J. Bernabeu

Spontaneous CP violation and the B system

We investigate effects of spontaneous breakdown of CP in $B^0_{d,s}-\overline{B^0}_{d,s}$ systems in left-right symmetric models. Assuming that the left-right contribution to the $B^0-\overline{B^0}$ matrix element $M_{12}$ can be at most equal to the standard model one we obtain a new lower bound, $M_H\gsim 12$ TeV, on the flavour changing Higgs boson mass. Most importantly, the convention independent parameter $Re(\overline{\epsilon}_B),$ which measures the amount of $\Delta B=2$ CP violation, can be enhanced by a factor of four or more for $B^0_d$ and almost by two orders of magnitude for $B^0_s$ systems when compared with the Standard Model predictions. Therefore, interesting possibilit…

research product

Beam study of irradiated ATLAS-SCT prototypes

Abstract Prototypes of ATLAS-SCT modules with ABCD readout chips were tested in a 4 GeV/c pion beam at KEK's proton synchrotron. Of both SCT module geometries—barrel and forward—three identical modules were placed in the beam. One module of each type had been irradiated to 3×1014 protons/cm2 in the CERN PS previous to the beam test. A method has been developed to reconstruct the time-resolved shaper pulse from the binary hit information, allowing a more detailed study of the timing properties of the ABCD. The present results will be compared to a simulation of the charge collection and Front End electronics response.

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Neutrino Pair Synchrotron Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Strong Magnetic Fields

The emissivity for the neutrino pair synchrotron radiation in strong magnetic fields has been calculated both analytically and numerically for high densities and moderate temperatures, as can be found in neutron stars. Under these conditions, the electrons are relativistic and degenerate. We give here our results in terms of an universal function of a single variable. For two different regimes of the electron gas we present a simplified calculation and compare our results to those of Kaminker et al. Agreement is found for the classical region, where many Landau levels contribute to the emissivity , but some differences arise in the quantum regime. One finds that the emissivity for neutrino …

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A layer correlation technique for pion energy calibration at the 2004 ATLAS Combined Beam Test

A new method for calibrating the hadron response of a segmented calorimeter is developed and successfully applied to beam test data. It is based on a principal component analysis of energy deposits in the calorimeter layers, exploiting longitudinal shower development information to improve the measured energy resolution. Corrections for invisible hadronic energy and energy lost in dead material in front of and between the calorimeters of the ATLAS experiment were calculated with simulated Geant4 Monte Carlo events and used to reconstruct the energy of pions impinging on the calorimeters during the 2004 Barrel Combined Beam Test at the CERN H8 area. For pion beams with energies between 20GeV…

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Spontaneous breakdown of CP in left-right symmetric models

We show that it is possible to obtain spontaneous CP violation in the minimal $SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \times U(1)_{B-L}$, i.e. in a left right symmetric model containing a bidoublet and two triplets in the scalar sector. For this to be a natural scenario, the non-diagonal quartic couplings between the two scalar triplets and the bidoublet play a fundamental role. We analyze the corresponding Higgs spectrum, the suppression of FCNC's and the manifestation of the spontaneous CP phase in the electric dipole moment of the electron.

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Gamma-Z interferometry at a phi-factory

We analyze the possibilities that the proposed $\Phi$-factories offer to measure $\gamma-Z$ interference. In the unpolarized beam case, we study different signatures in the $\rho \pi$ channel, taking advantage of the presence of the near-by $a_1$ resonance. We build a C-odd forward-backward asymmetry, estimated to be around $10^{-5}$, and (P-even, T-even) and (P-odd, T-odd) alignments of the $\rho$, to be seen from the angular distribution of its $\pi \pi$ decay products. With polarized electrons a left-right asymmetry around $2\times 10^{-4}$ is present in all channels. At leading order this asymmetry is independent of hadronic matrix elements and is sensitive to the $Z^0-s\bar{s}$ vector …

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Results of the 1999 H8 beam tests of ATLAS-SCT prototypes

Abstract During the August–September 1999 test beam in H8 at CERN three half-modules, equipped with different types of fast binary Front End electronics, have been tested. The results indicate that all three SCT electronics candidates satisfy ATLAS efficiency and noise occupancy requirements. In addition, a study on the effect of detector bias voltage on efficiency (ballistic deficit) is reported.

