Marcello De Maria
Valore dell'esame TC di perfusione nell'ischemia cerebrale acuta
Purpose. This study was performed to evaluate the usefulness of digital cineradiography in detecting swallowing disorders in dysphagic patients affected by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) with a view to planning an adequate therapeutic approach. Material and methods. From January 2005 to September 2006, 23 patients (10 men and 13 women; mean age 41.3±8.6 years) affected by ALS were evaluated with digital cineradiography to assess the grade of dysphagia. All patients were classified using the Hillel ALS Severity Scale (ALSSS). All examinations were performed with radiocontrolled equipment provided with a digital C-arm. Results. The cineradiographic technique enabled us to differentiate p…
Role of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound in the Assessment of Splenic Hemangiomas
Patologia congenita
Risposta al trattamento mediante ablazione percutanea con radiofrequenza dell’epatocarcinoma: valutazione tramite ecografia con mezzo di contrasto (CEUS)
Transient Hepatic Signal Intensity Differences (THID) Surrounding Focal Hepatic Lesions in Non-Cirrhotic Patients: Prevalence and Characterization with 1.5-MR Imaging Using Hepatospecific Medium Contrast
Benign and malignant conditions in hepatic capsular retraction
Le anomalie dentarie
Cavernous haemangioma associated with other hepatic masses at CT and MRI
Cavernous haemangioma associated with other hepatic masses at CT and MRI Nome del convegno: ESGAR 2004 Dettaglio tipologia d'Ateneo: 9 - Abstract di Comunicazioni o Poster di Congressi internazionali pubblicati (anche on line)
Contrast.enhanced ultrasonography of liver hemangiomas atypical at baseline US.
contrast enhanced versus conventional ultrasonography in the characterization of benign focal hepatic lesions
Diagnostica per immagini
The Emperor's Rest. King Frederick II of Swabia and the Opening of His Sarcophagus
Linee guida biopsia prostatica
Neoplasie del surrene
Aspetti delle lesioni cistiche epatiche con TC ed RM obiettivi
Virtual bronchoscopy in patients with central endobronchial stenosing lesions. Technique optimisation with single slice spiral CT.
PURPOSE: To describe an original protocol for single slice spiral Computed Tomography (CT) virtual bronchoscopy in the evaluation of patients with central airway stenoses and compare the results with fibreoptic bronchoscopy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten patients (4 female and 6 male; age range 22-60 years; mean age 44 years) with endobronchial disease diagnosed by fibreoptic bronchoscopy (8 malignant tumours, 1 benign tumour and 1 fibroid stenosis) underwent virtual bronchoscopy with single slice spiral CT. A panoramic spiral CT scan of the whole chest was first obtained. Once the area of interest had been identified, a new contrast enhanced scan was performed, from bottom to top, with the fo…
Broncoscopia virtuale in pazienti con lesioni endobronchiali stenosanti. Ottimizzazione della tecnica con TC spirale monostrato
PURPOSE: To describe an original protocol for single slice spiral Computed Tomography (CT) virtual bronchoscopy in the evaluation of patients with central airway stenoses and compare the results with fibreoptic bronchoscopy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten patients (4 female and 6 male; age range 22-60 years; mean age 44 years) with endobronchial disease diagnosed by fibreoptic bronchoscopy (8 malignant tumours, 1 benign tumour and 1 fibroid stenosis) underwent virtual bronchoscopy with single slice spiral CT. A panoramic spiral CT scan of the whole chest was first obtained. Once the area of interest had been identified, a new contrast enhanced scan was performed, from bottom to top, with the fo…
Acute traumatic acromionclavicular jointlesions: role of ultrasound versus conventional radiography
Usefulness of multiplanar reconstruction with multislice CT to assess HCC response after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization
causes of false positive interpretation for hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis
Hepatocellular cancer response to radiofrequency tumor ablation: contrast-enhanced ultrasound
Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is increasingly being used as percutaneous treatment of choice for patients with early stage hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). An accurate assessment of the RFA therapeutic response is of crucial importance, considering that a complete tumor ablation significantly increases patient survival, whereas residual unablated tumor calls for additional treatment. Imaging modalities play a pivotal role in accomplishing this task, but ultrasound (US) is not considered a reliable modality for the evaluation of the real extent of necrosis, even when color/power Doppler techniques are used. Recently, newer microbubble-based US contrast agents used in combination with grey-sca…
High resolution US versus x-ray study in the early assessment of acute traumatic lesion of the acromioclavicular joint.
