H. Simon

Dipole excitations of neutron-proton asymmetric nuclei

Dipole excitations of unstable short-lived nuclei has been investigated experimentally by utilizing the electromagnetic-excitation process with high-energy secondary beams. From an exclusive measurement of the neutron-decay channels, differential cross sections with respect to excitation energy, which are directly related to the photo-absorption cross section and accordingly to the dipole-strength function, have been derived. Light neutron-rich nuclei in the mass range fromA = 11 toA = 23 with mass-over-charge ratios up toA/Z≈ 2.8 have been investigated systematically. Much in contrast to stable nuclei, low-lying dipole excitations well below the giant dipole resonance region have been obse…

research product

"Safe" Coulomb excitation of 30Mg.

We report on the first radioactive beam experiment performed at the recently commissioned REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN in conjunction with the highly efficient $\gamma$ -spectrometer MINIBALL. Using $^{30}$Mg ions accelerated to an energy of 2.25MeV/u together with a thin $^{nat}$Ni target, Coulomb excitation of the first excited 2+ states of the projectile and target nuclei well below the Coulomb barrier was observed. From the measured relative de-excitation $\gamma$ -ray yields the B(E2; 0$^{+}_{gs} \rightarrow 2^{+}_{1}$) value of $^{30}$Mg was determined to be 241(31)$e^{2}$fm$^{4}$. Our result is lower than values obtained at projectile fragmenttion facilities using the intermediate-ene…

research product

The neutron-rich Mg isotopes: first results from MINIBALL at REX-ISOLDE

After the successful commissioning of the Radioactive beam EXperiment (REX) at ISOLDE (CERN) in 2002, first physics experiments were performed in 2003 which focussed on the neutron-rich Mg isotopes in the vicinity of the “island of inversion”. After introducing the REX facility and the modern γ spectrometer MINIBALL first preliminary results will be presented showing the high potential and physics opportunities offered by this new radioactive beam facility.

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Exclusive measurements of nuclear breakup reactions of 17Ne

F. Wamers et al.; 4 pags.; 2 figs. Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 2.0

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Thermonuclear reactionS30(p,γ)Cl31studied via Coulomb breakup ofCl31

Coulomb breakup at high energy in inverse kinematics of proton-rich Cl-31 was used to constrain the thermonuclear S-30(p,gamma)Cl-31 capture reaction rate under typical Type I x-ray burst conditions. This reaction is a bottleneck during rapid proton-capture nucleosynthesis (rp process), where its rate depends predominantly on the nuclear structure of Cl-31. Two low-lying states just above the proton-separation threshold of S-p = 296( 50) keV in Cl-31 have been identified experimentally using the (RB)-B-3-LAND setup at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH. Both states are considered to play a key role in the thermonuclear S-30( p,gamma)Cl-31 capture reaction. Excitation ene…

research product

Nuclear moments of neon isotopes in the range fromNe17at the proton drip line to neutron-richNe25

Nuclear moments of odd-A neon isotopes in the range 17 ≤ A ≤ 25 have been determined from optical hyperfine structures measured by collinear fast-beam laser spectroscopy. The magnetic dipole moments of 17 Ne, 23 Ne and 25 Ne, as well as the electric quadrupole moment of 23 Ne are either reported for the first time or improved considerably. The measurements also decide for a 1/2 + ground state of 25 Ne. The behavior of the magnetic moments of the proton drip-line nucleus 17 Ne and its mirror partner 17 N suggests isospin symmetry. Thus, no clear indication of an anomalous nuclear structure is found for 17 Ne. The magnetic moments of the investigated nuclei are discussed in a shell-model appr…

research product

In-beam test results of the Super-FRS GEM-TPC detector prototype with relativistic uranium ion beam

As an essential part of the Super-FRS particle identification, the GEM-TPC detector in a twin field-cage configuration will provide position information at up to 1 MHz counting rate with a spatial resolution 95 %. This detector is designed to provide particle-beam tracking information of projectiles ranging from protons to uranium. The performance of the GEM-TPC detector in a single field-cage configuration and newly integrated AWAGS readout electronics with a differential output was studied at the FRS for the response to the uranium beam at 850 MeV/u with intensity up to 1000 ions/spill. The result shows that a clusterization algorithm developed for this analysis works properly. The spatia…

research product

New information on β-delayed neutron emission from Be-12, Be-14

17 pages, 3 tables, 5 figures, 1 appendix.-- PACS nrs.: 23.40.Hc; 27.20.+n.

research product

The ASY-EOS experiment at GSI: Investigating the symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities