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Time Reversal Violation from the entangled B0-antiB0 system

We discuss the concepts and methodology to implement an experiment probing directly Time Reversal (T) non-invariance, without any experimental connection to CP violation, by the exchange of "in" and "out" states. The idea relies on the B0-antiB0 entanglement and decay time information available at B factories. The flavor or CP tag of the state of the still living neutral meson by the first decay of its orthogonal partner overcomes the problem of irreversibility for unstable systems, which prevents direct tests of T with incoherent particle states. T violation in the time evolution between the two decays means experimentally a difference between the intensities for the time-ordered (l^+ X, J…

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A portable telescope based on the ALIBAVA system for test beam studies

Abstract A test beam telescope has been built using the ALIBAVA system to drive its data acquisition. The basic telescope planes consist of four XYT stations. Each station is built from a detector board with two strip sensors, mounted one in each side (strips crossing at 90°). The ensemble is coupled to an ALIBAVA daughter board. These stations act as reference frame and allow a precise track reconstruction. The system is triggered by the coincidence signal of the two scintillators located up and down stream. The telescope can hold several devices under tests. Each ALIBAVA daughter board is linked to its corresponding mother board. The system can hold up to 16 mother boards. A master board …

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CP asymmetries in B-0 decays in the left-right model

We study time dependent CP asymmetries in B^0_{d,s} decays in the left-right model with spontaneous breakdown of CP. Due to the new contributions to B^0-\bar B^0 mixing the CP asymmetries can be substantially modified. Moreover, there can be significant new contributions to the $B$-meson decay amplitudes from the magnetic penguins. Most promising for detection of the new physics in the planned $B$ factories is that the CP asymmetries in the decays B--> J/\psi K_S and B--> \phi K_S which are supposed to be equal in the standard model can differ significantly in this class of models independently of the results in the measurements of B--> X_s \gamma.

research product

Time reversal violation for entangled neutral mesons

A direct evidence for Time Reversal Violation (TRV) means an experiment that, considered by itself, clearly shows TRV independent of, and unconnected to, the results for CP Violation. No existing result before the recent BABAR experiment with entangled neutral B mesons had demonstrated TRV in this sense. There is a unique solution for the test of TRV with unstable particles thanks to the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) Entanglement between the two neutral mesons in B, and φ, Factories. The two quantum effects of the decays as filtering measurements of the meson states and the transfer of information of the first decay to the still living partner allow performing a genuine TRV asymmetry with t…

research product

Observation of Time-Reversal Violation in the B0 Meson System

Although CP violation in the B meson system has been well established by the B factories, there has been no direct observation of time reversal violation. The decays of entangled neutral B mesons into definite flavor states ($B^0$ or $\bar{B}^0$), and $J/\psi K_S^0$ or $c\bar{c} K_S^0$ final states (referred to as $B_+$ or $B_-$), allow comparisons between the probabilities of four pairs of T-conjugated transitions, for example, $\bar{B}^0 \rightarrow B_-$ and $B_- \rightarrow \bar{B}^0$, as a function of the time difference between the two B decays. Using 468 million $B\bar{B}$ pairs produced in $\Upsilon(4S)$ decays collected by the BABAR detector at SLAC, we measure T-violating parameter…

research product

Performance of the ATLAS silicon strip detector modules

Abstract The performance of the silicon strip detector prototypes developed for use in ATLAS at the LHC is reported. Baseline detector assemblies (“modules”) of 12 cm length were read out with binary electronics at 40 MHz clock speed. For both irradiated and unirradiated modules, the tracking efficiency, noise occupancy, and position resolution were measured as a function of bias voltage, binary hit threshold, and detector rotation angle in a 1.56 T magnetic field. Measurements were also performed at a particle flux comparable to the one expected at the LHC.

