S. Stow
New national and regional bryophyte records, 39
1. Andreaea alpestris (Thed.) Schimp.Contributor: L. ThouvenotAndorra: Encamp, Ensagents, 42°31′07″N, 1°38′41″E, 2520 m a.s.l., on the top of granitic rock in alpine meadow, 17 July 2006, leg. L. T...
New national and regional bryophyte records, 32
Ditrichum gracile was recorded in the locality Samarske stijene in the Velika Kapela Mt for first time in Croatia. Ditrichum gracile occured within forests of common spruce belonging to the community Hyperico grisebachii - Piceetum on the forest floor, forming distinct patches of several square decimetres. The plants were of typical appearance, medium to robust, in reddish green to purplish black, rarely green patches.