Renaud Bernadet
La place des matériaux organiques dans le mobilier de la tombe princière de Lavau (Aube) : premiers résultats
La tombe princière de Lavau et le concept d’un artisanat de cour
The idea of crafts specifically linked to a high status court, with outstanding artisans who gravitated around a local prince took form during the study of objects from the Lavau tomb, the discovery of which has given scholars a rare glimpse of the riches contained within a high status tomb dating to the La Tène A1. These objects, from a tomb that is later than most tombs of this period, represent a standard Hallstattian funerary set but also include new La Tène objects. They highlight probable long distance relations involving the trade of luxury items of Mediterranean influence. These would have probably influenced or inspired local crafts people, who made objects in order to highlight th…