitudinal (T1) relaxation times were computed separately for the Solid and Liquid components, giving also the Solid/Liquid 1H ratio α. From measurements on the samples dried, seasoned, and hydrated, the moisture content, (Liquid/Solid weight ratio) was found to be approximately 0.50/α. For each of the “Seasoned” samples (10-13% moisture content) a single T1 peak was found for the Solid and two for the…

research product

Misure di rilassamento 1H-NMR per la classificazione di essenze lignee e per lo studio di trattamenti protettivi e consolidanti

research product

Confronto TAC – MRI per lo studio della cinetica di assorbimento dell’acqua in materiali lapidei

Vengono messe a confronto due tecniche, la Risonanza Magnetica (MRI) e la tomografia assiale computerizzata (TAC), per ottenere informazioni quantitative sulla cinetica di assorbimento dell’acqua in sezioni interne di materiali lapidei. Entrambe le tecniche permettono di studiare adeguatamente il fenomeno. Nel caso in cui si formi un fronte di bagnamento, come per la Pietra di Lecce, l’analisi delle immagini consente di determinare in modo quantitativo l’altezza di risalita in funzione del tempo ed i dati possono essere interpretati alla luce del modello di Washburn per l’assorbimento capillare. Nel caso in cui il fronte non si formi, come per campioni di biocalcareite provenienti da una ca…

research product

Water capillary absorption in porous media in different wettability conditions studied by Quantitative MRI and X-ray CT

X-ray computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have been successfully applied to study both the capillary properties of several samples of Lecce stone and the performances of treatments used for protection and conservation of historical stone artifacts. The presence of water inside the sample may be visualized by both MRI and X-ray CT. For the treated samples, the different dynamics of water absorption gives indirectly the efficacy of the polymer in the rock.

research product

Noise reduction in magnetic resonance images by Wavelet transforms: an application to the study of capillary water absorption in sedimentary rocks

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a powerful technique to study capillary water absorption kinetics in sedimentary rocks. However, the noise in the images can limit the correct identification and the quantitative measurement of the average height reached by the wetting front inside the porous material where imbibition occurs. Therefore, denoising methods can be applied to improve the image quality for a more accurate analysis, without the disadvantages of longer acquisition times. This study attempts to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the images acquired by MRI on a sedimentary rock (Pietra di Lecce) using a waveletbased thresholding technique. The idea is to average some slightly di…

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