Terhi Mäntylä
The focus and timing of gaze matters : Investigating collaborative knowledge construction in a simulation-based environment by combined video and eye tracking
Although eye tracking has been successfully used in science education research, exploiting its potential in collaborative knowledge construction has remained sporadic. This article presents a novel approach for studying collaborative knowledge construction in a simulation-based environment by combining both the spatial and temporal dimensions of eye-tracking data with video data. For this purpose, we have investigated two undergraduate physics student pairs solving an electrostatics problem in a simulation-based environment via Zoom. The analysis of the video data of the students’ conversations focused on the different collaborative knowledge construction levels (new idea, explication, eval…
Didactical Reconstructions in Knowledge Organization and Consolidation in Physics Teacher Education
Physics teachers have an essential role in forming the attitudes and conceptions of future citizens towards science and technology, as well as in educating the future generations of scientists. Therefore, the physics teacher education must guarantee the best available education to pre-service physics teachers; sound knowledge of physics should be combined with a good understanding of the didactical and pedagogical aspects of teaching and learning. The situation is often that after university physics courses, the pre-service physics teachers’ knowledge is still quite fragmented and incoherent. They also often lack the concept formation perspective to physics knowledge. I discuss here a resea…
Evaluation of Student Teachers’ Perceived Quantitative Workload and Usefulness of an On-line Elementary Science Education Course Unit
We have designed a 1 ECTS on-line science pedagogy unit as a part of a 6 ECTS science education course for elementary school student teachers. To improve the unit, we asked 169 participants to estimate their use of time and the usefulness of the themes and contents in it. We analysed the responses in the framework of students’ perceived workload. The Basics of School Science was perceived as the most useful section, followed by Science Teaching and Learning Methods and Basics of Science and Scientific Knowledge in Schools, respectively. This in mind, we discuss the rescaling of the workload and the respective weights student perception and teacher expertise should have in the process. peerR…
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Editorial : Networks Applied in Science Education Research
Science education research is, in many ways, involved with exploring relational aspects of diverse elements that affect students’ learning outcomes; at one end, the elements may be concepts to be learned, and at the other end, the relations between students in different types of learning settings and environments and, ultimately, how such elements may interact [...]