Michele Scafidi
Automatic photoelastic methods for the analysis of Membrane residual stresses in glass
L'analisi delle tensioni residue nel vetro viene solitamente effettuata mediante metodi fotoelastici. Questo lavoro considera l'automazione del metodo fotoelastico in luce bianca basato sull'uso congiunto della fotoelasticità RGB e di una lastra a tinta sensibile (full wave plate o tint plate), che manifesta il ritardo di un ordine di frangia, posta in serie alla lastra di vetro. Il metodo proposto è stato applicato all’analisi delle tensioni residue membranali in un vetro temperato.
Photoelastic stress analysis assisted evaluation of fracture toughness in hydrothermally aged epoxies
The present work has investigated the fracture toughness of a model DGEBA epoxy system subject to Hidro-Thermal aging. A Photoelastic Stress Analysis technique has been implemented, showing the evolution of stresses arising throughout the water uptake process due to the non-uniform swelling of the material. Gravimetric and Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analyses have further complemented the characterization, showing the onset of plasticization effects with aging. The correlation of all previous characterizations has allowed to conclude that an increase of KIC fracture toughness is obtained at the fully saturated condition. In particular Photoelasticity has also revealed the onset of relevant s…
Review of RGB photoelasticity
Abstract Automatic methods of photoelasticity have had a significant progress with the development of automatic acquisition and image processing methods. This article concerns RGB photoelasticity, which allows the determination of the photoelastic retardation using, usually, a single acquisition of the isochromatic fringes in white light by a colour camera. In particular, the article presents an overview of the main characteristics of RGB photoelasticity that is influence of the quarter-wave plate error, number of acquisitions, type of light source, determination of low and high fringe orders, methods for searching the retardation, scanning procedures, calibration on a material different fr…
Tecniche innovative di fotoelasticità digitale in luce bianca
The Ring-Core Method is a technique used for the experimental analysis of the residual stresses in mechanical components. For uniform and non-uniform residual stresses estimation, the use of the method leads in general to accurate results but, unfortunately at present the user does not have appropriate procedures to correct the obtained results from systematic errors as well as to estimate the uncertainty due to random errors. In order to overcome such drawbacks, in the present work, the procedures for the correction of the effects of the main error sources and for the stress uncertainty estimation, are proposed. The practical application of such procedures allow the user to highlight the r…
Water diffusion and swelling stresses in highly crosslinked epoxy matrices
Abstract The present work investigates the swelling induced stresses arising in two epoxy systems during water uptake. The analysed systems are two epoxy resin based on DGEBA monomer and DGEBF monomer respectively, both fully cured by DDS amine. The systems achieve different cross-link density degrees, and are characterised by high glass transition temperatures ranging between 200 and 230 °C. Both epoxies have been conditioned in deionized water baths at two different temperatures (50 °C and 80 °C). A desorption process at room temperature in a dry airborne environment was performed after saturation. Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis, carried out at the various stages of hydrothermal cond…
RGB Photoelasticity: Review and Improvements
: This paper considers the main developments of RGB photoelasticity with reference to the maximum measurable retardation. In this paper, a new procedure based on the standard error function evaluated on a subset of the calibration array is also proposed and experimentally tested. The experiments show that the filament lamp makes it possible to find retardations until approximately 4 fringe orders while the fluorescent lamp makes it possible to determine higher fringe orders (12 fringe orders in this paper) owing to the discrete spectrum of the source. The paper shows that, by using the incandescent lamp, the primary limiting factor is the lack of modulation of the R, G and B signals wherea…
Questa memoria considera le caratteristiche della fotoelasticità RGB con riferimento al massimo ordine di frangia rilevabile che dipende dalla modulazione del segnale, dalla sorgente luminosa, dalla presenza di colori simili e dal gradiente delle frange. Le esperienze mostrano che la lampada ad incandescenza consente di rilevare ritardi fino a circa 4 ordini di frangia mentre la lampada a fluorescenza consente di determinare ordini di frangia ben più elevati (12 in questa memoria) grazie alla natura discreta della sorgente.
