F. Cademartiri

Usefulness of Contrast-enhanced Ultrasonography in the Monitoring and follow-up of Treatment Response in Patients with Crohn’s Disease

research product

Image assessment with multislice CT coronary angiography

research product

“Visual Dictionary” of Coronary Artery Imaging by 64-slice CT Coronary Angiography: “How to” Correctly Describe Imaging Findings of CT Coronary Angiography for the Referring Physicians

research product

Non invasive imaging of coronary arteries with 64-slice CT and 1.5T MRI: challenging invasive techniques

Non-invasive coronary artery imaging challenges any diagnostic modality, because of the complex and tortuous anatomy and cardiac contraction and respiration. Therefore, non-invasive coronary imaging requires high spatial and temporal resolution. Our purpose is to discuss the feasible applications in coronary imaging of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Multi-slice Computed Tomography (MSCT). Focus will be devoted to potential indications and clinical impact of MSCT because of the fast development and the important results recently reported, in particular with the recent introduction of 64-slice equipments. MSCT of the coronary arteries is a promising imaging modality for the assessment of coro…

research product

Imaging quantitativo dell’aterosclerosi coronarica in-vivo con software dedicato: TC multistrato vs. Ecografia intracoronarica

research product

Accuratezza diagnostica della Cardio TC a doppia sorgente di 3^ generazione con protocollo FLASH per la rilevazione di stenosi coronariche in pazienti candidati a procedura TAVI

Evaluate the performance of cardio TC performed by third generation Dual Source equipment and thoraco-abdominal FLASH protocol for the evaluation of coronary stenosis in a population of patients candidates for TAVI

research product

Accuratezza diagnostica nella valutazione della restenosi negli stent coronarici mediante TC a 64 strati

research product

Varianti anatomiche dell’albero coronarico visualizzate mediante angiografia coronarica con TC a 64 strati

research product

Prevalence of Anatomical Variants and Coronary Anomalies in 202 Consecutive Patients by 64-slice CT Coronary Angiography

research product

Anatomical Variants of Coronary Artery Tree by 64-slice CT Coronary Angiography with Conventional Coronary Angiography Correlation

research product

Forty-slice Computer Tomography in arrhytmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy

research product

64-slice CT instead of Intravascular Ultrasound to Support Conventional Coronary Angiography in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Coronary Lesions

research product

Valore della TC coronarica nella stratificazione dei pazienti con dolore toracico cronico

research product

Il referto in angiografia coronarica con TC a 64 strati: una nuova sfida per il radiologo

research product

Angiografia coronarica mediante TC (AC-TC) a 64 strati in pazienti con sindromi coronariche acute: rilevazione della culprit lesion e caratteristiche morfo-densitometriche in correlazione con Ecografia intracoronarica (ICUS)

research product

Guida alla refertazione degli esami TC a 64 strati dei bypass aorto-coronarici

research product

Valutazione delle arterie coronarie mediante TC a doppia sorgente di 2^ e 3^ generazione: qualità d’immagine e dose di radiazioni in pazienti non selezionati con protocollo FLASH ad alto pitch.

To evaluate the performance of a high pitch FLASH protocol with second and third generation dual source devices in the evaluation of coronary arteries in an unselected population of patients undergoing thoracic or thoracic-abdominal CT angiography (primarily non-coronary exams)

research product

Coronary CT angiography using iterative reconstruction 
vs. filtered back projection: evaluation of image quality.

To compare image quality of iterative reconstruction algorithm(IRIS) vs. standard filtered back projection(FBP) reconstruction in CT Coronary Angiography (CTCA).Thirty-four consecutive patients underwent CTCA for suspected or known CAD with Dual-Source CT (DSCT-Flash, Siemens). All datasets were reconstructed with 0.75/0.4 and 0.6/0.4 mm slice thickness/increment, using three standard FBP kernels (B26-B30-B46) and three comparable IRIS algorithms (I26-I30-I46). Vascular attenuation and noise were measured. CT vascular attenuation values [HU] were measured in: ascending aorta (Ao), right (RCA) and left (LCA) coronary artery, respectively. Signal-to-noise (SNR) and contrast-to-noise (CNR) rat…

research product

Anomalie coronariche mediante angiografia coronarica con TC a 64 strati e relativo quadro angiografico convenzionale

research product

Digital cineradiographic study of swallowing in infants with neurologic disease: Our experience

research product

An Overview of Coronary Artery By-pass Graft (CABG): Anatomical Configuration and Visualization Technique Using 64-slice CT Coronary Angiography

research product

I by-pass aorto-coronarici: visualizzazione delle configurazioni anatomiche mediante TC multistrato a 64 strati

research product

Una elevata attenuazione intra-vascolare aumenta l’accuratezza diagnostica della coronarografia TC a 64 strati

research product

Coronary anomalies

research product

Dual-Source Computed Tomography (DSCT) Angiography for the Visualization of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts (CABG)

research product

How to describe Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque Features by State-of-the-Art Multislice CT

research product