Towards in-jet resonance ionization spectroscopy : An injection-locked Titanium:Sapphire laser system for the PALIS-facility
This article presents a pulsed narrowband injection-locked Titanium:Sapphire laser aimed for high-resolution in-jet resonance ionization spectroscopy at the SLOWRI/PALIS at RIKEN. The laser has been integrated into the PALIS laser laboratory enabling it to be utilized with the existing broadband Titanium:Sapphire and dye lasers. The seed efficiency has been evaluated to be close to unity over the master laser wavelength range ∼ 753 to 791 nm, and the slope efficiency, namely the ratio of the pump power to the output power, was determined to be ∼ 30 % at 780 nm. A two-step ionization scheme with 386.4016 nm first step and 286.731 nm second step into an autoionizing state was developed for re…