Clarissa Wright
Erratum: “TG-43 U1 based dosimetric characterization of model 67-6520 Cs-137 brachytherapy source”
Purpose: Brachytherapy treatment has been a cornerstone for management of various cancer sites, particularly for the treatment of gynecological malignancies. In low dose rate brachytherapy treatments,C137s sources have been used for several decades. A new C137s source design has been introduced (model 67-6520, source B3-561) by Isotope Products Laboratories (IPL) for clinical application. The goal of the present work is to implement the TG-43 U1 protocol in the characterization of the aforementioned C137s source. Methods: The dosimetriccharacteristics of the IPLC137s source are measured using LiF thermoluminescent dosimeters in a Solid Water™ phantom material and calculated using Monte Carl…