La fotoelasticità digitale in luce bianca: parte I - le equazioni dei polariscopi
Effect of the hole-bottom fillet radius on the residual stress analysis by the hole drilling method
Absorption kinetics and swelling stresses in hydrothermally aged epoxies investigated by photoelastic image analysis
Abstract The present work proposes an experimental optical methodology able to measure the transient swelling stresses induced by the water uptake ageing of polymers. In particular, the work describes the implementation of a Photoelastic technique to quantify internal stresses arising during the hydrothermal ageing of cast epoxy samples. The material investigated is a model DGEBA/DDS epoxy system. Curing and post-curing cycles have been optimised in order to obtain a fully cured, high T g , and completely stress free initial condition. Rectangular beam samples were then left in a hydrothermal bath at 90 °C, and regularly monitored by gravimetric and photoelastic analyses. The quantitative e…
Effetti del raggio di raccordo al fondo foro nella analisi delle tensioni residue con il metodo della rosetta forata
Il metodo della rosetta forata è una delle tecniche di analisi delle tensioni residue più utilizzati in campo industriale. Il metodo è abbastanza accurato per tensioni costanti, mentre nel caso di tensioni variabili nello spessore del componente esaminato diverse cause di incertezza devono essere attentamente esaminate. Poiché nella valutazione numerica dei coefficienti di influenza il foro è considerato perfettamente cilindrico e privo di raccordo, una sorgente di errore è costituita dal raggio di raccordo al fondo foro. In questa memoria viene studiato l’effetto che il raggio di raccordo ha sulle deformazioni misurate e sulle tensioni calcolate. E’ cosi mostrato come anche piccoli raggi d…
Measurement of edge residual stresses in glass by the phase-shifting method
Abstract Control and measurement of residual stress in glass is of great importance in the industrial field. Since glass is a birefringent material, the residual stress analysis is based mainly on the photoelastic method. This paper considers two methods of automated analysis of membrane residual stress in glass sheets, based on the phase-shifting concept in monochromatic light. In particular these methods are the automated versions of goniometric compensation methods of Tardy and Senarmont. The proposed methods can effectively replace manual methods of compensation (goniometric compensation of Tardy and Senarmont, Babinet and Babinet–Soleil compensators) provided by current standards on th…
RGB photoelasticity applied to the analysis of membrane residual stress in glass
The measurement of residual stresses is of great relevance in the glass industry. The analysis of residual stress in glass is usually made by photoelastic methods because glass is a photoelastic material. This paper considers the determination of membrane residual stresses in glass plates by automatic digital photoelasticity in white light (RGB photoelasticity). The proposed method is applied to the analysis of membrane residual stresses in some tempered glass. The proposed method can effectively replace manual methods based on the use of white light, which are currently provided by some technical standards.
Inspection of additive-manufactured layered components
Laser powder deposition (LPD) is a rapid additive manufacturing process to produce, layer upon layer, 3D geometries or to repair high-value components. Currently there is no nondestructive technique that can guarantee absence of flaws in LPD products during manufacturing. In this paper a laser ultrasonic technique for in-line inspection of LPD components is proposed. Reference samples were manufactured from Inconel and machined flaws were created to establish the sensitivity of the technique. Numerical models of laser-generated ultrasonic waves have been created to gain a deeper understanding of physics, to optimize the set-up and to verify the experimental measurements. Results obtained on…
Error and Uncertainty Analysis of the Residual Stresses Computed by Using the Hole Drilling Method
: The hole-drilling method is one of the most used techniques for the experimental analysis of the residual stresses in mechanical components. For both through-thickness uniform and non-uniform residual stress distributions, its application is standardised by the ASTM E837-08. In accordance with the ASTM limitations, the analysis of uniform residual stresses, to which the present work deals with, leads in general to results with a maximum bias of about 10%. Unfortunately, in general the user does not have appropriate procedures to estimate the actual stress error; consequently, if one or more of the experimental influence parameters fall out of the corresponding standard limitations, the c…
Inspection of Laser Powder Deposited Layers
2D size, position and shape definition of defects by B-scan image analysis