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Hard m(t) corrections as a probe of the symmetry breaking sector

Non-decoupling effects related to a large $m_t$ affecting non-oblique radiative corrections in vertices ($Z\bar{b}b$) and boxes ($B$-$\bar{B}$ mixing and $\epsilon_K$) are very sensitive to the particular mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking. We analyze these corrections in the framework of a chiral electroweak standard model and find that there is only one operator in the effective lagrangian which modifies the longitudinal part of the $W^+$ boson without touching the oblique corrections. The inclusion of this operator affects the $Z\bar{b}b$ vertex, the $B$-$\bar{B}$ mixing and the CP-violating parameter $\epsilon_K$, generating interesting correlations among the hard $m_t^4 \log m_…

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Studying Indirect Violation of CP, T and CPT in a B-factory

In this work we analyze the observable asymmetries one can build from entangled B-meson states, in order to extract information on the parameters epsilon and delta which govern indirect violation of discrete symmetries. The traditionally proposed observables, based on flavour tags, are not helpful for the study of the Bd-system, where the tiny value of the width difference between physical states clears up such asymmetry effects. Our study makes instead use of CP tags in order to build new asymmetries where the different parameters can be separated out. For this separation, it is decisive to achieve a good time resolution in the measurement of entangled state decays. Nevertheless, even with…

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The CP-Conserving Direction

A symmetry transformation is well defined in the case of an invariant theory, being the corresponding operator undetermined otherwise. However, we show that, even with CP violation, it is possible to determine the CP transformation by separating the Lagrangian of the Standard Model in a CP-conserving and a CP-violating part, in a unique way, making use of the empirically known quark mixing hierarchy. To order \lambda^3 for the Bd-system, the CP-conserving direction matches one of the sides of the (bd) unitarity triangle. We use this determination to calculate the rephasing invariant parameter \epsilon, which measures CP-mixing in the B0-B0bar system.

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β-decay study of150Er,152Yb, and156Yb: Candidates for a monoenergetic neutrino beam facility

The beta decays of ^{150}Er, ^{152}Yb, and ^{156}Yb nuclei are investigated using the total absorption spectroscopy technique. These nuclei can be considered possible candidates for forming the beam of a monoenergetic neutrino beam facility based on the electron capture (EC) decay of radioactive nuclei. Our measurements confirm that for the cases studied, the EC decay proceeds mainly to a single state in the daughter nucleus.

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CP Asymmetries in B_s Decays and Spontaneous CP violation

We study possible effects of new physics in CP asymmetries in two-body $B_s$ decays in left-right models with spontaneous CP violation. Considering the contributions of new CP phases to the $B_s$ mixing as well as to the penguin dominated decay amplitudes we show that, with the present constraints, large deviations from the standard model predictions in CP asymmetries are allowed in both cases. Detection of the new physics can be done by measuring non-zero asymmetries which are predicted to vanish in the standard model or by comparing two measurements which are predicted to be equal in the standard model. In particular, we show that the measurement of the CKM angle $\gamma$ in electroweak p…

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O(alpha_s) Spin-Spin Correlations for Top and Bottom Quark Production in e+ e- Annihilation

We present the full O(alpha_s) longitudinal spin-spin correlations for heavy-quark pair production at e+ e- high-energy colliders in closed analytical form. In such reactions, quark and antiquark have strongly correlated spins, and the longitudinal components are dominant. For the explicit computation of the QCD bremsstrahlung contributions, new phase-space integrals are derived. Explicit numerical estimates are given for t t_bar and b b_bar production. Around the Z-peak, QCD one-loop corrections depolarize the spin-spin asymmetry for bottom quark pairs by approximately -4%. For top pair production, we find at 350GeV a 0.6% increased polarization over a value of 0.4 in the longitudinal corr…

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The sign of Δm312 and the muon-charge asymmetry for atmospheric neutrinos

We discuss the possibility to measure the sign of dm2_{31} from matter-induced charge asymmetries in atmospheric neutrino oscillations. The main conclusion is that an impact on the nu_mu survival probability requires the action of the MSW resonance, which becomes visible for baselines above \~7000 km.

research product

Beam test of the ATLAS silicon detector modules

Abstract Results are reported from a beam test of prototype silicon microstrip detectors and front-end electronics developed for use in the LHC detector ATLAS. The detector assemblies (“modules”) were 12 cm long and were read out with binary electronics. Both irradiated and unirradiated modules were measured in a 1.56 T magnetic field for efficiency, noise occupancy, and position resolution as a function of bias voltage, binary hit threshold, and detector rotation angle with respect to the beam direction.

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Neutral currents in semi-leptonic processes ΔT=0

It is often argued that between nonstrange (and noncharmed) hadrons the matrix element of the last part of the current can be neglected, and calculations along this line have been performed. If this assumption turns out to be true, the only isoscalar neutral current between nonstrange hadrons is that contained in the electromagnetic one. The consequences are examined.

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