Salvatore Favuzza
Componenti di un impianto fotovoltaico
Technological and legislative status point of stationary energy storages in the EU
Abstract European renewable generation has been supported through several policy instruments in the last decades, and this has caused a significant growth of the renewable energy sector, spurred by the ambitious climate and energy policy targets. Despite this impetuous growth, the electricity infrastructure is not yet ready to accept increasing shares of variable renewable energy sources (RES) generation, and this is causing grid balance challenges, due to the inherently variable nature of the PV and wind energy. In order to overcome this issue, allowing higher shares of renewable generation in the energy sector, energy storage (ES) systems are becoming increasingly competitive in the globa…
New High Voltage Interconnections with Islands in the Mediterranean Sea: Malta and Sicily. Analysis of the Effects on Renewable Energy Sources Integration and Benefits for the Electricity Market
The present paper shows the benefits coming from the operation of the recent electrical high voltage (HV) interconnections between Sicily, Malta and mainland Italy. These new interconnections allow zonal prices of electricity considerably lower than in the past, ensuring greater flexibility to the system and a better integration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES). After briefly illustrating the two high-voltage electrical systems (Sicily and Malta), and having provided a description of the interconnection cable with Malta and its protection devices, the authors hypothesized two modes of operation (Sicily-Malta system islanded or interconnected to the rest of Europe). For the first case (isla…
Real-time pricing for aggregates energy resources in the Italian energy market
Abstract Over the last decade, the architecture of the energy market has radically changed. In many countries end-users are now able to directly access the market, which has given rise to the question of how they can actively participate in that market. End-users can comprise a critical mass through aggregation that is carried out by a third party – to wit the “loads aggregator.” This paper proposes a new framework for generating feasible real-time price curves for those end-users in a demand-response management process. The underlying algorithm generates output curves as the solution to a constrained optimization problem whose objective function is the aggregator's economic benefit. A case…
Legal Liability of Professional Engineers: The Case of a Fire at a Shopping Center
In this paper, the authors discuss the legal liabilities of the professional engineer as both the engineer of record of a project and the construction site manager. In particular, this paper analyzes the case of a fire at an end-user MV/LV substation of a shopping center in Italy, occurred a few years after maintenance works on the electrical installation. The professional engineer who had designed and overseen the construction of the substation was accused of criminal negligence. The authors through the examination of applicable technical standards, as well as of safety regulations, demonstrate that the professional engineer had acted diligently and that there was no ground for the neglige…
Simple measures to improve the performances of the backward/forward method for radial distribution network analysis
In the paper, after having presented the general backward/forward methodology for radial systems analysis, the main changes that have been proposed in the past to improve their convergence and speed performance are shown. Some measures aimed at a further reduction of the number of iterations and calculation times are here described. In order to identify, among the available alternatives, the best methodology, in terms of precision and/or speed of convergence, some evaluations on networks taken from the literature have been carried out. The analysis of the attained results allows the definition, on the basis of specific features of the problem at hand, the most suitable configuration to be i…
An Investigation of Protection Devices Coordination Effects on Distributed Generators Capacity in Radial Distribution Systems
In the recent years, with the concept of Smart Grid, there are a great interest in integration of renewable energy based distributed generation (DG) units at distribution level. Along with a number of benefits, penetration of DG units in the distribution system imposes some serious challenges; protection requirements turns up as one of the most critical challenge in DG integration. In this paper the possibility and the potentiality of occurring mis-coordination between protection devices in radial distribution network is studied. The impacts of protection devices coordination on DG capacity are investigated. The penetration level, number, and location of interconnected DGs are used as param…
A Multi-Port Approach to Solve Distribution Networks with Meshes and PV Nodes
A new methodology based on the backward/forward (b/f) technique for the load flow solution in distribution systems is here proposed. The methodology takes efficiently into account the fixed voltage nodes and uses a reduced bus impedance matrix. In this way, it is possible to attain, for the unknowns at the PV nodes, the same values that are attainable solving the network with the methods adopted for transmission systems. With the same methodology it is possible to take into account also the meshes. If the network contains only meshes, the relevant model is linear and it is the one including the compensation currents. The presence of PV nodes introduces non linearity in the model and an iter…
Studio di fattibilità e progettazione preliminare di dimostratori di reti elettriche di distribuzione per la transizione verso reti attive. Report 2 – Simulazioni e valutazioni di progetto per gli scenari selezionati
A Backward Method for Solving PV Nodes in Weakly Meshed Distribution Networks
In this paper, a new iterative backward/forward methodology for the load flow solution of weakly meshed systems with fixed voltage nodes is presented. Such technique models the loads at each iteration by means of impedances, and the PV nodes by means of reactances. Each iteration is organised in two steps. In the first, the radial network attained from the meshed system through cuts and composed of shunt and series impedances is solved. In the second step, based on a reduced Thévenin impedance matrix, the compensation currents to be injected in the cut nodes are deduced. Modelling the PV nodes by means of reactances allows the attainment, for the reactive power of these nodes, of the same p…
A new approach to increase the integration of RES in a mediterranean island by using HTLS conductors
Today, in many countries, it is very difficult to build new power lines, especially because of right of way authorization problems. Furthermore, the production of electricity from renewable sources is growing more and more. For these reasons Terna S.p.A. (Italian TSO) has to take advantage of existing overhead transmission lines. In order to increase the transmission capacity and the exportation of RES (Renewable Energy Sources) from Sicily to the mainland, the existing high-voltage power grid in Sicily has been studied and analysed by Neplan®, which is a powerful software tool able to analyze, plan, optimize and simulate electrical power grids. This paper, after a description of existing p…
Electrostatic synchronous generator model of an Inverter-Based Distributed Generators
In this paper, the idea of modelling the Inverter-Based Distributed Generators by using the concept of Electrostatic synchronous machines is discussed. A mathematical model of the inverter has been established which depends on the dc bus voltage, modulation index and frequency of the system. Two mathematical models have been developed: a small signal model and a steady-state model. These mathematical models will be helpful in studying the stability of a microgrid; especially when studying the transient stability performance of on-grid operation of converter-based distributed generator with multi-machine microgrid. Simulation results using Matlab/Simulink are carried out.
DE.DU.ENER.T. project: A prototype of a sustainable energy microsystem
The paper presents a prototype of a microsystem for the integration and the optimal management of renewable energy sources in order to attain a reduction of the total energy consumption of a not residential building. The system composed by the building and the prototype is an energy sustainable microsystem and is located in Italy in the city of Valderice. The microsystem has been conceived in the ENPI (European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument) cross-border cooperation Italy - Tunisia 2007-2013 DE.DU.ENER.T. (Le DEveloppement DUrable dans la production ENERgetique dans le Territoire) research project framework. In the paper the purposes of the DE.DU.ENER.T. project are presented and …
New dispatching strategy for the integration of active-demand and distributed storage in the electricity market
The proliferation of Distributed Generation (DG) in power systems calls for a redesign of electricity network management, which should be able to accommodate large amounts of intermittent generation. This issue requires a discussion about the current dispatching regulation, giving distributed storage systems and qualified electricity consumption the opportunity to provide ancillary services to the distribution grid. In this work, a new dispatching strategy for the integration of active-demand and distributed storage in the Italian electricity market is presented. The strategy is focused on a distribution Smart Grid (SG), where customers can indirectly participate to the Day-Ahead (DA) and t…
Aspetti tecnico-gestionali della progettazione
Forensic Analysis of Fire in a Substation of a Commercial Center
In this article, the authors discuss the legal liabilities of the professional engineer as both the engineer of record of a project and the construction site manager. In particular, this article analyzes the case of a fire at the end-user medium voltage–low-voltage (MV–LV) substation of a shopping center in Italy, which occurred a few years after the maintenance works on the electrical installation. The professional engineer who had designed and overseen the construction of the substation was accused of professional negligence. The authors through the examination of applicable technical standards, as well as of safety regulations, demonstrate that the professional engineer had acted diligen…
Transition of a Distribution System towards an Active Network. Part I: Preliminary Design and Scenario Perspectives
In an European perspective, the focus of Smart Grids initiatives (SET Plan - Strategic Energy Technology Plan) is strictly linked with the main commitment to achieve the goals of the Climate and Energy Package 20-20-20, at the light of the three main pillars of the European energy policy: competitiveness, sustainability and security of supply. Smart grid technologies will enable load levelling of the electrical grid, allowing a power company to run cleaner power sources - such as hydroelectric, wind, or solar - while reducing the need to use carbon-emitting gas, coal, or oil plants to meet peak demand. In this framework the proposed paper refers about the technical economical feasibility st…
Load flow analysis of radial distribution networks: New findings in backward/forward method
In the paper, the backward/forward method for solving radial distribution networks is in details described. In particular it is examined considering the four main steps into which it can be divided: initialization of the state variables; backward sweep; forward sweep; identification of a convergence criterion. For each of these, except for the forward sweep, a new procedure is defined. In particular, a methodology for the identification of a starting solution that is as close as possible to the desired one is proposed; the backward phase is modified for the evaluation of the branch currents and a new convergence criterion is proposed. The results of the application of the proposed methodolo…
Dynamic Thermal Rating degli elettrodotti in Alta Tensione. Un caso studio nella rete siciliana
I dispositivi DTR (Dynamic Thermal Rating) permettono un miglior utilizzo degli elettrodotti esistenti, in un’ottica di ottimizzazione dell’infrastruttura elettrica.
Energy Management of a Hybrid Photovoltaic-Wind System with Battery Storage: A Case Report
This work presents a case report related to the management and the monitoring of a hybrid photovoltaic-wind system with battery energy storage, installed at the administrative offices building of the municipality of Valderice (Italy) within the framework of the Italy-Tunisia ENPI cooperation project Le Développement Durable Dans la Production Energétique Dans le Territoire (DE.DU.ENER.T.). The paper describes the hybrid system and briefly reports the monitoring data for a whole year, comparing the real production with the expected one and evaluating some performance indexes of the system. The performance indexes are very simple and have been defined only with the purpose of sh…
The Energy Market Impact of Climate Change on Electricity Generation in Europe
In this paper, the policy trend in Europe towards the emission reduction target in the energy sector, as planned from the Paris Agreement, is analyzed. Although renewable energy sources are improving their share, the large use of coal as primary fuel and the uncertainty about nuclear production makes the transition hard. It's well known that future emission patterns from energy generation influence the climate change trend, but as shown in the following, there is also a reverse interrelation, due to the different environmental conditions caused by climate change affecting all generation technologies. Furthermore, energy prices, which derive from this changed framework likewise will influenc…
Load modelling influence on voltage stability assessment in distribution systems. Part I: Stability index and critical power for a single-line system
The single-line equivalent model is commonly used for voltage stability studies in both distribution and transmission systems. Referring to a single-line system, in the companion paper [1] the authors presented the theoretical aspects of voltage stability related to the load characteristics. In particular, expressions of the stability index for constant power, constant impedance and constant current loads, singularly and in all the possible combinations have been obtained. This index indicates how far the load node is from its voltage collapse point, allowing the maximum load power beyond which voltage collapse takes place to be evaluated. In this paper a simple method to evaluate the param…
Analisi economico-finanziaria degli investimenti sul fotovoltaico in Italia
Alla luce del meccanismo incentivante vigente in Italia a favore degli impianti fotovoltaici e dei risultati raggiunti in termini di numero di impianti e potenza installata, si riporta un’analisi di sensitività degli indici di redditività dell’investimento e le prospettive di sviluppo potenziale del fotovoltaico in Italia sino al 2020.
