Reactivity of commercial silicon and silicides towards copper(I) chloride. Effect of aluminium, calcium and iron on the formation of copper silicide
Abstract The reaction of CuCl with silicon, containing Al, Fe and Ca as impurities, or with silicides (Si2Ca, Si2Fe, Si2Al2Ca, Si8Al6Fe4Ca) has been investigated in the temperature range 200–300°C. For the reaction between CuCl and commercial Si, it was found that, at 282°C, aluminium promotes the reaction between Cu3Si and CuCl while the rate of consumption of Cu3Si is greatly reduced by the presence of iron. The combined action of these two impurities leads to the formation of more copper–silicon alloy. In the presence of mixed silicides, the reaction with CuCl also leads to the formation of Cu3Si. For the quaternary Al–Ca silicide containing iron the rate of formation of Cu3Si is not inc…