The non-destructive evaluation of defects by automatic procedures is of great importance for structural components. Thanks to the developments of the non-contact ultrasonic techniques, the automation of the inspections is gaining a progressively important role. In this work, an automatic inspection technique for the evaluation of defects by the analysis of B-scan images obtained by a laser ultrasonic system is presented. The data are extracted directly from a B-scan map obtained for a panel with internal defects, and are used to build an image of the cross section of the panel. The proposed automatic procedure allows the definition of size, position and shape of defects in panels of known t…
Laser Ultrasonic Technique for Laser Powder Deposition Inspection
B-Scan image analysis for position and shape defect definition in plates
Definition of size, shape and location of defects into a mechanical component is of extreme importance in the manufacturing industry in general and particularly in high-tech applications, and in applications that can become dangerous due to the structural failure of mechanical components. In this paper, a laser-UT system has been used to define position and shape of internal defects in aluminum plates. An infrared pulsed laser is used to generate ultrasonic waves in a point of the plate and a CW laser interferometer is used as receiver to acquire the out-of-plane displacements due to the ultrasonic waves in another point of the plate. The method consists of acquiring a B-Scan map on which s…
Fracture Toughness of Hydrothermally Aged Epoxy Systems with Different Crosslink Density
Abstract The present work investigates the fracture toughness behaviour of Single Edge Notched Bending (SENB) samples of epoxy systems subject to water uptake aging. Two epoxy systems with a significantly different Glass Transition Temperature, T g , are in particular considered: a typical commercial non-aeronautical grade resin matrix for composite applications, reaching a T g of 90 °C, and a DGEBA+DDS epoxy system achieving a T g of 230 °C.The materials have been conditioned by hydrothermal aging in a thermal bath at the temperature of 50 °C. TransmissionPhotoelastic Stress Analysisis carried outon SENB samples during water aging, monitoring the presence and evolution of swelling stresses…
Photoelastic Analysis of Edge Residual Stresses in Glass by the Automated Tint Plate Method
The analysis of residual stress in glass is usually carried out by means of photoelastic methods. This article considers the automation of the white light photoelastic method based on the use of a full-wave plate placed behind the glass plate. In particular, the method in based on the use of RGB photoelasticity in white light in conjunction with a full wave plate. The proposed method have been applied to the analysis of membrane residual stresses in tempered glass, showing that it can effectively replace manual methods of photoelastic analysis of residual stresses in glass when a low photoelastic retardation is present.
In this paper the combined use of both RGB and phase stepping photoelasticity is proposed. The method is characterised by the following features: maximum measurable order greater than that of the RGB method, ability to determine the total fringe order without necessity of unwrapping.
Error and Uncertainty Analysis of Non-Uniform Residual Stress Evaluation by Using the Ring-Core Method
Like other mechanical methods used for the residual stress evaluation on a generic structural component, the Ring-Core Method (RCM) is potentially subjected to various error sources that in some particular experimental conditions can lead to significant errors and/or uncertainties on the computed residual stresses. The accuracy of the residual stresses computed by the RCM can be improved by a proper error analysis that allows the user to correct the systematic errors, as well as to evaluate the remaining stress uncertainty due to the random errors. Therefore, in order to give a contribution to the accuracy of the RCM, in the present work the list of the main error sources is presented and t…
Review of photoelastic image analysis applied to structural birefringent materials: glass and polymers
Photoelasticity is particularly suitable for the analysis of the stress state in structural materials that are transparent and birefringent. Some techniques of digital photoelasticity (phase shifting and RGB) are applied to the analysis of stress field in two classes of structural materials. The first one consists of tempered glasses, such as those used in the automotive and architectural fields. The second one consists of thermoset polymers, typically used as matrices in fiber reinforced plastic structural composites. The birefringence of such resins is, in particular, exploited to investigate the development of swelling stresses and changes in fracture toughness as induced by water uptake…
Photoelastic Analysis of Edge Residual Stresses in Glass by Automated “Test Fringes” Methods