Quadro normativo e legislativo.
A New Crowded Comparison Operator in Constrained Multiobjective Optimization for Capacitors Sizing and Siting in Electrical Distribution Systems
This paper presents a new Crowded Comparison Operator (CCO) for NSGA-II to solve the Multiobjective and constrained problem of optimal capacitors placement in electrical distribution systems.
Strategie e scenari di aggregazione delle risorse distribuite nel mercato elettrico
L’articolo espone una modalità per ampliare la base di partecipazione di soggetti connessi alla rete elettrica (aggregatori di carico, sistemi di accumulo distribuiti, ecc.) ai mercati dei servizi già regolamentati, sfruttando opportune azioni di controllo di tipo Demand Response.
A model for reactive power tracing by addition of fictitious nodal injections
Abstract This paper proposes an efficient solution to the problem of reactive power flow tracing in electrical transmission networks. For such systems, the tracing techniques used for active power flows cannot be used straightforwardly, due to reactive power variations induced by the line reactances, these variations often being comparable to the powers delivered to the loads. In other words, as is well known, in transmission systems the reactive flows are strongly influenced by the inductive and capacitive effects of the network, making the tracing of power flow and allocation of losses more critical. In this paper, after discussing some methodological aspects, an approach based on the use…
Some improvements in solving radial distributions networks through the backward/forward method
In the electrical radial distribution networks analysis, the backward/forward method shows good features in terms of robustness, independence from load nature, small use of hardware resources and limited calculation time. In the present paper, some procedures to improve the b/f method with the aim of reducing the calculation time are presented. The adopted procedures regard the choice of the initial values of the nodes voltages and the way in which the convergence criterion is applied. The results of some tests carried out on some electrical test systems here reported have shown the efficiency of the proposed methodology in terms of calculation time reduction, especially when solving heavil…
Technical, Environmental and Economical Aspects of Hybrid Systems Including Renewables and Fuel Cells
In this paper, some configurations including renewables and fuel cells are studied. Technical, environmental and economical aspects are treated in the frame of the EU regulations concerning the ‘emission trading’ issue and the way in which Italy has implemented the relevant EU directive. The study has been carried out considering some architectures including renewables such as photovoltaic and wind with a back up system to increase continuity of supply based on the application of fuel cells and of a hydrogen storage system. Performing several runs with different values of the cost of energy (COE) bought from the network and produced with traditional fuel, it has been observed that, for some…
Load management includes all the techniques, logics, actions and programs through which the electric utilities and the customers are able to manage loads absorption in a more prudent and efficient way; it determines economic benefits for the users, but also allows a network management and operation simpler and cheaper, determining technical and economic benefits. The present paper constitutes a detailed study of interventions and techniques to control demand in the residential and tertiary sectors and the effects that these actions have on the entire electrical system and its management. It discusses the implications of such control actions in terms of reduction of network losses and relate…
Nonlinear droop control for minimum power losses operation in islanded microgrids
In this work, a modified primary regulation technique is proposed to control one of the inverter interfaced units feeding an islanded microgrid. The proposed approach employs an off-line minimum losses Optimal Power Flow, OPF, to extract a lookup table for the composition of the droop curve. Simulations prove that generators reach an operating point that corresponds to a minimum loss operation for the relevant power flow distribution. Since OPF has been implemented with frequency and voltage dependent models, the results of the modified droop are stable and also energy efficient. Further studies will address further analysis on systems showing different R/X ratio and modeling of more genera…
Smart renewable generation for an islanded system. Technical and economic issues of future scenarios
The subject addressed in this paper is the analytical study of the transition of an energy generation system for a real MV/LV distribution system from one that is “fuel-based” to a distributed and smart “renewables-based” system. The paper outlines both the technical and the economic issues related to such a transition from one type of system to the other. The study is carried out for a real islanded network located in the Island of Pantelleria (Mediterranean Sea). The results obtained are presented and discussed, putting into evidence the technical, environmental and economic benefits of using smart technologies and renewable energy sources.
Fuel Cell in configurazione Range Extender
L’obiettivo che questo articolo si propone di perseguire è di valutare la fattibilità tecnica e le implicazioni conseguenti alla sostituzione, in un gruppo di continuità statico, delle batterie tradizionali con le celle a combustibile, quali sorgenti di energia in corrente continua. La configurazione circuitale proposta, denominata fuel cell in configurazione range extender, presenta una struttura estremamente versatile e modulare sotto almeno due punti di vista. In primo luogo il sistema si integra perfettamente con i gruppi di continuità statici tradizionali, per i quali è sufficiente sostituire i pacchi batteria con uno stack di celle a combustibile. In secondo luogo per modificare le ca…
Uprating an Overhead Line. Italian TSO Applications for Integration of RES
The increase of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) production units has caused significant changes in the electrical system configuration. The existing structural asset isn't adequate to dispatch these new power flows that, at same time, should be favorite by various TSOs in order to obtain incentives. The outage of primary substations on the grid and the increase of consumptions have caused growing load currents on existing overhead line. This paper, after introducing thermal resistant conductors and Dynamic Rating (DR) solutions, reports an applications used by TERNA Group S.p.A. (Italian TSO). These systems are already installed on lines and they are contributing to increase power flows than…
Sicilia-Malta: il nuovo collegamento RTN a 220 kV in corrente alternata
Descrizione dettagliata degli aspetti tecnologici e delle prestazioni funzionali di maggiore rilevanza sui cavi utilizzati, sui sistemi e sulle logiche di protezione contro i guasti. Vantaggi, potenzialità e criticità legate all’esercizio.
A Simplified Analytical Approach for Optimal Planning of Distributed Generation in Electrical Distribution Networks
DG-integrated distribution system planning is an imperative issue since the installing of distributed generations (DGs) has many effects on the network operation characteristics, which might cause significant impacts on the system performance. One of the most important characteristics that mostly varies because of the installation of DG units is the power losses. The parameters affecting the value of the power losses are number, location, capacity, and power factor of the DG units. In this paper, a new analytical approach is proposed for optimally installing DGs to minimize power loss in distribution networks. Different parameters of DG are considered and evaluated in order to achieve a hig…
An Efficient Procedure for Solving Radial Distribution Networks through the Backward/Forward Method
In the paper, after having presented the general backward/forward methodology for radial systems analysis, a new b/f procedure showing some interesting features that improve its performance in terms of convergence speed and calculation effort is presented. The features that fundamentally are responsible for such improvements concern the main steps of the b/f procedure. The starting voltage profile solution is different from the flat profile and is suitably modified. In the backward phase and starting from the second iteration, the branch currents variations due to the loads changes are evaluated; the latter variations are calculated on the basis of the difference of nodal voltages at the be…
A Simulation Analysis for Assessing the Reliability of AC/DC Hybrid Microgrids - Part I: Underground Station and Car Parking
This paper reports the results of a simulation study with the aim of evaluating the capability of two portions of a hybrid AC/DC MV/LV network of maintaining their operation in off-grid mode during the loss of the main AC grid due to a failure. In particular, the study aims to verify, in the case of islanded operation of the two microgrids, the continuity of the electricity service by exploiting the local generation plants, Energy Storage Systems (ESSs), and other flexible resources managed by suitable algorithms in different energy scenarios. The analysis was carried out considering two microgrids: an underground station and a car parking with Electric Vehicles (EVs). For assessing the per…
Energy Management System in Grid-Connected Small Scale AC/DC Microgrids Including Renewable Sources and Flexible Loads
The growth of small scale microgrids with diverse distributed generations has drawn attention to their effective energy management. In this paper, for various energy scenarios, an energy management system is adopted to minimize the energy purchased by a hybrid AC/DC microgrid from the upstream grid due to high peak-hour energy prices and maximise generation from renewable sources, while adjusting the most optimal charge/discharge control strategies for flexible loads such as electric vehicles and storage systems, and the supply of non-controllable loads. In addition, peak shaving is simultaneously implemented in this proposed model without considering minimum power deviation as an objective…
Optimization of BESS Capacity Under a Peak Load Shaving Strategy
Battery energy storage systems (BESSs) are becoming increasingly competitive in the global energy landscape, thanks to the strong cost reduction that has taken place in recent years and it is expected to continue in the next future. Among the many benefits BESSs can provide, time shifting can be exploited by electricity consumers to save on the electricity bill, charging the storage during the off-peak hours and discharging when the cost of electricity is high. This paper describes a simple procedure to optimize the BESS capacity under a peak load shaving strategy, in presence of a time-of-use (TOU) electricity rate, able to guarantee, at the same time, the flattest daily power diagram and …
An algorithm for simulating end-user behaviour in a real time pricing market
The energy market has changed radically over the last decade, mainly due to an increased penetration of renewable energies. Now the end users have directly access to the energy market and can actively take part to the electricity market. Electricity customers can indeed modify their behavior through Demand Response, namely by means of pricing strategies that support a change in the end-users habits. This can be accomplished through a 'loads aggregator', a third party that collects the requests and signals for Active Demand-based services coming from the markets and the different actors of energy market. This paper describes a simulation framework to generate the simulated optimal behavior o…
Inter-area oscillations in the 500-kV Vietnamese power system
The paper presents the study of the 500-kV Vietnamese power system. The oscillatory response of the system is analyzed both with a modal analysis and a time domain analysis. The 500-kV system of Vietnam is modeled in details, including all the power plants with the corresponding regulators. The model is developed in collaboration with the Institute of Energy Science IES-VAST of Vietnam and it is validated with the data provided by the National Load Dispatch Centre (NLDC) of Vietnam. The simulation results reveal a clear identification of potential inter-area oscillations between North and South of the Country. A worsening of the observed phenomenon should be considered as possible, especial…
Modelli e strategie per la definizione di strumenti software per la simulazione integrata di distretti energetici in ambiente dedicato
Il presente Rapporto, strutturato in due parti (Parte Prima: “Modelli e strategie per la simulazione di distretti energetici” e Parte Seconda: Definizione e sviluppo di strumenti software per la simulazione integrata di distretti energetici in ambiente dedicato), descrive le attività svolte dal personale del DIEETCAM dell’Università degli Studi Palermo nell’ambito della prima fase delle attività di ricerca dal titolo: “MODELLI E STRATEGIE PER LA DEFINIZIONE DI STRUMENTI SOFTWARE PER LA SIMULAZIONE INTEGRATA DI DISTRETTI ENERGETICI IN AMBIENTE DEDICATO”, oggetto dell’Accordo di Collaborazione tra ENEA e DIEETCAM sottoscritto in data 27 gennaio 2012. Scopo del presente accordo di collaborazio…
Transition of a distribution system towards an active network. Part II: Economical analysis of selected scenario
This paper outlines the economical issues related to the transition of the energy generation for a real MV/LV distribution system from a ‘fuel based’ one to a distributed and smart ‘renewables based’ one. It is the prosecution of a companion paper, which addressed the technical issues connected to such transition. The study has been carried out by University of Palermo and ENEA (Italy), on a portion of real MV/LV distribution system of the research center ENEA of Casaccia (Rome, Italy). The analysis is carried out for a specific scenario chosen among those proposed in the companion paper.
