J.w.f. Valle
New Supernova Constraints on active-sterile neutrino conversions
We consider active-sterile neutrino conversions in a supernova in the presence of random magnetic field domains. For large enough fields the magnetization of the medium may enhance the active to sterile neutrino conversion rates. Neglecting neutrino transition magnetic moments we show that for KeV neutrino mass squared differences these limits may overcome those that would apply in the isotropic case.
Updated global analysis of the atmospheric neutrino data in terms of neutrino oscillations
A global analysis of all the available atmospheric neutrino data is presented in terms of neutrino oscillations in the nu_mu -> nu_tau and nu_mu -> nu_s channels, where nu_s denotes a sterile neutrino. We perform our analysis of the contained events data as well as the upward-going neutrino-induced muon fluxes. In addition to the previous data samples of Frejus, Nusex, IMB and Kamioka experiments, we include the full data set of the 52 kton-yr of Super-Kamiokande, the recent 4.6 kton-yr contained events of Soudan2 and the results on upgoing muons from the MACRO and Baksan detectors. From the statistical analysis it emerges that the nu_mu -> nu_tau channel provides the best agreemen…
Quark–lepton mass relation in a realistic A4 extension of the Standard Model
AbstractWe propose a realistic A4 extension of the Standard Model involving a particular quark–lepton mass relation, namely that the ratio of the third family mass to the geometric mean of the first and second family masses are equal for down-type quarks and charged leptons. This relation, which is approximately renormalization group invariant, is usually regarded as arising from the Georgi–Jarlskog relations, but in the present model there is no unification group or supersymmetry. In the neutrino sector we propose a simple modification of the so-called Zee–Wolfenstein mass matrix pattern which allows an acceptable reactor angle along with a deviation of the atmospheric and solar angles fro…