Jacques Roger
D'un premier édifice chrétien à la crypte médiévale. Résultats des recherches archéologiques
International audience
Une restitution de la forme originelle du mausolée gallo-romain de La Souterraine est-elle envisageable ?
International audience
Archéologie des premières architectures chrétiennes dans le département de la Creuse : un état des connaissances
International audience
Écuelles des morts et autres dépôts céramiques en contexte funéraire en Limousin (Moyen Âge-XXe siècle)
International audience
Inventaire des premiers lieux de culte chrétiens dans l’espace rural creusois
International audience
Quelques réflexions sur les remplois antiques en Limousin au cours du Moyen Âge
Different kinds of antique material were re-used in the Limousin region during the middle ages. In this article the authors will mostly focus on the big ashlars located in the ecclesiastical rural sites. More and more of these specific kinds of spolia are now known. Around 50 sites are identified where they were used in churches or in their surroundings (mostly sarcophagi). In most examples only few pieces were used. Nonetheless, in seven cases those blocks are numerous, and in three of them parts of antique buildings - using monumental ashlars - are incorporated into churches. It is highly probable that the spoiled monuments were mausolea. At least two of them were re-used for a Christian …
Aux origines de La Souterraine, acte du colloque de La souterraine, 18 et 19 septembre 2017
International audience
Architecture des bâtiments du Néolithique à l'âge du Bronze dans le centre-ouest de la France
National audience
L’usage des trachytes de la chaîne des Puys depuis deux millénaires
The very recent work carried out within the framework of a Collective Research Project (PCR-Trachytes) supported by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs has completely renewed our knowledge of the use of trachytic lavas from the chaîne des Puys over the last two millennia. A complete petrographic identity sheet has been established for each of these trachytes. This database showed that each trachytic volcano was made up of a different lava from those of its neighbours, except for Cliersou and Aumône which have the same lava. Moreover, for the Puy de Dôme and the Cratère Kilian, it was shown that they were each made up of two different lavas. Thus, the fine chara…
Close-Range Photogrammetric Tools for Epigraphic Surveys
In this article, we present a method to carry out a computerized epigraphic survey of historic stones and their engraved epigraphy. In fact, the preservation of archaeological objects has always been an issue of concern for the research community. On the one hand, the fragility of the objects limits their study. On the other hand, such objects are housed in museums, libraries, and institutions worldwide, locations that significantly limit their accessibility. Different survey methods have been carried out in these attempts to overcome the aforementioned limitations. Among them, the MicMac open source software was used in this work to survey and process the dense correlation of the hieroglyp…
Le monastère de La Souterraine d'après les sources archéologiques
International audience
Archéologie dans la Creuse en 2017
International audience
Les sarcophages mérovingiens en trachyte. Des carrières aux lieux d'enfouissement (Massif central)
A multi-disciplinary team is currently working on trachyte, a volcanic rock from the Chaîne des Puys (French massif central), within a research program supported by the French ministry of Culture. Although it has been known at least since the 19th century that this rock was used for construction and sculpture in antiquity, and in the making of sarcophagi in the middle ages, the systematisation of the research on trachyte, carried out since 2008, has enabled us to make significant advances in the knowledge of its exploitation and dissemination. Geologists have established a detailed identity card of the six volcanoes where massive lava is available, thereby allowing the classification of eac…
Que sont devenus les objets archéologiques découverts à Bridiers ?
International audience
Les sarcophages du département de la Creuse : Une contribution à l'étude des pratiques funéraires du haut Moyen Âge
International audience; Le travail d'inventaire des sarcophages réalisé depuis 2009 dans le département de la Creuse a permis un renouvellement profond de la documentation existante. En outre, grâce à l'analyse sur le terrain de plus de 170 cuves réparties sur près de 60 communes. Il a été possible de proposer une nouvelle classification morphologique, ainsi q'une première approche spatiale et chronologique. Enfin, la découverte de sarcophages en contexte stratigraphique lors de fouilles récentes autour des églises permet de mieux appréhender le cimetière du haut Moyen Âge dans ce département, de sa topographie à son environnement.
De la carrière au cimetière, nouvelles approches archéologiques sur les sarcophages mérovingiens en trachyte du Puy de Dôme (Massif central, France)
International audience
Fontaines antiques zoomorphes dans le Massif central. Des lionnes grises cracheuses d’eau
International audience
Prospections radar : nouveaux essais autour des sites religieux en Creuse et en Haute-Vienne
International audience
La porte Peyrine à Châteauponsac (Haute-Vienne) : une possible fortification de l’Antiquité tardive inédite ?
1° In Limousin, our knowledge of ancient monumentalfuneral architecture has been given a new impetus forresearch during the past fifteen years thanks to the inventoryof large-stone blocks reused in civil and religious constructionsor even in later funeral arrangements.2° It is from this standpoint that the Châteauponsac sitehas been included where, in an urban landscape, a largeconcentration of examples of ancient architecture areconserved. Among the major facilities preserving in theirelevations a large number of these re-used stones is includedthe ancient Saint-Thyrse abbey church and the Porte Peyrine ,which unlike the neighbouring religious building, has so farbeen the subject of no spe…