An improved method for determining voltage collapse proximity of radial distribution networks
The two-bus equivalent model is commonly used for voltage stability studies in both distribution and transmission systems. The paper presents a simple method to evaluate, for each bus, the parameters which define the equivalent circuit of a radial distribution network. In particular, a straightforward way for determining the Thévenin equivalent impedance behind a load node is proposed, which allows to better identify the maximum loading point beyond which the voltage collapse takes place in the network. Simulation results show that the proposed method is significantly more accurate than other existing methods on evaluating the critical power at a particular node (i.e. the weak node of the n…
Influence of losses partition criteria on power flow tracing
The paper proposes a methodology for tracing active power flow which also considers power losses partition. It requires the partition of the active power losses in each line over different flow components. Then, the differences arising from the selection of different criteria for the allocation of the mutual terms (deriving from the non-linearity of losses) are investigated. Power flows tracing and losses allocation at each generator (or load) must be carried out simultaneously; therefore, a suitable order is required for the analysis of nodes and lines in a network. A procedure for the direct evaluation of all the components of the power flows and of the losses in the lines assigned to the…
Influence of ANN parameters on the performance of a refined procedure to solve the load-flow problem
In recent years, interest in the application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to electrical power systems has grown rapidly. In particular the use of ANN in the solution of the load-flow problem in wide electrical networks is an interesting research topic, because it constitutes a good alternative to the classical numerical algorithms. In this paper a refined solution strategy based on statistical methods, on a particular Grouping Genetic Algorithm (GGA) and on Progressive Learning Network (PLN) is presented. Tests on the solution of load-flow equations of the standard IEEE 118 bus network confirm the good potential of this approach; in particular the search for optimal values of the PLN…
Impact of integrating photovoltaic based DG on distribution network harmonics
The process of integrating various distributed generation (DG) technologies in power system networks is increasing rapidly in the recent years. One major concern about the integration of DGs is their impact on network harmonics. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects caused by the integration of photovoltaic DG in distribution networks on system harmonics. The penetration level, number of DG units, and their location are used as parameters in order to verify the effects of DG on system harmonics. Moreover, a study of single and double tuned filters is conducted as harmonics mitigation techniques. Detailed simulations using Matlab/Simulink are inserted in order to explain and ve…
Technical Rules for Connecting PV Systems to the Distribution Grid: A Critical Comparison of the Italian and Vietnamese Frameworks
In the last two decades, starting from the Kyoto protocol, decarbonization has promoted worldwide the rise of distributed generation from renewable energy sources. Currently, Vietnam is still showing a strong dependence on fossil fuels but with a great interest in investing in renewable, especially in photovoltaic (PV) systems. In this paper, the current Vietnamese technical and administrative framework for the connection of PV systems to the power grid is presented and critically compared to the Italian one, in order to define the bases for future cooperation in distributed generation and renewable sectors.
Impact of RES penetration on the frequency dynamics of the 500 kV vietnamese power system
The increase of renewable energy sources (RES) typically operating as converter-interfaced generation (CIG) is progressively causing a significant change of power systems operation paradigm. The reduction of the overall available kinetic energy and the consequent impact on the dynamic response of the system is a relevant issue currently under investigation in academic and industrial scopes. The work analyzes the impact of different CIG penetration in the three areas of the 500 kV Vietnamese power system, North, Center and South. The system is modified substituting conventional synchronous generation with converter-interfaced generation. The models of power converters and corresponding contr…
On the distribution of lightning current among interconnected grounding systems in medium voltage grids
This paper presents the results of a first investigation on the effects of lightning stroke on medium voltage installations' grounding systems, interconnected with the metal shields of the Medium Voltage (MV) distribution grid cables or with bare buried copper ropes. The study enables us to evaluate the distribution of the lightning current among interconnected ground electrodes in order to estimate if the interconnection, usually created to reduce ground potential rise during a single-line-to-ground fault, can give place to dangerous situations far from the installation hit by the lightning stroke. Four different case studies of direct lightning stroke are presented and discussed: (1) two …
DEMAND Project: An algorithm for the assessment of the prosumers’ flexibility
Demand side aggregation represents an important opportunity for ancillary services provision due to the potential that the coordinated management of distributed resources has on affecting power systems' operation. In this framework, the Aggregator has a main role and takes on different relationships with the other actors of the power system, usually becoming a mediator between the prosumers and the distribution system operator. The DEMAND project introduces a new point of view in demand side aggregation by proposing a new framework where the Aggregator is no more needed and prosumers can share and combine their flexibility in a new aggregation platform called Virtual Aggregation Environment…
Dynamic Control of Static Converters for the Transition from Grid-on to Grid-off Operation of AC/DC Microgrids
In this paper, specific control logics defined for generators, controllable loads and electric energy storage systems are illustrated in order to improve the reliability of AC/DC hybrid microgrids in their grid-off operation following failure events such as short-circuits, line breaks, sudden disconnections of generating units or loads, etc. After defining specific control schemes, these were modelled in a digital environment and finally tested with dynamic simulations. Finally, the paper highlights the role of virtual synchronous machine control for the self-healing capacity of islanded hybrid microgrids.
DEMAND Project: A Peak Load Shaving Strategy for End-User Consumers
Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are becoming increasingly widespread in modern power systems, thanks to the important benefits they can provide to the electricity grid. Indeed, BESS can be used in time shifting applications, storing energy during off-peak periods and discharging during peak times (when the cost of electricity is high). When BESS are used for peak shaving purposes, they also contribute to relieve peak demand charges, thus ensuring a saving for the consumers. This paper describes a peak load shaving strategy defined within the DEMAND project. The strategy is able to guarantee the flattest daily power diagram and the maximum benefit for the electricity consumers, reducin…
Comparison of power quality impact of different photovoltaic inverters- the viewpoint of the grid
This paper presents the results of an experimental analysis performed with the aim of evaluating the effect of many photovoltaic plants on power quality of the grid. Several parameters as voltage and current distortion, flicker, voltage variations at fundamental frequency and power factor have been observed. The measured values have been compared with the limits reported in the standards and, when possibiIe, their dependence on the characteristics of the grid in terms of its impedance has been pointed out.
A new backward/forward method for solving radial distribution networks with PV nodes
Abstract In this paper, a new backward/forward (b/f) methodology for the analysis of distribution systems with constant power loads is presented. In the proposed method, at each iteration, the loads are considered as constant impedances; in the backward sweep all the network variables (bus voltages and branch currents) are evaluated considering a scaling factor which is determined at the end of the backward phase. Indeed the forward sweep is eliminated and the node voltages calculation does not demand the sequentiality needed in the b/f methodology. The developed method, although deriving conceptually from the b/f methodology, presents only the backward phase in which all the network variab…
Simulation of photovoltaic installation connected to the grid with storage system
Abstract In the present paper, a new approach for the management of energy resources in a research laboratory is proposed and evaluated. A simulation study for the photovoltaic (PV) installation was conducted under the Tunisian-Italian cooperation project DE.DU.ENER.T, using renewable energy and economic criteria. The aim of the study is to improve the energy efficiency in order to minimize the electricity cost consumed in the laboratory. A Hybrid Renewable Energy System consisting of a photovoltaic field of 12KWc was installed to reduce the exorbitant bills, due to intensive energy equipment such as drying ovens and workstations, using sustainable, green and clean sources. In addition, a s…
Energy saving and user satisfaction for a new advanced public lighting system
Abstract The retrofit of urban lighting systems is often an advantageous means of achieving notable energy savings and improvements in the quality of light. User habits, expectations and lifestyle can contribute to the design of these systems, for example in deciding on the most appropriate control strategies or the light quality. The influence of such variables can be extended to the overall system performance. This paper presents a method of street lighting design based on two kinds of analysis carried out in a defined test area: measurements (by means of a monitoring study) and user preferences (by means of a survey). The results of this data analysis create the basis for the final desig…
A bottom-up approach for the evaluation of the flexible quota of aggregated loads
The paper presents a bottom-up approach for building the aggregated load profile of numerous passive/active users connected to the low voltage electrical system. The approach is based on the Monte Carlo method and on the knowledge of the single electric and thermal loads, generators and thermal and geometrical characteristics of the building of the single end-user. The method proposed is able to differentiate the quota of flexible and not flexible aggregate load.
Effects of Demand Side Management on the Operation of an Isolated LV Microgrids
The work presents the results of a study regarding the impact of Demand Side Management actions on flexible loads distributed at the domestic end-users' facilities in an isolated low voltage microgrid. Aim of the research study is to evaluate how the implementation of local control actions on the end-user's side can impact on the operation of the isolated microgrid. The Demand Side Management is applied by each domestic user to optimize the operation of its own resources following well-defined operative steps. The study is carried out implementing a suitable model of the microgrid in Neplan environment, while the daily controlled load profiles of the end-users are evaluated using the Montec…
The evolution of the FIT mechanism in Italy for PV systems: a critical analysis
The paper presents an analysis of the Feed'in Tariffs (FIT) mechanism development in Italy from 2005 to 2013 and named “Conto Energia”. In particular the work examines the five editions of the “Conto Energia”, highlighting both advantages and critical issues for the PV market development in Italy; this analysis is particular interesting due to the fact that the cap on FITs in Italy has been reached in June 2013.
Improved primary regulation for minimum energy losses in islanded microgrids
In this paper, an improved primary regulation is proposed for grid forming units supplying islanded microgrids. A minimum losses Optimal Power Flow is run off-line to devise the operating set points composing the primary regulation curve. In this way, after load perturbations, generators can reach an optimized operating point for a given and unique minimum losses energy flows distribution. The idea is to skip the hierarchical control architecture and provide a feasible and optimized operating point. A case study over 24 hours shows the effectiveness of this new approach as well as the improved operation quality of the system.
