Eve Riachi


Frame analysis of psychotherapists’ perspectives on the development of psychological disorders

AbstractThe development of psychological disorders has been explained by several psychological theories and remains under debate. Psychotherapists, however, have insights into the emergence and development of psychological disorders that stem from both theory and practice. The constantly evolving field of psychotherapy prompts reconsideration, specifically when psychotherapists’ views on the development of disorders impacts their treatment approach. In addition, theoretical orientation and years of clinical experience, while known to influence psychotherapists’ viewpoints also merit further study. Applying Erving Goffman’s frame analysis, semi structured interviews with psychotherapists wer…

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Psychotherapists’ views on triggering factors for psychological disorders

AbstractTriggering factors play an important role in the development of psychological disorders. Practicing psychotherapists have valuable knowledge on psychological disorders and since their views on triggering factors have not been reported in the literature, triggers were addressed in this study from psychotherapists’ perspectives. The following three main issues were examined: definitions of triggers, examples of the most recurrent triggers and the idea of a common trigger for psychological disorders. Sixteen psychotherapists agreed to participate in the study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in person and the data collected were analyzed using frame analysis. Frame analysis a…

research product

Psychotherapists’ Perspectives on the Development of Psychological Disorders and Loss of Sense of Control

Psykologisten häiriöiden kehittymiseen on erilaisia teorioita, jotka pohjautuvat tutkimukseen tai teoreettisiin käsityksiin. Kliinisen psykologian, psykoterapian ja psykiatrian aloilla tehdään tutkimukseen perustuen muutoksia, esimerkiksi häiriöiden luokitteluun. Ymmärrys psykologisten häiriöiden kehittymisestä on vaikuttanut kliinisen psykologian ja psykiatrian muutoksiin. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia psykoterapeuttien näkökulmaa häiriöiden kehittymiseen. Psykoterapeutit työskentelevät psykologisista häiriöistä kärsivien ihmisten kanssa päivittäin ja voivat tarjota uusia ammatilliseen kokemukseensa perustuvia näkemyksiä häiriöiden kehittymisestä. Terapeutteja haastateltiin ja h…

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