ERGO: A pilot study of ketogenic diet in recurrent glioblastoma
Limiting dietary carbohydrates inhibits glioma growth in preclinical models. Therefore, the ERGO trial (NCT00575146) examined feasibility of a ketogenic diet in 20 patients with recurrent glioblastoma. Patients were put on a low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet containing plant oils. Feasibility was the primary endpoint, secondary endpoints included the percentage of patients reaching urinary ketosis, progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival. The effects of a ketogenic diet alone or in combination with bevacizumab was also explored in an orthotopic U87MG glioblastoma model in nude mice. Three patients (15%) discontinued the diet for poor tolerability. No serious adverse events attri…
NOA-05 phase 2 trial of procarbazine and lomustine therapy in gliomatosis cerebri.
The NOA-05 multicenter trial was performed to analyze the efficacy of primary chemotherapy with procarbazine and lomustine (PC) in patients with gliomatosis cerebri (GC) and to define clinical, imaging, and molecular factors influencing outcome.Thirty-five patients with previously untreated GC were treated with up to six 56-day courses of 110mg/m(2) lomustine on day 1 and 60mg/m(2) procarbazine on days 8 to 21. The primary endpoint was the rate of patients without therapy failure (defined as progressive disease, death from any cause, or termination of PC therapy before the end of course 4) at 8 months after the beginning of PC chemotherapy.The failure-free survival rate at 8 months was 50.3…