Collaudo, verifiche tecnico-funzionali e manutenzione
An analytical model for PQ sources in backward/forward methods for distribution networks analysis
In this paper a model of PQ sources useful for distribution systems analysis is developed. In the considered systems there are, in addition to HV/MV sources, other PQ buses, namely active and reactive power supply nodes (Vδ nodes). The general solution strategy is an iterative forward/backward method, in which the state variables are the node voltages. If it is weakly meshed, the network is turned into radial by means of cuts and compensation currents. After the presentation of the general problem, the equations expressing the unknowns for the PQ nodes are treated in detail. These equations belong to the backward sweep of the algorithm. The methodology has been implemented and applied so as…
Optimal Electrical Distribution Systems Reinforcement Planning Using Gas Micro Turbines by Dynamic Ant Colony Search Algorithm
Distribution systems management is becoming an increasingly complicated issue due to the introduction of new energy trading strategies and new technologies. In this paper, an optimal reinforcement strategy to provide reliable and economic service to customers in a given time frame is investigated. In the new deregulated energy market and considering the incentives coming from the political and economical fields, it is reasonable to consider distributed generation (DG) as a viable option for systems reinforcement. In the paper, the DG technology is considered as a possible solution for distribution systems capacity problems, along several years. Therefore, compound solutions comprising the i…
The new course of FITs mechanism for PV systems in Italy: novelties, strong points and criticalities
The paper deals with the new course of the Feed-in Tariffs mechanism for photovoltaic systems that will start from January 1, 2011 in Italy with the actuation of the Government Decree DM 06/08/2010. After a short introduction on Feed-in Tariffs and Net-metering in Italy, the paper focuses the attention on an economical comparison between the incentives established by the Government Decree DM 19/02/07, ended on December 31, 2010 and those introduced by the DM 06/08/2010. The economical comparison is based on three indexes: the Pay Back Period, the Net Present Value and the Internal Rate of Return, characterizing the investments done for the realization of the photovoltaic systems. In particu…
Technical and Economical Aspects on Integrated PV-UPS Systems
This paper shows a technical-economical analysis of a novel Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) configuration, in which the backup batteries would be replaced by a photovoltaic (PV) system. Many interesting technical and economical issues concerning the proposed configuration are discussed against the traditional UPS and backup batteries solution. Moreover the technical solutions concerning the proposed integrated system realized using a double conversion UPS are motivated. Finally the operating costs of the proposed integrated PV-UPS system and the classical system with UPS and batteries with different sizes, and as the back-up time varies, are also compared and interesting results have be…
Grid Stability Improvement Using Synthetic Inertia by Battery Energy Storage Systems in Small Islands
In this paper, the synthetic inertia need of the small island of Pantelleria in the Mediterranean Sea is assessed. Firstly, the optimal renewable energy mix able to minimize the Levelized Cost of Energy for the generation system of the island is evaluated, considering the yearly load demand and the characteristics of the local natural resources. The optimal energy mix introduces in the island a quota of power generation with static power converters interfaced to the grid that could jeopardize the security of the system if not suitably controlled. Therefore, the inherent inertial response of the diesel generators of the system is calculated hour by hour for each month of one year, considerin…
Innovative algorithms for the management of combined RES-BESS systems
The issue of the optimal management of the available energy resources also at end-user level is getting more and more attention. The paper deals with the definition of innovative algorithms for managing electrical storage systems in hybrid photovoltaic and wind plants, also taking into account different pricing periods and a grid emergency condition in which the Utility can request an injection of power by the end-user. Application examples for explaining the operation of the algorithms are presented.
Experimental study of the combined RES-based generators and electric storage systems for public buildings
Abstract In the present paper, a new approach to the management of energy resources in the Research and Technology Centre of Energy (CRTEn -Tunisia) is proposed and evaluated by the monitoring of a PV installation realized for the cooperation project DE.DU.ENER.T, using renewable energy and economic criteria. The aim of this project is to improve energy efficiency order to minimize the electricity cost consumed at the CRTEn laboratory. According to the bills of electricity received, we noticed that there is a high consumption of electrical current. So, we targeted to install a photovoltaic field of 12KWc to reduce these bills by using the sustainable, green and clean sources. A theoretical …
Analysis of the new submarine interconnection system between Italy and Malta: Simulation of transmission network operation
In this paper, some simulations of the interconnected Sicilian and Maltese transmission systems are performed, in order to assess this new system configuration. The HVAC submarine interconnection between Italy and Malta came into operation in 2015 and is part of a European programme for transmission grid interconnection improvement. This new line has been built in order to allow a better management of the power system of both the islands. Firstly, a brief description of the interconnection system is given. Moreover, the transmission systems of Sicily and Malta are depicted and their structures are shown. The simulations are carried out by means of a model of the interconnected system create…
On the effects of BAC systems and load control programs on the utility grid
The electricity demand increasing for the comfort improvement in residential buildings is nowadays stressing the MV and LV networks in urban areas. In this framework, the Distribution System Operators (DSO) are exposed to the risk of reliability decrease and there is, earlier than expected, the issue of new and substantial investments for enhancing the network infrastructure. Nevertheless, DSOs have a very strong inclination to defer investment in new facilities in favour of more "flexible measures" for improving the life of the existing components. Solutions of this type are primarily based on demand management, i.e. activities aimed at encouraging the end-users to a different/smart electr…
Load Flow Solution of radial distribution networks with ZI loads
In this paper, a methodology to solve radial distribution networks, with constant current and/or impedance loads, is proposed. The techniques currently available to solve such systems are based either on iterative methods or on the bus impedance matrix. The method developed is the extension of a technique that is valid to solve networks made of impedances with one supply point. The methodology can be applied to directly and rapidly solve large distribution systems in which the loads are modeled as constant current/impedance. It is also able to solve meshed systems having voltage-dependent loads, inside an iterative backward/forward method.
The subject addressed in this paper is the analytical study of the transition of the energy generation system for a real MV/LV distribution system from a ‘fuel based’ one to a distributed and smart ‘renewables based’ one. The paper outlines the economical issues related to such transition from one type of system to the other and it is the prosecution of a companion work addressing the technical topics concerning this subject. The study is carried out for a real islanded MV/LV distribution network.
Inertial response of isolated power networks with wind power plants
The constant increase of power generation provided by renewable energy source (RES) power plants is causing a progressive reduction of the overall inertia of the power systems. Especially in the case of small, isolated power networks, the replacement of conventional generation plants with RES power plants can affect significantly the frequency response of the system. The critical low-inertia conditions can be improved by the introduction of specific additional controls to the RES power converters. These control schemes are known as “synthetic inertia” or “virtual inertia” controls. The paper analyzes the impact of a derivative-based inertial control on a small, isolated power system, with a…
How Decarbonization, Digitalization and Decentralization are changing key power infrastructures
Abstract This paper addresses the impact over key power infrastructures of the three main drivers for change of these times: Decarbonization, Digitalization and Decentralization. The three phenomena, according to prominent observers, are affecting all fields of our lives but, in the literature, it is difficult to find an analysis of their impact on electrical power systems. The framework proposed in this paper, based on the main power systems evolution models proposed by CIGRE, uses data from open databases and tries to find out general guidelines for power systems development at a worldwide level. Taking as reference the European and COP21 environmental objectives and beyond, the technolog…
A New Platform for Automatic Bottom-Up Electric Load Aggregation
In this paper, a new virtual framework for load aggregation in the context of the liberalized energy market is proposed. Since aggregation is managed automatically through a dedicated platform, the purchase of energy can be carried out without intermediation as it happens in peer-to-peer energy transaction models. Differently from what was done before, in this new framework, individual customers can join a load aggregation program through the proposed aggregation platform. Through the platform, their features are evaluated and they are clustered according to their reliability and to the width of range of regulation allowed. The simulations show the deployment of an effective clustering and …
Backward solution of PV nodes in radial distribution networks
In this paper an iterative backward methodology to solve radial distribution networks with fixed voltage (PV) nodes and with constant power loads or mixed loads (with at least one component with constant power) is proposed. The method developed, although deriving conceptually from the backward/forward (b/f) methodology, presents only the backward phase in which all the network variables are evaluated. In themethods developed up until nowfor the solution of such systems, PV nodes are taken into account at the end of each iteration by evaluating, based on the known quantities of the network, the unknowns associated with PV nodes. In the methodology developed here the unknowns relevant to PV n…
Effect of Demand Side Management on the Operation of PV-Integrated Distribution Systems
In this new era of high electrical energy dependency, electrical energy must be abundant and reliable, thus smart grids are conducted to deliver load demands. Hence, smart grids are implemented alongside distributed generation of renewable energies to increase the reliability and controllability of the grid, but, with the very volatile nature of the Distributed Generation (DG), Demand Side Management (DSM) helps monitor and control the load shape of the consumed power. The interaction of DSM with the grid provides a wide range of mutual benefits to the user, the utility and the market. DSM methodologies such as Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR) and Direct Load Control (DLC) collaborate i…
Smart grids: the next future of electrical distribution systems
Currently, the design and operation criteria for electrical distribution networks are fastly changing due to some factors; among these, the progressive penetration of Distributed Generation(DG) is destined to cause deep changes in the existing networks, no longer considered as passive terminations of the whole electrical system. Moreover, the increasing application of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) will allow the implementation of the so called “smart grids”, determining new interesting scenarios. In the paper the problems and the potential benefits of DG, the possible new electrical distribution system models and the major research projects on smart grids are faced and report…
2015–2020. Sicily and Italy as electricity hub in the mediterranean area for the development of the European power grids interconnections
Falling demand and explosion of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are redesigning the criteria for planning the power grids interconnections by ENTSO-E. In particular, the interconnections between networks of different countries have been acquiring importance more and more, in view of an unique European market for electricity and an increase of RES. Italy and Sicily, placed in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea, play a fundamental role as a bridge between Central Europe, North Africa area and Mediterranean islands (electricity hub). This paper aims to show how power system exchanges tend to follow the direction from South to North, and how the impact of North-African power — mainly generated …
Control of solid-state fault current limiter for DG-integrated distribution systems
Fault current limier (FCL) is a device that limits the system current under fault conditions without disconnecting the system and affecting the power system protection components such as circuit breakers. Many types of FCLs have been proposed to limit the magnitude of the fault current. Solid-state fault current limiters (SSFCLs) can limit the peak value of the fault current by applying several methods, such as controlling the system impedance or controlling the voltage that appears across the fault. In this paper, a new control scheme for the SSFCL circuit is presented. The control method is based on controlling the duty cycle of solid state switches to control the rms value of the system …
Constrained Robust MultiObjective Optimization for Reactive Design in Distribution Systems
This paper presents a new formulation including robustness of solution of constrained multiobjective design or reactive power compensation. The algorithm used for optimization is the NSGA-II (Non dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II) with a special crowded comparison operator for constraints handling. The need for including the issue of robustness of solutions derives from the simple observation that loads are uncertain in distribution systems and their estimation is often affected by errors. In design problems it is desirable to consider the loads with a certain range of variation. In this paper the NSGA-II algorithm is applied to efficiently solve the issue and the solutions attained co…
Investigating the effect of distributed generators on traditional protection in radial distribution systems
The recent changes in power network structure, development in green energy technologies and increased attention on environmental concerns have led to increase the installation of renewable energy based distributed generations (DG) in distribution networks. The increasing penetration of distributed generation in the distribution power system creates new technical and economical challenges; protection is one important topic of these challenges. High penetration of DG will have unfavorable impact on the traditional protection methods; the impact depends on the number, location and size of injected DG. To ensure safe and selective protection devices coordination, the impact of DG should be take…
Studio di fattibilità e progettazione preliminare di dimostratori di reti elettriche di distribuzione per la transizione verso reti attive. Report 1 – Caratterizzazione delle reti attuali e analisi di possibili scenari di sviluppo
A stochastic approach for self-healing capability evaluation in active islanded AC/DC hybrid microgrids
This paper aims to implement a resilience assessment in AC/DC hybrid microgrids using a stochastic simulation approach. Self-healing measures including load shedding, control of distributed generation and flexible devices, like Energy Storage Systems (ESS) and Electrical Vehicles (EVs), are simulated to enable AC/DC hybrid microgrids to supply critical loads in islanded mode, assuming a disconnection of these microgrids from the main AC grid due to a fault. To perform this analysis, a two-stage process is proposed: first, a Monte-Carlo simulation-based stochastic approach is adopted to generate samples to simulate intermittent loads, power generation from Renewable Energy Sources (RESs), an…
New Energy Corridors in the Euro-Mediterranean Area: The Pivotal Role of Sicily
The present paper deals with the new opportunities deriving from the interconnections of the European and North African transmission systems. In order to achieve a single international market for electricity exchanges, interconnections between networks in different countries are becoming increasingly important and Sicily, for its geographical position in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, will undoubtedly play an important role as an electrical bridge between Europe and the North Africa in the near future. The paper, presenting the actual electro-energetic context of Tunisia, reports the new important interconnection already realized in South Italy (in particular in Sicily) and describe t…
A Perspective on the Future of Distribution: Smart Grids, State of the Art, Benefits and Research Plans
Currently, the design and operation criteria for electrical distribution networks are fastly changing due to some factors; among these, the progressive penetration of Distributed Generation (DG) is destined to cause deep changes in the existing networks, no longer considered as passive terminations of the whole electrical system. Moreover, the increasing application of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) will allow the implementation of the so called “smart grids”, determining new interesting scenarios. In the paper the problems and the potential benefits of DG, the possible new electrical distribution system models and the major research projects on smart grids are faced and repor…
A Compensation Based Method to Model PV Nodes in Backward/Forward Distribution Network Analysis
PurposeThis paper proposes to identify a new model of the fixed voltage nodes (PV nodes) for medium voltage distribution systems analysis. The model is used within backward/forward (b/f) analysis method applied to solve radial and weakly meshed systems.Design/methodology/approachThe model is based on the compensation currents method for multi‐port systems which has been extensively used, within b/f analysis methods, to take into account the presence of meshes and PV nodes.FindingsTest results prove the approach to be more efficient and precise than previous methodologies and put into evidence the good performance of the proposed model in terms of speed and convergence properties.Research li…
Economic feasibility of a customer-side energy storage in the Italian electricity market
Electricity prices show significant short-term variations during the day due to the need of balancing supply and demand in real time. Normally, customers are not exposed to these variations but pay a constant electricity price. In an attempt to reduce the volatility of the wholesale prices, several utilities are moving from conventional fixed-rate pricing schemes to new market-based models, where the electricity price can fluctuate during the day depending on the market conditions. Examples of time-dependent pricing schemes are Time-Of-Use (TOU) tariffs, where the electricity price can take two or three price levels during the day, or Real-Time Pricing (RTP) tariffs, where the energy price …
The subject addressed in this paper is the analytical study of the transition of the energy generation system for a real MV/LV distribution system from a ‘fuel based’ one to a distributed and smart ‘renewables based’ one. The paper outlines the technical issues related to such transition from one type of system to the other. The study is carried out for a real islanded MV/LV distribution network located in the Island of Pantelleria. The economical issues regarding the above transition are focused in a companion paper.