Inquadramento clinico-radiologico delle malattie cistiche del rene.
Patologie renali chirurgiche
Dislocazione infero-mediale del frammento meniscale. Studio con risonanaza magnetica
Definire l'accuratezza diagnostica della Risonanza Magnetica (RM) nella diagnosi di dislocazione infero-mediale del frammento della fibrocartilagine meniscale, Materiale e metodi. Sono stati valutati retrospettivamente gli esami RM del ginocchio, effettuati nel periodo compreso tra dicembre 2002 ed aprile 2004, di 676 pazienti (eta media 32 anni) affetti da patologia traumatica del ginocchio e successivamente sottoposti ad artroscopia, al fine di identificare la presenza di una lesione meniscale a manico di secchio e della dislocazione infero-mediale del frammento meniscale. Gli esami RM sono stati eseguiti con un magnete superconduttivo da 0,5 T utilizzando una bobina ricevente/trasmittent…
Neoplasie dei surreni
MR findings of infero-medial displacement: A rare location of a free fragment of the medial meniscus of the knee
MR Imaging of Uterus Didelphys Transverse Vaginal Septum Causing Hematometrocolpos and Renal Agenesis
The association of uterus didelphys and unilateral blind vagina with ipsilateral renal agenesis is an infrequent urogenital malformation distinguished by a lesion of the mesonephric duct. In most patients, symptoms are present at the beginning of the menstrual cycle because a transverse vaginal septum on one side obstructs the flow of menses, which consequently collect. Magnetic resonance imaging allows a precise delineation of this congenital abnormality, clearly demonstrating the transverse vaginal septum with hematometrocolpos and uterus didelphys. Extending the magnetic resonance study to the abdomen and employing coronal sections with a wide field of view is important to search for ass…
Development of an OpenSource eLearning Radiology System
Gozzo semplice e nodulare
Thyroid nodules: prevalence, gray-scale and color-doppler pattern in a random adult population screened by high resolution US.
Sopravvivenza a 3 anni dei linfomi non Hodgkin aggressivi trattati con chemioterapia associata a radioterapia involved field (IF-RT).
Sviluppo di un server intranet per la didattica in ambito radiologico
Focal liver lesions in patients with cavernous transformation of the portal vein: diagnosis and MR features.
Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in the characterization of benign focal hepatic lesions: spectrum of findings
Neoplasie del surrene.
Imaging ecografico post-terapia ablativa
Apparato genitale femminile e maschile.
Characterisation of focal liver lesions undetermined at grey-scale US: contrast-enhanced US versus 64-row MDCT and MRI with liver-specific contrast agent
The aim of this study was to assess the role of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) in the characterisation of focal liver lesions in comparison with multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with liver-specific contrast agent.One hundred and eighty-seven focal liver lesions, 91 malignant and 96 benign (mean size 3.2 cm) - proved by biopsy (n=12), histology (n=4), MDCT (n=108), MRI (n=44) MDCT/MRI (n=19) - in 159 patients were studied by CEUS. Two expert radiologists consensually evaluated the contrast-enhancement patterns at CEUS. For each lesion, they assessed: (a) nature (benign, malignant, not assessable), (b) specific diagnosis and (c) need for …
Contrast-enhanced versus baseline US in the Characterization of benign focal hepatic lesions.
Focal confluent fibrosis: findings at CT and MRI in the cirrhotic liver
Focal confluent fibrosis: findings at CT and MRI in the cirrhotic liver Nome del convegno: European Congress of Radiology-ECR 2004 Luogo del convegno: Vienna Dettaglio tipologia d'Ateneo: 9 - Abstract di Comunicazioni o Poster di Congressi internazionali pubblicati (anche on line)
E-learning in radiologia
Patologie renali chirurgiche
Radioterapia esclusiva a confronto con la radioterapia associata alla Temozolomide (TMZ) nei gliomi cerebrali high grade.
Preliminary 1H NMR studyon waterlogged wood strengthened with Klucel
Waterlogged woods from sea or lakes are very fragile because chemical, physical and biological decay. Wood artefacts, if directly dried in air, risk a structurally collapse and loss original form and dimension. The progressive substitution of water with suitable strengthening materials can preserve the characteristic of the wood finds. Among various natural and synthetic polymers suitable for this porpoise we have chosen aqueous solutions of Klucel (hydroxypropylcellulose), a polymer obtained from etherification of cellulose. This compound can interact with all the components of the wooden structure (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) and can cover the cavities by a protective and stabili…