A Rinaldi
L’effetto del food supply sul budget energetico di tre bivalvi in Mediterraneo
Public Health physicians and empathy: are we really emphatic? The Jefferson Scale applied to Italian resident doctors in Public Health.
Large gaps in care quality resulting from ineffective communication between health providers, patients, and other health care organizations have been documented. Research suggests that effective, empathic communication positively influences health outcomes. Many studies focused on the assessment of clinicians empathy, while there is still a lack of evidence on the role and level of empathy for public health medical doctors,especially during their postgraduate education. The aim of this study was to assess empathy level of public health residents, and to investigate differences in empathy scores using a validated questionnaire. The Italian version of the Jefferson scale of Physician Empathy …
Percezione della importanza della vaccinazione antinfluenzale tra gli specializzandi in Igiene e Medicina Preventiva Italiani. Studio conoscitivo della Consulta dei Medici in Formazione Specialistica della S.It.I
Riassunto Uno studio conoscitivo condotto tra i medici in formazione specialistica in Igiene, Medicina Preventiva e Sanità Pubblica italiani è stato condotto in 25 scuole di specializzazione italiane di tale disciplina (78,1% del totale). Ciascun partecipante è stato intervistato tramite un questionario anonimo ed autosomministrato con domande riguardo attitudini, pratiche e conoscenze sull’influenza e la relativa vaccinazione. La vaccinazione contro l’influenza stagionale 2010-2011 e 2011-2012 è significativamente associata con l’essersi vaccinato almeno 3 volte nelle ultime cinque stagioni influenzali. Gli specializzandi che hanno preso parte durante il loro percorso formativo a campagne …
The functional trait-based approach to investigate life history traits in marine invertebrates to predict effects of global climate change on ecosystems
Local food availability affects invasion ability of alien bivalves: an experimental and simulation integrated approach
The Lessepsian bivalve Brachidontes pharaonis is considered as one of 100 worst invasive species in the Mediterranean rapidly colonizing the most part of the Basin. Its current distribution seems primarily due to ship transport of carrying larvae by ballast waters and/or in the fouling attached beneath the ship-keels. Although humanmediated transport seems to potentially in!uence dispersal of invasive species, habitat suitability, temperature, salinity and food availability (i.e. in terms of quality and quantity of organic matter) seem to represent decisive factors in determining survivorship and distribution of this species. Physiological tolerance of B. pharaonis to temperature and salini…
The estimation of DEB parameters for the invasive intertidal bivalve, Brachidontes pharaonis
Survey on knowledge, attitudes and practices of Italian Resident of Public Health towards influenza vaccination
Background: Public Health Residents (PHRs) have to be considered of relevant interest among health care workers (HCWs) since they are strongly asked to recommend and perform influenza vaccination to other HCWs and general population. Despite this consideration, Italian HCWs have influenza vaccination rates significantly below the 75% coverage proposed by International Public Health guidelines. In order to increase future coverage towards influenza vaccination, the aim of this study is to assess determinants associated with influenza vaccine uptake among Italian PHR. Methods: A survey was carried out on PHRs attending 25 out 32 Post-Graduate University training programmes on Public Health in…
Mechanistic bioenergetics models to link functional traits to population dynamics: a study case with a marine bivalve
Can Septifer virgatus survive in a warming world? A Dynamic Energy Budget model approach
Intertidal oyster and mussel beds in a global warming perspective. Trade offs and microclimatic downscaling
nergy status snapshot of three Mediterranean soft bottom bivalve species
spetti dello stress termico durante la fase di emersione in molluschi bivalvi intertidali.
Monitoraggio e percezione delle esperienze formative internazionali tra gli specializzandi italiani in igiene e medicina preventiva. Indagine condotta dal gruppo di lavoro 'survey on international health electives' della consulta degli specializzandi S.It.I.
Introduzione Molti studi hanno dimostrato che le esperienze formative internazionali (International Health Electives - IHE) contribuiscono all'acquisizione di conoscenze e competenze fondamentali per i futuri professionisti in Sanità proprio attraverso l'opportunità di confronto fra sistemi sanitari e contesti socio-culturali differenti. Sebbene le IHE siano in crescita, non ci sono dati che riguardino quelle svolte dagli specializzandi italiani in Igiene. L'obiettivo dello studio è di raccogliere informazioni sulle loro pregresse esperienze formative internazionali e di comprendere motivazioni ed eventuali criticità relative alla decisione di effettuare una IHE. Materiali e metodi Gli spec…