Study and simulation of photovoltaic installation connected to the grid with storage system
In the present paper, a new approach to the management of energy resources in a research laboratory is proposed and evaluated by a simulation for the PV installation realized for the Tunisian-Italian cooperation project DE.DU.ENER.T, using renewable energy and economic criteria. The aim of this project is to improve energy efficiency order to minimize the electricity cost consumed at the laboratory, because according to the bills of electricity received we noticed that there is a high consumption of electrical current, from the STEG grid, and especially by the energy intensive equipment such as drying ovens and all the workstations. So we targeted to install a photovoltaic field of 12KWc to…
Monitoring of renewable energy prototype for the DEDUENERT research project
In this paper, we present a renewable energy sustainable micro-system installed upon a platform located in the Research and Technology Centre of Energy in Borj Cedria Techno park (Tunisia). This prototype has been conceived within the ENPI (European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument) cross-border cooperation Italy-Tunisia 2007–2013 research project framework. This project's overall goal is to develop a common strategy for the deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency by endorsing the cooperation between Italy and Tunisia. The focus is to implement the use of sustainable energy microsystems that generate electricity from various renewable sources (solar thermal, photovoltaic…
Effect of voltage deviations on power distribution losses in presence of DG technology
Integration of distributed generation (DG) units in power distribution network has become increasingly attractive multi-faceted paradigm as economic and environmental factors drive new technologies to be more efficient and less polluting than their earlier counterparts. The installation of DGs impacts critically on the planning and operating characteristics of the distribution network. Type, location, number and capacity of DG are essential factors for studying the effect of DGs on the system behavior. In this paper the effect of DG on the power losses of a distribution network is investigated for different types of DG units. Also, the impact of DG on the voltage profile is demonstrated bef…
Application to an italian distribution system of a multiobjective optimal Volt/VAR control strategy: improvements and management problems
In this paper, the experiences and results deriving from the application of a multiobjective optimal management strategy to a distribution network supplying an area in province of Palermo, Italy, are presented. The adopted strategy allows, through the interventions on the Under Load Tap Changers (ULTC) of the primary substations and on tie-switches, to reduce power losses and improve the voltage profiles. To solve the optimization problem, an evolutionary approach has been adopted; it employs fuzzy logic for an adequate and simultaneous fulfilment of the different objectives. The application section presents a deep technical and economical analysis of the results attained, applying the opti…
Theoretical and Experimental Comparison of Total Harmonic Distortion Factors for the Evaluation of Harmonic and Interharmonic Pollution of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems
Grid connected photovoltaic systems are increasingly used in electrical distribution systems. However, they inject distorted currents. Therefore special attention must be paid to harmonic and interharmonic measurements. The new edition of IEC 61000-4-7 introduces the concept of harmonic and interharmonic groups, which implies new expressions for Total Harmonic Distortion factors. In the paper a theoretical and experimental comparison is made between the different total harmonic distortion factors in order to show which of the currently defined distortion factors is best-suited to detect harmonic and interharmonic pollution. Experimental tests were carried out first by means of a calibrator …
Experimentation of sustainable energy microsystems: The DE.DU.ENER.T. research project
The paper focuses on an energy sustainable prototype micro-system installed upon a roof of a building in Valderice (Italy). This micro-system has been conceived in the ENPI (European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument) cross-border cooperation Italy - Tunisia 2007–2013 DE.DU.ENER.T. (Le DEveloppement DUrable dans la production ENERgetique dans le Territoire) research project framework. The main aim of this project is the construction of a sustainable energy micro-system prototype suitable for the optimal integration and management of renewable energy resources (photovoltaic, wind and solar thermal) and to reduce the building's energy consumption. In the paper the project and the protot…
A heuristic approach for optimal operation of grid connected source-battery-load systems
In the paper an optimal management procedure for a system composed of a renewable energy source, storage batteries and a load, permanently connected to a distribution network, is presented. The issue follows two objectives: a) maximum economic benefit for the system, and b) minimum energy exchange with the network. The operation cost of storage facilities, as well as the technical and economic constraints on power exchanges between the system and the network and the technical constraints about charging and discharging cycles of the batteries are considered. The effectiveness of the management procedure is numerically tested and the results are presented.
Building Automation and Control Systems and Electrical Distribution Grids: A Study on the Effects of Loads Control Logics on Power Losses and Peaks
Growing home comfort is causing increasing energy consumption in residential buildings and a consequent stress in urban medium and low voltage distribution networks. Therefore, distribution system operators are obliged to manage problems related to the reliability of the electricity system and, above all, they must consider investments for enhancing the electrical infrastructure. The purpose of this paper is to assess how the reduction of building electricity consumption and the modification of the building load profile, due to load automation, combined with suitable load control programs, can improve network reliability and distribution efficiency. This paper proposes an extensive study on…
Fire risk assessment and cable selection for enduser substations
This paper examines the issues related to fire risk assessment in end-users substations. Fires in substations may be caused by electrical faults, overvoltages, lack of maintenance, etc. It is crucial that fires be confined within the substation, and not propagate into the adjacent environment, where their effects may put at risk personnel, as well as other properties. To reduce this risk of propagation, the choice of cables and the related wiring methods are crucial; in addition, the characteristics of cable chases that route cables from the substation to adjacent rooms is very important. IEEE and IEC fire protection standards for end-user substations are herein discussed, with emphasis on …
Load modelling influence on voltage stability assessment in distribution systems. Part II: Extension to a complex radial system and applications
The single-line equivalent model is commonly used for voltage stability studies in both distribution and transmission systems. Referring to a single-line system, in the companion paper [1] the authors presented the theoretical aspects of voltage stability related to the load characteristics. In particular, expressions of the stability index for constant power, constant impedance and constant current loads, singularly and in all the possible combinations have been obtained. This index indicates how far the load node is from its voltage collapse point, allowing the maximum load power beyond which voltage collapse takes place to be evaluated. In this paper a simple method to evaluate the param…
Economical Incentives and Systems of Certification for the Production of Electrical Energy from Renewable Energy Resources
In order to succeed in observing the international agreements undertaken in the Kyoto agreement protocol, today it is necessary to increase the electrical energy production from renewables energy resources (RERs). In this paper a complete description of the Italian incentive systems for the production of electrical energy from photovoltaic (PV) and other RERs is done. Moreover, some considerations about the effects of the incentive actions on the wide spread of RERs to produce electrical energy are reported; particular attention is paid in the economical analysis related to PY and wind systems.
A multi-agent system reinforcement learning based optimal power flow for islanded microgrids
In this paper, a distributed intelligence algorithm is used to manage the optimal power flow problem in islanded microgrids. The methodology provides a suboptimal solution although the error is limited to a few percent as compared to a centralized approach. The solution algorithm is multi-agent based. According to the method, couples of agents communicate with each other only if the buses where they are located are electrically connected. The overall prizing system required for learning uses a feedback from an approximated model of the network. Based on the latter, a distributed reiforcement learning algorithm is implemented to minimize the joule losses while meeting operational constraints…
Effect of Integrating Photovoltaic Systems on Electrical Network Losses Considering Load Variation
Planning of Distributed Generation (DG) units in the power distribution networks is an important issue, one of the most important considerations that is directly affected by installing DG units is the power losses. Improper allocation of DG units to the grid can lead to a noticeable increase in the power losses. Moreover, the load variation is considered as critical matter when studying the optimal scenario that minimizes the power losses in the network. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of integrating photovoltaic (PV) units on the distribution network losses considering load variation. The optimal parameters of the DG units were calculated for the various load demands in …
Reassessment of voltage stability for distribution networks in presence of DG
There is a growing interest in integrating renewable energy based distributed generation (DG) in the electrical power distribution networks. The installation of DG units at distribution level impacts critically the planning and operation characteristics of the network. The type, location, number and capacity of the integrated DGs affects system behavior and performance. In this paper the effect of installing new DGs on the distribution network voltage stability is studied. The optimal location of the newly installed DGs are decided based on the Power Stability Index (PSI) and Voltage Stability Index (VSI). Moreover, Voltage Stability Margin (VSM) of the interconnected DG distribution networ…
An experimental analysis of power quality in presence of single phase grid connected photovoltaic systems
In this paper, an experimental power quality analysis in presence of single phase grid connected PV systems is performed in a PV system installed at the Department of Electric Engineering of the University of Palermo through a measurement system set up by the Authors. In particular the analysis has been carried out focusing the attention on voltage and current distortion, as the solar radiation varies. The corresponding Total Harmonic Distortions in voltage and current terms are reported and compared with the standards limits. The presence of interharmonic components is also discussed.
