N. Gmelch

Report on collaborative SLPs and related mobility

This report (D6.2) outlines the work carried in Work Package (WP) 6 of this project E-SLP, where 5 actual SLP pilots were designed, implemented and delivered to students. This report builds on the cooperation model described in D6.1, and the work done in WP2 "Concept and role of SLPs in European HE” and WP3 “Institutional policies for SLP’s”. Furthermore D.6.2 describes the methodology used to design each pilot, detailing its target group, study level, contents and programme characteristics. The lessons learned from these pilots will be detailed in D.6.3 “Models and guidelines for the collaborative development and delivery of SLPs and related mobility”, which add the experience level to rep…

research product

Report on models and guidelines for the collaborative design, development and delivery of SLPs

This document refers to deliverable 6.3 on the development of models and guidelines for the collaborative development and delivery of short learning programs and related mobility. Originally started with an introductory document, based on experience and expertise with joint Erasmus Mundus programmes, the Networked Curriculum Project (NETCU) and the work on the EADTU Mobility Matrix, this document builds further on the experience of the pilots in the ESLP project (WP6) and from other work packages, referring in particular to the comprehensive SLP design guidelines that have been developed (WP4). nonPeerReviewed

research product