C. Vandervelde

Search for exclusive decays of the Lambda_b baryon and measurement of its mass

A search for fully reconstructed \lb beauty baryons is performed using about 3 million Z decays collected with the DELPHI detector at LEP. The analysis relies on the combined use of the accurate tracking and of the hadron identification capabilities of DELPHI. A total of four events has been found, three in the \lc\ppm channel and one in the \lc\a1m channel over a small background. The \lb beauty baryon mass is measured to be (~ 5668 \pm 16~ ({\rm stat.}) \pm 8~({\rm syst.})~)~ \mv.

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Classification of the hadronic decays of the Z$^0$ into b and c quark pairs using a neural network

A classifier based on a feed-forward neural network has been used for separating a sample of about 123 500 selected hadronic decays of the Z 0 , collected by DELPHI during 1991, into three classes according to the flavour of the original quark pair: u u +d d +s s (unresolved), c c and b b . The classification has been used to compute the partial widths of the Z 0 into b and c quark pairs. This gave Γ c c /Γ h = 0.151 ± 0.008 ( stat. ) ± 0.041 ( syst. ) , Γ b b /Γ h = 0.232±0.005 ( stat. )±0.017 ( syst. ) .

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Limits on the production of scalar leptoquarks from $Z^0$ decays at LEP

A search has been made for pairs and for single production of scalar leptoquarks of the first and second generations using a data sample of 392000 Z0 decays from the DELPHI detector at LEP 1. No signal was found and limits on the leptoquark mass, production cross section and branching ratio were set. A mass limit at 95% confidence level of 45.5 GeV/c2 was obtained for leptoquark pair production. The search for the production of a single leptoquark probed the mass region above this limit and its results exclude first and second generation leptoquarks D0 with masses below 65 GeV/c2 and 73 GeV/c2 respectively, at 95% confidence level, assuming that the D0lq Yukawa coupling alpha(lambda) is equ…

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A Measurement of Sin2-theta-w From the Charge Asymmetry of Hadronic Events At the Z0 Peak

Abstract View references (24)The weak mixing angle has been measured from the charge asymmetry of hadronic events with two different approaches using the DELPHI detector at LEP. Both methods are based on a momentum-weighted charge sum to determine the jet charge in both event hemispheres. In a data sample of 247 300 multihadronic Z0 decays a charge asymmetry of 〈QF〉 - 〈QB〉 = -0.0076±0.0012(stat.)±0.0005(exp. syst.)±0.0014(frag.) and a raw forward-backward asymmetry of Araw FB = -0.0109±0.0020(stat.)±0.0010(exp. syst.)±0.0017(frag.) have been measured. This result corresponds to a value of sinθeff=0.2345±0.0030(exp.)±0.0027(frag.) ,sin2θMS=0.2341±0.0030(exp.)±0. 0027(frag.) and to sin2θW=1-m…

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