Decoupled solution of radial and weakly meshed distribution networks through a backward method
A methodology for the analysis of radial or weakly meshed distribution systems supplying voltage dependent loads is developed. The solution process is iterative and, at each step, the loads are simulated by means of impedances. The network is divided into two sub-networks which must be solved separately and sequentially; in the first, named RP-net, only the lines resistances and the loads shunt equivalent resistances are considered; in the second, named XQ-net, only the lines reactances and the shunt equivalent reactances are taken into account. After a brief presentation of the b/f method, which is currently the most commonly used technique to solve distribution networks, the proposed meth…
Verifying the effect of distributed generators on voltage profile, power losses and protection system in radial distribution networks
In the recent years the electrical power networks are undergoing rapid restructuring and developing process worldwide. Advancement in technologies and concern about the environmental impacts have led to increase interconnection of renewable energy based distributed generations (DGs) in distribution networks. The DGs have significant impacts on the distribution systems; these impacts may be either positively or negatively depending on the modified interconnected DG distribution network structure. It will be necessary to consider many issues concerning these impacts. In this paper, an investigation of DGs impacts on voltage profile, power losses, and protection system in radial distribution n…
A Simulation Analysis of VSM Control for RES plants in a Small Mediterranean Island
The paper presents an application of Virtual Synchronous Machine control for managing inverter-interfaced renewable energy sources in a small Mediterranean island not supplied by the main grid. In the proposed analysis, the island's renewables-based generators area assumed interfaced to the grid by voltage source converters with a swing controller and a vector-current controller with two different options for the reference current for regulating the voltage at the Point of Common Coupling and the active power output. The system, modeled in PScad environment, allows to verify the response of the renewables-based generators with VSM control in the presence of a fault in the grid.
A Simulation Analysis for Assessing the Reliability of AC/DC Hybrid Microgrids - Part II: Port Area and Residential Area
This paper reports the second part of a simulation study with the aim of evaluating the ability of two portions of a hybrid AC/DC MV/LV network in maintaining their operation in off-grid mode during the loss of the main AC grid due to a failure. In particular, this paper follows a dual purpose: first, it analysis two microgrids in a residential area and a port zone capability of operating in islanded mode, applying a probabilistic approach, while there is different energy use cases, and second is to evaluate some reliability indicators.
Adaptive and Dynamic Ant Colony Search Algorithm for Optimal Distribution Systems Reinforcement Strategy
The metaheuristic technique of Ant Colony Search has been revised here in order to deal with dynamic search optimization problems having a large search space and mixed integer variables. The problem to which it has been applied is an electrical distribution systems management problem. This kind of issues is indeed getting increasingly complicated due to the introduction of new energy trading strategies, new environmental constraints and new technologies. In particular, in this paper, the problem of finding the optimal reinforcement strategy to provide reliable and economic service to customers in a given time frame is investigated. Utilities indeed need efficient software tools to take deci…
Impact of non-programmable renewable sources in Day-Ahead Market in Sicily. Reasons to make more flexible and smarter the national transmission grid.
This article describes technical and market aspects that characterize the Sicilian electrical system, the non-programmable renewable sources impacts on the energy markets (Day-Ahead Market and ancillary services market) and on Sicilian system operation, to evaluate the grid integration of renewable energy sources in a future Sicilian smart grid.
A framework to determine maximum capacity of interconnecting DGs in distribution networks
Interconnecting Distributed Generation (DG) in the distribution network is considered as an important area of power system planning. When the DG placed inappropriately, the DG can have negative impact on some important and critical characteristics of system performance such as increased power losses, degraded voltage profile, and mis-coordination between protection devices. This paper introduces a framework to determine the maximum capacity limits of interconnecting DG units in radial distribution networks in order to keep protection scheme unchanged, while the voltage profile remains within acceptable range and on the same time having the minimum power losses in the network; applying this …
A decoupled method for solving distribution networks with PV nodes
In this paper, a methodology for the load flow solution of distribution systems with fixed voltage nodes (PV nodes) is presented. The proposed technique is the extension of a methodology already set up by the authors to solve distribution systems; it is an iterative approach devoted to the treatment of voltage dependent loads; at each iteration, all the network components (lines, loads, and PV nodes) are represented by resistances and reactances. The methodology is based on the identification of two networks that are solved in sequence, thus allowing the attainment of state features of the original system. One of the two systems is made up only of shunt and series resistances; the other onl…
Critical Assessment of Feed-In Tariffs and Solar Photovoltaic Development in Vietnam
Vietnam became the world’s third largest market for solar photovoltaic energy in 2020. Especially after the Vietnamese government issued feed-in tariffs for grid-connected solar photovoltaic systems, the installed capacity of solar photovoltaic applications exploded in 2019. From studies carried out in the relevant literature, it can be said that support policies are highly important for the initial development of the renewable energy industry in most countries. This is especially true in emerging countries such as Vietnam. This paper reviews the feed-in tariffs issued and deployed in different regions of Vietnam for grid-connected solar photovoltaic applications. Moreover, the paper takes …
Le fonti rinnovabili in Sicilia: impatti sul mercato zonale e sulla gestione del sistema elettrico
L’articolo descrive gli aspetti tecnici e di mercato del sistema elettrico siciliano mettendo in evidenza le cause che hanno portato all’aumento del prezzo zonale nelle ore serali, gli effetti che le FRNP hanno sui mercati elettrici (MGP e MSD) e sulla gestione del sistema elettrico siciliano.
A fuzzy-logic based evolutionary multiobjective approach for automated distribution networks management
In this paper, a methodology to treat constrained scheduling problems based on the repeated application of a fuzzy-logic-based multiobjective algorithm is presented. The application domain is that of automated distribution systems management. In particular, the problem of voltage regulation and power loses minimization is here considered. The classical formulation of the problem of optimal control of shunt capacitor banks and under load tap changers, ULTC, located at high voltage/medium voltage (HV/MV) substations has been coupled with the optimal control of tie-switches and capacitor banks on the feeders of a large radially operated meshed distribution system with the aim of attaining mini…
Experimental results on the economic management of a smart microgrid
The aim of this paper is to assess economic benefits deriving from the adoption of a smart microgrid. To this end, a case study consisting of 250 houses connected to the distribution network through a MV/LV transformer substation has been investigated and implemented in the experimental microgrid built at the Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy. The analysis has been performed by comparing three different energy providers: the utility grid, the utility grid with the inclusion of non-programmable renewables generators, and the inclusion of such residential loads into a smart microgrid. The obtained results demonstrated that with the adoption of a smart microgrid significant costs savings c…
A distributed minimum losses optimal power flow for islanded microgrids
Abstract In this work, the minimum losses optimal power dispatch problem for islanded microgrids with distributed energy resources (DER) is solved by means of a distributed heuristic approach. Optimal power management is performed almost in real time, with a predefined schedule, i.e. every 5 min, and the solution is applied to generators when the current operating solution violates voltage or current constraints or when the current configuration produces too large power losses. The operating point of both inverter-interfaced generation units as well as rotating production systems can be modified simply using local information. The latter are voltage measurements and power injections or load…
Voltage Collapse Proximity Assessment for Radial Distribution Networks
The paper deals with voltage stability assessment in radial distribution networks. The voltage collapse proximity index already utilized in literature for power transmission systems is assumed. Based on the optimal impedance solution of a two-bus equivalent system, this index indicates how far the load nodes of the actual network are from their voltage collapse points, allowing the weak node and its maximum load power beyond which voltage collapse takes place to be identified. The proposed method differs from the other methods on the determination of the parameters which define the two-bus equivalent of the network, allowing to better identify the maximum loading point beyond which the volt…
Approccio allo Sviluppo di Sistemi Diagnostici per il Funzionamento Fault Tolerant delle Micro-grid
Il progressivo aumento del livello di penetrazione della generazione distribuita(GD) è destinato a provocare un profondo mutamento nelle esistenti reti di distribuzione che non sono più considerate come terminazioni passive del sistema elettrico complessivo. Una soluzione possibile è quella relativa alla realizzazione di piccole reti, le micro-grid, che riproducono, al loro interno, la struttura del sistema di produzione e distribuzione dell’energia elettrica. Per ottenere una adeguata affidabilità della micro-grid risulta importante la individuazione e la gestione dei guasti ai fini del perseguimento dell’esercizio "fault tolerant" della micro-grid stessa. Nel presente lavoro, dopo aver in…
Short-circuit Calculations in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids
In this paper, the issues related to short-circuit calculations in hybrid AC/DC microgrids are discussed. The reference standard for short-current calculations in DC systems is the IEC 61660, which provides a mathematical formulation of the problem. The standard only includes radial DC grids and does not consider a more complex system, such as meshed DC systems or a hybrid AC/DC microgrid. This paper proposes a generalized approach that can be used independently of the characteristics of the hybrid system. The proposed approach is applied to two test microgrids and the results are compared with those obtained simulating the same grids with Neplan 360.
