Lasse Kangas

Monelta kantilta : Ilkka Nummelalle omistettu juhlakirja

research product

Enhanced quantification of wollastonite and calcite in limestone using fluorescence correction based on continuous wavelet transformation for Raman

Raman spectroscopy offers a nondestructive means to identify minerals in rocks, but the ability to use the technology for quantitative mineralogical analysis is limited by fluorescence that can mask the spectral features of minerals. In this paper we apply continuous wavelet transformation (CWT) to remove fluoresence from Raman data acquired from 26 carbonate rock samples. We then record the intensity values of individual spectral features, proxies for mineral abundances, using the original Raman data and the thus inferred CWT data. The intensity values are then compared against the known mineral abundances determined using the scanning electron microscope (SEM) technology. This comparison …

research product

Enhanced quantification of wollastonite and calcite in limestone using fluorescence correction based on continuous wavelet transformation for Raman

Raman spectroscopy offers a nondestructive means to identify minerals in rocks, but the ability to use the technology for quantitative mineralogical analysis is limited by fluorescence that can mask the spectral features of minerals. In this paper we apply continuous wavelet transformation (CWT) to remove fluoresence from Raman data acquired from 26 carbonate rock samples. We then record the intensity values of individual spectral features, proxies for mineral abundances, using the original Raman data and the thus inferred CWT data. The intensity values are then compared against the known mineral abundances determined using the scanning electron microscope (SEM) technology. This comparison …

research product

Dosentti Lasse Kankaan juhlapuhe kirjaston 90-vuotisjuhlassa 22.11.2002

research product