The elliptic-flow ratio of neutrons with respect to protons in reactions of neutron rich heavy-ions systems at intermediate energies has been proposed as an observable sensitive to the strength of the symmetry term in the nuclear Equation Of State (EOS) at supra-saturation densities. The recent results obtained from the existing FOPI/LAND data for $^{197}$Au+$^{197}$Au collisions at 400 MeV/nucleon in comparison with the UrQMD model allowed a first estimate of the symmetry term of the EOS but suffer from a considerable statistical uncertainty. In order to obtain an improved data set for Au+Au collisions and to extend the study to other systems, a new experiment was carried out at the GSI la…

research product

“Safe” Coulomb Excitation ofMg30

We report on the first radioactive beam experiment performed at the recently commissioned REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN in conjunction with the highly efficient γ spectrometer MINIBALL. Using Mg-30 ions accelerated to an energy of 2.25 MeV/u together with a thin Ni-nat target, Coulomb excitation of the first excited 2(+) states of the projectile and target nuclei well below the Coulomb barrier was observed. From the measured relative deexcitation γ-ray yields the B(E2;0(gs)(+)R 2(1)(+)) value of Mg-30 was determined to be 241(31)e(2) fm(4). Our result is lower than values obtained at projectile fragmentation facilities using the intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation method, and confirms the …

research product

Coulomb excitation of exotic nuclei at the R3B-LAND setup

Exotic Ni isotopes have been measured at the R3B-LAND setup at GSI in Darmstadt, using Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics at beam energies around 500 MeV/u. As the experimental setup allows kinematically complete measurements, the excitation energy was reconstructed using the invariant mass method. The GDR and additional low-lying strength have been observed in 68Ni, the latter exhausting 4.1(1.9)% of the E1 energy-weighted sum rule. Also, the branching ratio for the non-statistical decay of the excited 68Ni nuclei was measured and amounts to 24(4)%.

research product

Light exotic isotopes: recent beam developments and physics applications at ISOLDE

This paper is divided in three parts: (i) the measurement of yields and decay losses of Li and Be isotopes released from a thin foil tantalum target at the CERN/ISOLDE PS-Booster; (ii) results from beta-decay experiments on Be-12 and Be-14, an improved half-life of 21.49(3) ms has been obtained for Be-12; (iii) the beta-decay of C-9. An outline of the analysis procedure to determine the branching at high excitation energies is given. The ground-state branch has been determined to 54.1(15)%.

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Investigation of the Li9+H2→Li8+t reaction at REX-ISOLDE

The one-neutron transfer reaction Li-9 + H-2 -> Li-8 + t has been investigated in an inverse kinematics experiment by bombarding a deuterated polypropylene target with a 2.36 MeV/u Li-9 beam from the post-accelerator REX-ISOLDE at CERN. Excitation energies in Li-8 as well as angular distributions of the tritons were obtained and spectroscopic factors deduced. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Hypernuclear production cross section in the reaction of 6Li + 12C at 2 A GeV

WOS: 000358624800021

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Hypernuclear spectroscopy of products from Li-6 projectiles on a carbon target at 2 A GeV

WOS: 000322848900009

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Dissociation of 8He into 6He + n + X at 240 MeV/u

4 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables.

research product

Production of hypernuclei in peripheral HI collisions: The HypHI project at GSI

ECT Workshop on Strange Hadronic Matter -- SEP 26-30, 2011 -- Trento, ITALY

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Coulomb dissociation of P 27 at 500 MeV/u

J. Marganiec et al. ; 15 págs.; 14 figs.; 6 tabs.

research product

Unveiling the two-proton halo character of 17Ne: Exclusive measurement of quasi-free proton-knockout reactions

7 pags., 5 figs.

research product

β-decay studies of135–137Snusing selective resonance laser ionization techniques

The decays of the very neutron rich Sn isotopes Sn135-137 were studied at CERN/ISOLDE using isotopic and isobaric selectivity achieved by the use of a resonance ionization laser ion source and mass spectroscopy, respectively. Neutron decay rates, gamma-ray singles, and gamma-gamma coincidence data were collected as a function of time. The half-life (T-1/2) and delayed neutron emission probability (P-n) values of 135 Sn were measured to be 530(20) ms and 21(3)%, respectively. For Sn-136, a T-1/2 of 250(30) ms was determined along with a P-n value of 30(5)%. For Sn-137, a T-1/2 of 190(60) ms and a P-n value of 58(15)% were deduced. Identification of low-energy transitions in Sb-135 was made p…

research product

Low energy reactions with radioactive ions at REX-ISOLDE-the 9Li + 2H case

19 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables.-- PACS nrs.: 25.60.-t; 25.45.-z; 27.20.+n.-- et al. ISOLDE Collaborattion and REX-ISOLDE Collaboration.

research product