Near zero energy islands in the Mediterranean: Supporting policies and local obstacles
Abstract Based on a recent technical–economical analysis on the island of Pantelleria, a policy feasibility study for a complete upgrading of the energy system of this Mediterranean Island is carried out. Pantelleria, situated between Sicily and Africa, owns a large potential in terms of renewable energy resources, although there are some obstacles in turning it into a Near Zero Energy system. Starting from a deep energy system audit, the study proposes the project for a near zero energy island, through the efficient transformation of the different existing natural energy resources into electrical energy and heat: the solar, the wind-based and the geothermal systems. In this way, the island…
Crowded comparison operators for constraints handling in NSGA-II for optimal design of the compensation system in electrical distribution networks
This paper proposes an improvement of an efficient multiobjective optimization algorithm, Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II, NSGA-II, that has been here applied to solve the problem of optimal capacitors placement in distribution systems. The studied improvement involves the Crowded Comparison Operator and modifies it in order to handle several constraints. The problem of optimal location and sizing of capacitor banks for losses reduction and voltage profile flattening in medium voltage (MV) automated distribution systems is a difficult combinatorial constrained optimization problem which is deeply studied in literature. In this paper, the efficiency of the proposed Crowded Compari…
Voltage Regulation and Power Losses Minimization in Automated Distribution Networks by an Evolutionary Multiobjective Approach
In this paper, the problem of voltage regulation and power losses minimization for automated distribution systems is dealt with. The classical formulation of the problem of optimal control of shunt capacitor banks and Under Load Tap Changers located at HV/MV substations has been coupled with the optimal control of tie-switches and capacitor banks on the feeders of a large radially operated meshed distribution system with the aim of attaining minimum power losses and the flattening of the voltage profile. The considered formulation requires the optimization of two different objectives; therefore the use of adequate multiobjective heuristic optimization methods is needed. The heuristic strate…
Evaluation of the optimal renewable electricity mix for Lampedusa island: The adoption of a technical and economical methodology
Abstract Worldwide, the majority of small islands not connected to the main grid is still dependent on fossil fuels. From an economic and environmental point of view, this condition is no more sustainable given the high costs for electricity generation and the high level of pollutant emissions. Furthermore, the dependence on fossil fuel represents a risk for the security of the supply of several small developing Countries since they are obliged to import those resources from foreign Countries. The introduction of renewable energy sources in small islands represents a valid solution to solve these problems. In this context, the paper investigates the case of Lampedusa, a small Italian island…
A Comparison between RMS and EMT Grid-Forming Implementations in MATLAB/Simscape for Smart Grids Dynamics
The article presents a comparison between phasor RMS and EMT models for grid-forming converters. The specific aspects related to the implementation in Simscape Electrical of MATLAB/Simulink are discussed for both RMS and EMT time-domains. The comparison between the different implementations is performed with the simulation of two widely studied grid-forming schemes, the virtual synchronous machine and the power-synchronization control. The simulation-based comparison examines transient phenomena with different characteristics and time scales, including frequency transients, phase jumps and short-circuit events. Specific indications regarding limitations and suitability of grid-forming model…
Feasibility analysis and study of a grid-connected hybrid electric system: Application in the building sector
This paper represents the feasibility study and analysis of a grid-connected hybrid (PV-Wind) system with battery, realized within the project DE.DU.ENER.T and installed in the research centre CRTEn located in the northern Tunisia in the city of Borj-Cedria. The main objective of this work is to exploit renewable sources of electrical energy production to electrify the desired building. So, to minimize electricity consumption costs, reduce the adverse effects of pollutants products from the diesel power systems and sometimes happen to sell the surplus of energy produced. The HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model of Electric Renewable) software is used to estimate system size and its performance …
Confronto teorico e sperimentale degli indici di distorsione armonica ed interarmonica: applicazione ad un impianto di generazione fotovoltaico
Optimal pricing strategies in real-time electricity pricing environments: An Italian case study
The energy market has changed radically over the last decade, mainly due to an increased penetration of renewable energies. Now the end users have directly access to the energy market and can actively take part to the electricity market. Electricity customers can indeed modify their behavior through Demand Response (DR), namely by means of pricing strategies that support a change in the end-users habits. This can be accomplished through a 'loads aggregator', a third party that collects the requests and signals for Active Demand-based services coming from the markets and the different power system participants. This paper describes a new framework able to optimally select the real-time prici…
Optimal reconfiguration of weakly meshed distribution systems
In this paper the problem of optimal reconfiguration for weakly meshed systems is dealt with; meshes are created by the presence of Favoured Customers (FC) requiring supply through two different paths in order to guarantee the maximum service continuity. Aim of the reconfiguration is to attain a network that operates with minimum power losses, and in order to account for particular needs of the FC loads, that shows the minimum overall yearly fault rate on the branches where the power required by the loads flows. Moreover the constraints concerning the bus voltage profiles, the current in branches and the power balance among HV/MV transformers supplying the network must be full-filled. Due t…
Numerical implementation of active power flow tracing methods: Practical implications on transmission networks and DR programs support
The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the powerful contribution of the electric active power flow tracing methods on studying the electric transmission systems operating conditions. The tracing methods allow to impute to every generation unit and/or load the responsibility of the power flows of all the elements connected to the network. This study propose the numerical implementation of two different tracing methods on two transmission networks through Matlab® scripts developed on purpose; then the analysis is focused on identifying the loads which mostly affect the power line flows of the system. The results of this analysis point out the loads on which the application of the Demand Res…
DEMAND Project: Bottom-Up Aggregation of Prosumers in Distribution Networks
The paper explains the concept of the DEMAND project, whose aim is to develop a technical framework for allowing a Bottom-Up aggregation of prosumers connected to the distribution grid. Load and generation aggregation is a very current issue given the great potential that the coordinated management of distributed resources has on power systems operation and design. The novelty in DEMAND is the absence of a physical aggregator and the recourse to a virtual aggregation environment (VAE) for allowing the exchange of information among the prosumers in order to provide a service to the DSO. After a general description of the research project, the paper presents the services that the aggregated c…
An Analysis of the Intertial Response of Small Isolated Power Systems in Presence of Generation from Renewable Energy Sources
Renewable Energy Sources are posing critical issues related to the mining of power systems stability, essentially due to a decrement of the inertial response during system's contingencies. As a consequence, to preserve the security and the reliability of the system, it is necessary to adopt new frequency adjustments mechanisms. This issue becomes particularly critical in isolated power systems, like those of small islands not supplied by the main grid, in the case of high shares of production from unpredictable renewabies such as photovoitaic and wind sources. In this framework, the present work deals with the analysis of the variation of the inertia time constant of a small island in vario…
Mathematical modelling of an inverter-based distributed generator
In this paper, a modeling approach of a three phase power inverter based on an electrostatic synchronous machine is presented. By the proposed approach, any inverter-based distributed generator in a microgrid can be replaced by an equivalent electrostatic machine. This paper aims to promote the use of the proposed modeling approach in the analysis of microgrid stability. Thanks to the proposed modeling approach, transient performances of on-grid operation of converter-based distributed generators could be easily analyzed by multi-machine models. Parameters of the equivalent synchronous electrostatic machine model are derived to achieve equivalence with the inverter model. Small signal model…
This paper investigates the possibility to use a new modeling of Energy Storage Systems based on zero integral functions. Such functions represent the course of the energy level stored in batteries during the solution of optimal management problems in smart-grids. Storage devices, such as all the other components that are required to meet an integral capacity constraint along the dispatch time, must show the same State of Charge at the start and at the end of the timeframe considered for operation. In this paper, a set of sinusoidal functions have been used for the synthesis of the charge and discharge course of energy Storage Systems. Such representation allows to eliminate the difficult c…
Valutazioni economiche e incentivi
Critical Assessments of the Potential for Integrating Renewable Energy into Isolated Grids on Vietnamese Islands: The Case of the An-Binh Grid
Renewable electricity for off-grid areas is widely seen as one of the top choices in supporting local economic development in most countries, and so is Vietnam. Over the years, many isolated networks using renewable energy sources have been deployed for off-grid areas in Vietnam. However, the use of these energy sources in Vietnam’s isolated networks is still facing many challenges due to its infancy here. The issues of reliability and vulnerability of these networks are not given the expected attention. Another challenge is that the issues of the operational security of these systems could also be negatively affected by the variable nature of renewable sources, including static and dynamic…
Development of Diagnostic Systems for the Fault Tolerant Operation of Micro-Grids
The progressive penetration level of Distributed Generation (DG) is destined to cause deep changes in the existing distribution networks no longer considered as passive terminations of the whole electrical system. A possible solution is the realization of small networks, namely the Micro-Grids, reproducing in themselves the structure of the main production and distribution of the electrical energy system. In order to gain an adequate reliability level of the micro-grids the individuation and the management of the faults with the goal of maintaining the micro-grid operation (fault tolerant operation) is quite important. In the present paper after the introduction of the aims of several diagn…
A General Methodology for Short-circuit Calculations in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids
In this paper, the issues related to short-circuit calculations in hybrid AC/DC microgrids are discussed. The reference standard for short-current calculations in DC systems is the IEC 61660, which provides a mathematical formulation of the problem. The standard only includes radial DC grids and does not consider a more complex system, such as meshed DC systems or a hybrid AC/DC microgrid. This paper proposes a generalized approach that can be used independently of the characteristics of the hybrid system. The proposed approach is applied to four test microgrids with different distributed sources and number of nodes and the results are compared with those obtained simulating the same grids …
Review of potential and actual penetration of solar power in Vietnam
With the average solar radiation reaching up to 5 kWh/m2, Vietnam is considered as a country showing an excellent potential for solar power production. Since the year 2000, there have been a lot of studies about the potential of this source in Vietnam. So far, many applications of solar power have been implemented on small, medium, and large scales. In fact, the total capacity of current grid-connected solar power plants has exceeded the planned capacity by 2020 nearly 6 times. However, the studies of solar potential in Vietnam are still incomplete. The policies and mechanisms for developing solar power projects have received attention from the authorities but have not been really satisfact…
A Simple Method to Assess Loadability of Radial Distribution Networks
This paper proposes a simple method to asses loadability in radial distribution systems. The relevant problem of voltage stability has been dealt with in past times with reference to higher voltage systems for generation and transmission. In more recent papers, the problem has been considered also at distribution level, since the new electrical energy market requirements and the increasing loadings are now more and more influencing these systems. The proposed method is based on a static approach and proceeds by first evaluating the stability indices and then the different loadability factors (related to real, reactive and apparent power). These calculations are carried out by identifying, s…
2015-2020. Sicily and Italy as Electricity Hub in the Mediterranean Area for the Development of the European Power Grids Interconnections
Falling demand and explosion of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are redesigning the criteria for planning the power grids interconnections by ENTSO-E. In particular, the interconnections between networks of different countries have been acquiring importance more and more, in view of an unique European market for electricity and an increase of RES. Italy and Sicily, placed in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea, play a fundamental role as a bridge between Central Europe, North Africa area and Mediterranean islands (electricity hub). This paper aims to show how power system exchanges tend to follow the direction from South to North, and how the impact of North-African power – mainly generated …
On the Interconnections of HV–MV Stations to Global Grounding Systems
The interconnection of grounding systems of HV-MV stations via the armors of medium voltage cables, is herein analyzed to verify the effects on touch voltages in ground-fault conditions. The major contributions of this paper are two: the analysis of the impact of an HV ground-fault on a global grounding system (GGS), and the analysis of the parameters that may affect safety due to the interconnection between HV-MV stations and the GGS. The authors have analyzed cases when the connection of an HV-MV station to a GGS improves safety, and then may introduce hazards under ground-fault conditions. Two main issues are herein discussed: 1) the transfer of dangerous voltages to substations, due to …
La generazione distribuita: benefici e problematiche
Il sistema elettrico di potenza di cui fino a ieri eravamo abituati a parlare consentiva di trasportare e distribuire l’energia elettrica prodotta da sorgenti di grande potenza (centrali elettriche) ai centri di consumo grandi e piccoli dislocati su un territorio di grande estensione. In tale accezione il sistema era caratterizzato da presenza di una generazione centralizzata e ciò per ragioni, tra le altre, di economicità, sicurezza e qualità di esercizio. Negli ultimi anni, grazie anche ai processi di liberalizzazione del mercato dell’energia elettrica, si è assistito ad uno sviluppo della cosiddetta generazione distribuita, soprattutto da fonte rinnovabile, il che pone non poche problema…
A Novel Operating Strategy for Customer-Side Energy Storages in Presence of Dynamic Electricity Prices
In the wholesale energy market, electricity prices are determined by the balance between supply and demand. Normally, customers are not exposed to these variations but pay a constant electricity price. In an attempt to reduce demand peaks, several utilities are moving from a conventional fixed-rate pricing scheme to a new market-based model, based on time-of-use or real-time pricing, able to closely reflect the wholesale energy price. Electricity customers can thus take profit from the installation of storage systems, shifting their energy consumption from on-peak to off-peak periods. This paper presents a novel charging strategy to manage customer storage systems in presence of hourly elec…
Misure di incentivazione economica e fiscale per la produzione di energia da impianti fotovoltaici: dal "conto capitale" al "conto energia"
Il settore energetico, settore chiave del sistema economico, attraverso le fonti di energia rinnovabile può ricevere oggi un nuovo slancio e contribuire a uno sviluppo sostenibile ed eco-compatibile. Scopo di questo lavoro è illustrare le differenze tra i vari sistemi di incentivazione economica e fiscale promossi nel tempo in Italia, soffermandosi sul meccanismo di incentivazione in conto energia attualmente vigente, e fornire alcune considerazioni tecniche ed economiche utili a valutare l’investimento.
