Music therapy or music medicine?
Letter to the editor En kritisk kommentar til en artikel af V. Brandes et al (2010), som omtaler en undersøgelse som msuikterapi, selvom der tydeligvis er tale om musikmedicin. Brevet forsøger at præcisere begreberne i en international forksningskontekst.
Music as a resource for psychological health for music professionals : A Nordic survey
Purpose: Interest in the health relevance of music has been growing rapidly, yet few studies have addressed the protective role of music for music professionals themselves. In the current study, we investigated music professionals’ (music teachers, music therapists, musicians and academics) health, particularly their uses of music as a resource for their psychological health. Design: An online survey (N = 504) for music professionals was conducted across four Nordic countries. Participants responded to questions on music as a resource for psychological health and assessed their general levels of health and health behaviors. Their self-reported health was compared to similar prior data from …