L. Sandrini
Quantitative assessment of regularity and synchronization of intracardiac recordings during human atrial fibrillation
This study proposes the morphology-based evaluation of the regularity (R) and the synchronization (S) of intra-atrial electrograms acquired during atrial fibrillation (AF). R is defined as the degree of repetitiveness over time of the shapes of the activation waves detected in single atrial recordings. S accounts for the simultaneous presence of morphologically similar activation waves in two atrial electrograms, and for the dispersion of the propagation delays between the two sites. Both R and S resulted unitary for normal sinus rhythm and decreased significantly moving from atrial flutter (R=0.93, S=0.88) to AF of increasing complexity class (type I AF: R=0.75, S=0.66; type II AF: R=0.32,…
Morphology-based measurement of activation time in human atrial fibrillation
The measurement of the activation time is crucial to allow the correct automatic analysis and classification of intracardiac electrograms recorded in the human atria during atrial fibrillation (AF). This study proposes a method which accounts for the morphology of bipolar signals. After ventricular artifact removal and activation wave recognition, the fiducial point of the activation wave was set at its local barycentre (LB). The method was tested on a set of 30 AF bipolar recordings of increasing complexity class; its performance was compared with that of the traditional methods of maximum peak (MP) or maximum slope (MS) estimation, taking the manual measurements performed by an expert car…