P. Reeder
Radioactive ion beams in the region of 100Sn and 78Ni at the NSCL
The regions around the doubly magic nuclei 100 Sn and 78 Ni are of great interest from a nuclear structure standpoint. These nuclei also play a key role in the astrophysical rp- and r-processes, respectively. Recently, nuclei in these regions were studied at the Coupled Cyclotron Facility at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University.
β-Decay Studies Close to the N=82 r-process Path
New half-lives for neutron-rich ruthenium, rhodium and palladium isotopes close to the r-process path along the N=82 closed shell have been measured at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan State University. The studied isotopes are close to the critical A=118-126 mass region in the astrophysical r-process, where incorrect nuclear structure development towards the shell closure may have the most pronounced effect on the abundances of elements produced. Neutron-rich nuclei were produced by fragmentation of a 120-MeV per nucleon 136 Xe beam on Be and were separated by the A1900 fragment separator. The nuclei of interest were implanted into a double-sided Si strip detec…