Metodi di Previsione del Collasso di Tensione nelle Reti Elettriche di Distribuzione
Vari tipi di eventi contingenti, perturbazioni o situazioni di funzionamento critiche, possono portare un sistema elettrico in condizioni di instabilità e al blackout. Il termine stabilità di tensione è riferito in genere ad un sistema elettrico che si trova a lavorare in prossimità della condizione di carico massimo e non più in grado di soddisfare ulteriori incrementi del carico stesso, pena un progressivo e rapido abbassamento della tensione nei nodi della rete e il blackout del sistema per collasso della tensione. Nella memoria vengono presentate due diverse metodologie per lo studio della stabilità delle reti radiali di distribuzione e la previsione del collasso di tensione. La prima m…
Virtual Synchronous Machine Control of RES Plants in Isolated Power Systems
Because of the increase in renewable energy sources (RESs) share, new control strategies of isolated power systems have been developed to improve the frequency and voltage stability of inverter-interfaced RESs. A voltage source converter (VSC) with a virtual synchronous machine (VSM) is among the most promising control schemes. This paper demonstrates how VSM control of inverter-interfaced RES can be efficiently used to improve the dynamic stability in small isolated power systems. In the proposed analysis, the RESs of a Mediterranean island are assumed interfaced to the grid by VSCs with a swing controller and a vector-current controller (VCC) with two different options for the reference c…
UPS fuel cell based: An innovative back-up system
The aim of the paper is to evaluate the technical feasibility and aspects related to the use, in an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), of fuel cells instead of traditional electrochemical batteries. The proposed system, named UPS-FCB (Fuel Cell Based) presents a modular and versatile system configuration; particularly it is possible to integrate it with traditional UPS. Moreover the system features can be modified in terms of power, reliability, back-up time, etc., by changing the power devices. A detailed experimental analysis has been carried out on a passive stand-by UPS integrated with a FCB; experimental results can be easily extended to the other possible system architectures. © 2007…
Critical assessment of support for the evolution of photovoltaics and feed-in tariff(s) in Italy
Abstract The feed-in tariff(s) mechanism involves an obligation on the part of an electricity provider to purchase electricity generated by renewable energy sources in its relevant area, paying a tariff determined by public authorities and guaranteed for a specific time period. Feed-in tariff(s) have been the primary mechanism used for supporting the development of renewable energy sources in the EU and, up to date, they are being applied in 20 EU Member Countries. On 6 July 2013, the Italian experience with feed-in tariff(s) for photovoltaic systems finished. During its lifetime of eight years, this incentive mechanism, named “Conto Energia”, was characterized by periods of great success f…
Direct solution of compensated radial distribution networks with constant impedance/current loads
In this paper, a methodology to solve radial distribution networks, with constant current and/or impedance loads as well as shunt capacitor banks, is proposed. The techniques currently available to solve such systems are based either on iterative methods or on the bus impedance matrix. In both cases, the elaboration times are quite high since these are related, for iterative methods, to the overall number of iterations, and, for those methods based on the impedance matrix, to the inversion of the admittance matrix. The method developed here is the extension of a technique that is valid to solve networks made of impedances with one supply point. The methodology can also be applied in the sol…
Il sistema della generazione distribuita. Problematiche di connessione al sistema elettrico.
Negli ultimi anni, grazie anche ai processi di liberalizzazione del mercato dell’energia elettrica, si è assistito ad uno sviluppo della cosiddetta generazione distribuita, soprattutto da fonte rinnovabile, il che pone non poche problematiche tra loro interconnesse di carattere sia tecnico che normativo, economico ed ambientale. In questo lavoro dopo avere brevemente illustrato i benefici potenziali dovuti all’introduzione di sistemi di generazione distribuita, si considera il suo impatto sulle reti elettriche di alta, media e bassa tensione analizzando le principali problematiche inerenti alla pianificazione, progettazione e gestione delle stesse.
Interconnections criteria of grounding grids in global grounding systems
A Global Grounding System is defined as the combination of local grounding systems, obtained by their interconnection, which ensures, thanks to their proximity, that no dangerous touch voltages can arise. The interconnection of grounding systems via the armors of the MV cables, between secondary substations and HV/MV stations is herein analyzed to verify the effects on touch voltages in ground-fault conditions. In particular, two main issues are discussed: 1) the transfer of dangerous voltages to secondary substations, due to ground-faults occurring at the HV/MV station; 2) the reduction in the magnitude of the ground potential rise due to ground-fault conditions at secondary substations, t…
A backward sweep method for power flow solution in distribution networks
Abstract A methodology for the analysis of radial or weakly meshed distribution systems supplying voltage dependent loads is here developed. The solution process is iterative and, at each step, loads are simulated by means of impedances. Therefore, at each iteration, it is necessary to solve a network made up only of impedances; for this kind of network, all the voltages and currents can be expressed as linear functions of a single unknown current (in radial systems) or of two unknown currents for each independent mesh (for meshed systems). The methodology has been called “backward” since the unique equation, in case of radial network, and the linear system of equations, in case of meshed n…
Progettazione di impianti fotovoltaici
Uprating an overhead line. Italian TSO applications to increase system N-1 security
This paper analyzes innovative devices to optimize the energy flows transmission on existing overhead lines. Indeed sometimes the structural asset isn’t adequate to manage energy generated by Renewable Energy Source (RES) in particular operating conditions. In addiction the outage of primary substations on the grid and the increase of consumptions have caused growing load currents. In order to satisfy these needs, TSOs have adopted new measures on existing power lines and N-1 criteria to ensures the electrical grid security. These particular devices are Dynamic Rating systems. After introducing thermal resistant conductors and Dynamic Rating (DR) solutions, paper reports two different appli…
System Stability of a Small Island's Network with Different Levels of Wind Power Penetration
The reduction of the inertial response of the generation system has been one of the main obstacles to the penetration of high sharing of renewable energy sources in islanded systems. This issue can be solved thanks to innovative control that makes wind turbines able to provide the so-named synthetic inertia. The paper investigates some scenarios with different levels of wind power penetration in a small island whose grid is not supplied by the main grid, by the use of the software NEPLAN 360, simulating the wind power plants accordingly to the standard IEC 61400-27. The aim of the paper is to assess the maximum level of penetration in the island of wind generation, with traditional control …
Transparency in transactive energy at distribution level
A recent report from the German Energy Agency analyzes the possible introduction of the blockchain technology in energy transactions in power distribution. The issue deserves attention since the extensive digitalization of business models puts new challenges to utilities in the power sector. The German decision makers in the energy field claim that blockchain appears as a close perspective and, at the same time, the Gartner hypecycle puts this technology at the peak of inflated expectations in 2016. Diffuse perception however provides hints for further investigation on the topic. This paper provides insight into the problem of peer-to-peer energy exchange from a technical perspective, provi…
Sensitivity Analysis and Frequency Dynamics of Grid-Connected Converters with Virtual Inertia
For the participation in the frequency control of the system, power converters can be controlled with different strategies and methods, sharing the common concept of virtual inertia capability. In this work, a sensitivity analysis of two main categories of converter controls with virtual inertia is presented. The considered schemes are a grid-following current vector control with additional virtual inertia block and a grid-forming control scheme based on virtual synchronous machine concept. A proper basis for the comparison is first assessed providing an analytical correlation between the control parameters of the two schemes. For the two control strategies, the sensitivity analysis of the …
Influence of MV distribution networks structure on voltage dips propagation
In this paper, transient behaviour due to voltage dips which occur in electric power MV distribution networks as a consequence of a fault by using an improved ATP circuit-breaker model are reported. The circuit-breaker is simulated by using a tool written in MODELS language and by arranging a time-variable differential arc-conductance based on the combination of Mayr's and Cassie's equations. An accurate analysis of the transient subsequent to circuit-breaker operation, in different fault conditions, are reported in order to show how the amplitude of the dip depends on the fault type, location and network structure.
Integration Issues of Distributed Generators Considering Faults in Electrical Distribution Networks
In the recent years there is a great interest in integration of distributed generation (DG) units at distribution level; this integration leads to planning as well as operational challenges. Some possibilities to handle grid planning issues are addressed in this paper. Effects on grid protection, fault current level, and voltage profile are investigated and described for different types of DG units; the classification of DG units is based on their terminal characteristics in terms of real and reactive power delivering capability. Different scenarios for mis-coordination problems caused by DG interconnection are discussed. The effect of the DG on the voltage profile of a distribution network…
Transitions from grid-connected to island operation of Smart Microgrids
In this paper a control methodology is presented to perform a bumpless transition from the on-grid to the offgrid of a smart microgrid. The derived controller manages the internal production in order to get to zero the tie-line active and reactive power flows so that the opening of the tie line breaker does not produce significant perturbations. Experimental tests performed on the microgrid built at the Polytechnic University of Bari demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.
Feasible Domain-Driven Genetic Operators for Distribution Systems Optimal Reconfiguration
In this paper, the problem of minimum losses reconfiguration in weakly meshed medium voltage (MV) distribution systems is dealt with. The presence of meshes can either be a cause of the presence of particular loads, favoured customer (FC) nodes, requiring a double supply path or of distributed generation (DG) nodes, that cannot work in islanded mode. The problem has been brought back to the more general problem of radial networks reconfiguration with the major aim of minimising power losses subject to constraints on voltage drops at load nodes and current in branches as well as on the partition of power generated among supply nodes in the network. The problem is non-linear and combinatorial…
A new model of PV nodes in distribution networks backward/forward analysis
In this paper a new model of PV nodes is developed; the model is aimed for the distribution systems load flow analysis and, in particular, for the iterative forward/backward method. If the network is weakly meshed, it is turned into radial by means of cuts and compensation currents. After the presentation of the general problem and the state of the art on the subject, the equations expressing the unknowns for the PV nodes are treated in detail. These equations belong to the forward sweep of the algorithm. The methodology has been implemented and applied so as to test its performance in terms of calculation times and precision. The obtained results confirm the efficiency of the proposed appr…
Reliability Analysis of a Stand-Alone PV System for the Supply of a Remote Electric Load
The work presents a reliability analysis of a stand-alone photovoltaic system for the supply of electric loads located in remote areas not easily reachable by the low voltage distribution network. The analysis is performed by characterizing the electric load behavior by means of a Montecarlo approach for taking into account the stochastic variability of the electrical energy demand. A Montecarlo approach is used also for evaluating the electricity production of the stand alone photovoltaic system as a function of the hourly solar irradiation of the installation site. The variability both of the load and of the energy production are correlated and the probability that the load can remain uns…