Since the glass is a birefringent material, the analysis of residual stress in glass is usually carried out by means of photoelastic methods. This paper considers the automation of the “test fringes” method which is based on the use of a Babinet compensator or of a beam subjected to bending. In particular, two automated methods are proposed: the first one is based on the use of the centre fringe method in monochromatic light and the second one is based on the use of RGB photoelasticity in white light. The proposed methods have been applied to the analysis of membranal residual stresses in some tempered glasses, showing that they can effectively replace manual methods of photoelastic analysi…
Novel non-destructive inspection techniques for laser powder deposition inspection
A novel non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques for inspection of parts and components manufactured by Additive Manufacturing Processes (AMP), in particular Laser Metal Deposition (LMD), has been developed. LMD is a technology that has been maturing over the last 20 years and has found application in repair, coatings, hybrid build and 3D near net shape manufacture of small intricate parts that can be used in aero and automobile engines to improve efficiency. Currently this technology cannot be used to supply some of these parts because absence of flaws, which might be left in the component during manufacture, cannot be guaranteed. Today, quality is assessed by sample destructive testing, w…
Phase shifting photoelasticity in white light
The availability of image acquisition systems has led to the development of digital photoelasticity both in monochromatic and white light. In particular white light has been used mainly with the following methods: Spectral Content Analysis, RGB photoelasticity and phase shifting photoelasticity. Phase shifting photoelasticity in the colour domain has been used effectively for the determination of the isoclinic parameter in order to reduce the influence of the isochromatic fringes. The method has been also proposed for the determination of the isochromatic fringe order. This paper concerns the general characteristics of phase shifting photoelasticity in the colour domain. Special attention i…
In questo lavoro si è analizzato lo stato tensionale che nasce in sistemi epossidici DGEBA quando sono sottoposti ad invecchiamento idro-termico, tramite la tecnica fotoelastica a trasmissione, basata sul metodo a variazione di fase di Compensazione di Tardy. I provini, monitorati ad intervalli di tempo regolari durante i processi di assorbimento e desorbimento di acqua, sono stati osservati al polariscopio circolare. La tecnica ha permesso di analizzare, sia qualitativamente, sia quantitativamente, lo stato tensionale indotto dal non uniforme “swelling” durante l’intero processo di invecchiamento. Inoltre, lo studio ha analizzato anche provini criccati di tipo Single Edge Notched Bending; …
A New Procedure for the Evaluation of Non-Uniform Residual Stresses by the Hole Drilling Method Based on the Newton-Raphson Technique
The hole drilling method is one of the most used semi-destructive techniques for the analysis of residual stresses in mechanical components. The non-uniform stresses are evaluated by solving an integral equation in which the strains relieved by drilling a hole are introduced. In this paper a new calculation procedure, based on the Newton-Raphson method for the determination of zeroes of functions, is presented. This technique allows the user to introduce complex and effective forms of stress functions for the solution of the problem. All the relationships needed for the evaluation of the stresses are obtained in explicit form, eliminating the need to use additional mathematical tools. The t…
Analisi fotoelastica delle tensioni residue nel vetro
Viene presentata una sintesi dell’attività svolta dal Gruppo di lavoro AIAS “Tensioni Residue” nel periodo dal 2006 al 2009. Lo scopo dell’attività è stata l’elaborazione del metodo AIAS - TR 01 per la misura delle tensioni residue con il metodo del foro incrementale. La normativa tecnica esistente sull’argomento (ASTM E 837-08) [1] ha un campo di applicabilità ristretto; infatti essa non considera alcuni effetti che possono influenzare l’accuratezza della misura. Il metodo di prova (AIAS - TR 01) fornisce una visione d’insieme del metodo della rosetta forata, aggiornata all’attuale stato dell’arte (2009) sia a livello tecnologico che a livello teorico. Le principali innovazioni riguardano …
L’analisi delle tensioni residue nei vetri viene di solito effettuata con metodi fotoelastici dato che il vetro è un materiale birifrangente. Questa memoria considera l’automazione del cosiddetto "test fringes” metodo che si basa sull’impiego di un compensatore di Babinet o di un provino inflesso. In particolare si propongono due metodi automatici basati sull’impiego del metodo del centro frangia in luce monocromatica e sull’impiego della fotoelasticità RGB in luce bianca. I metodi proposti possono efficacemente sostituire i metodi manuali.
