E García-lópez
Solar heterogeneous photocatalysis for high added value molecules production
Ossidazione fotocatalitica selettiva di idrossimetilfurfurale in sospensione acquosa di nitruro di carbonio (C3N4) puro e trattato con H2O2 in un impianto pilota solare
In questo lavoro, viene confrontata l'attività del C3N4 sia puro che trattato con H2O2 per la conversione selettiva di HMF a FDC in mezzo acquoso e utilizzando un reattore solare su scala pilota.
Doped Lanthanum Ferrite Perovskites: Promising Materials for Photocatalytic Applications
LaFeO3 perovskites both bare and containing 5 to 40 mol% of Cu(II) substituting Fe(III) have been prepared by the citrate auto-combustion synthesis method and used as heterogeneous photocatalysts for the degradation of 2-propanol in gas-solid regime under simulated solar light irradiation. The bare LaFeO3 resulted inactive, however the Cu(II) containing perovskite oxidized 2-propanol to propanone and eventually to CO2 and H2O. The most acive material resuted to be those with a 20% of Cu. Cu doping decreases the unit cell volume, and increases the distortion of (Fe/Cu)O6 octahedra, thus moving towards a configuration with four longer and two shorter bond lengths.