Chirurgische Strategien bei Schilddrüsenerkrankungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter
In the Department of Paediatric Surgery of the University Hospital of Mainz and the Department of Paediatric Surgery of the University Hospital of Frankfurt/M 90 children with thyroid gland lesions were operated on between 1970 and 1988. 78 patients had benign findings and 12 had malignant tumours. The most frequent operative indication for benign lesions was the euthyroid goitre (57 patients). We found nodular goitre in 45 patients, cystic goitre in 11 patients, and diffuse goitre in only 1 patient. 20 children were suffering from hyperthyroidism (11 with Basedow's disease, 9 with autonomy) and 1 from Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Among the malignant tumours, papillary carcinomas were the most …