Metodo automatici per l'analisi fotoelastica delle tensioni residue nel vetro
Nei manufatti in vetro sono generalmente presenti tensioni residue provocate dalle lavorazioni. In tali componenti, il controllo delle tensioni residue riveste grande importanza; a tal fine si impiegano diversi metodi di analisi, codificati anche dalla normativa internazionale. Poiché il vetro è un materiale birifrangente, le tecniche sviluppate per l’analisi delle tensioni residue sono basate principalmente sul metodo fotoelastico. In questo lavoro vengono proposti due metodi automatici di analisi delle tensioni residue di tipo membranale nei vetri basati rispettivamente sulla fotoelasticità RGB, in luce bianca, e sul metodo a variazione di fase, in luce monocromatica. I suddetti metodi po…
A critical assessment of automatic photoelastic methods for the analysis of edge residual stresses in glass
The measurement of residual stresses is of great importance in the glass industry. The analysis of residual stresses in the glass is usually carried out by photoelastic methods since the glass is a photoelastic material. This article considers the determination of membrane residual stresses of glass plates by digital photoelasticity. In particular, it presents a critical assessment concerning the automated methods based on gray-field polariscope, spectral content analysis, phase shifting, RGB photoelasticity, “test fringes” methods and “tint plate” method. These methods can effectively automate manual methods currently specified in some standards.
La fotoelastIcità digitale in luce bianca: parte II - il metodo a variazione di fase
Misfit evaluation of dental implant-supported metal frameworks manufactured with different techniques: Photoelastic and strain gauge measurements
This study aims to compare in-vitro the fitting accuracy of implant-supported metal frameworks used for full-arch orthodontic restoration. The hypotheses tested were as follows: (1) for a fixed implant morphology, strains developed within the framework depend on how the framework had been fabricated and (2) stresses transferred to the implant–bone interface are related to the amount of framework misfit. Metal frameworks were fabricated using four different manufacturing techniques: conventional lost-wax casting, resin cement luting, electrospark erosion, and computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing milling. Each framework was instrumented with three strain gauges to measure strai…
Una procedura generale per la valutazione delle tensioni residue con il metodo del foro
Il metodo della rosetta forata è una delle più note tecniche semidistruttive di analisi delle tensioni residue su componenti meccanici. In presenza di tensioni non uniformi, il campo delle tensioni può essere determinato a partire dalle deformazioni rilassate utilizzando varie procedure di calcolo basate sulla stessa equazione, chiamata equazione integrale. In questo lavoro viene presentata una nuova procedura di calcolo basata sul metodo di Newton-Raphson per la determinazione degli zeri di una funzione. La tecnica proposta presenta due importanti vantaggi rispetto alle altre tecniche: 1) è basata su una teoria piuttosto generale che permette di ottenere le principali tecniche esistenti co…
The hole-drilling method is one of the most used techniques for the experimental analysis of the residual stresses in mechanical components. For both through-thickness uniform and non-uniform residual stresses, its practical application is standardised by the ASTM E837-08. For uniform residual stresses, to which the present work deals with, the use of the method in accordance with the ASTM limitations, leads to results with a bias of about 10%. Unfortunately, although some experimental parameters can be frequently out of the corresponding standard limitation, the user does not have appropriate procedures to correct the obtained results which, in accordance with the ASTM standard, have to be…
Una nuova procedura per il calcolo delle tensioni residue con il metodo della rosetta forata basata sulla tecnica di Newton-Raphson
The hole drilling method is one of the most used semi-destructive techniques for residual stress analysis in mechanical parts. In the presence of non-uniform residual stress, the stress field can be determined from the measured relaxed strains using several methods, but the most used one is the so called integral method. This method is characterised by some simplifications that lead to approximate results especially when the residual stress varies abruptly. In this paper a new calculation procedure based on the Newton-Raphson method for the determination of zeroes of functions is presented. The advantages of the method are also explained and validated by the application to simulated stress …