Martin Poot
A girl with an atypical form of ataxia telangiectasia and an additional de novo 3.14Mb microduplication in region 19q12
A 9-year-old girl born to healthy parents showed manifestations suggestive of ataxia telangiectasia (AT), such as short stature, sudden short bouts of horizontal and rotary nystagmus, a weak and dysarthric voice, rolling gait, unstable posture, and atactic movements. She did not show several cardinal features typical of AT such as frequent, severe infections of the respiratory tract. In contrast, she showed symptoms not generally related to AT, including microcephaly, profound motor and mental retardation, small hands and feet, severely and progressively reduced muscle tone with slackly protruding abdomen and undue drooling, excess fat on her upper arms, and severe oligoarthritis. A cranial…
Three de novo losses and one insertion within a pericentric inversion of chromosome 6 in a patient with complete absence of expressive speech and reduced pain perception
A 32-year-old female patient, observed for 30 years because of a distinctive phenotype consisting of a dysmorphic face non-progressive deficit of motor control, lack of speech development, reduced sensitivity to pain, with a known, complex interstitial deletion 6q14 within a de novo pericentric inversion 6p11.2;q15, was re-examined at the molecular level. Applying the Infinium HumanHap300 BeadChip array and BAC-based FISH we found two new non-contiguous microdeletions in addition to the one detected previously by high resolution G-band analysis. A 360 kb loss in band 6p12.3, containing the genes RHAG, CRISP1, 2, and 3, and PGK2, a 1.15 Mb loss in 6p12.2-p12.1, containing the genes PKHD1, IL…