Accuracy and Safety of Ultrasound-Guided Core Needle Biopsy of Soft Tissue Tumors in an Outpatient Setting: A Sarcoma Center Analysis of 392 Consecutive Patients.
Simple Summary In patients with unclear soft tissue lesions, treatment planning largely depends on histology. Core needle biopsy is the diagnostic standard in these cases. The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate accuracy and safety of ultrasound guided core needle biopsy at a tertiary referral center. We show that ultrasound guided biopsy was feasible as a one stop shop procedure in an outpatient setting in 87.6% of the cases. The rate of conclusive biopsies was 88.5%. After surgical resection, the dignity, tumor type and histopathological grading of the biopsy matched one of the resection specimens in 97.2%, 92.7% and 92.5% of the cases, respectively. Major complications occ…