Christina Langer
The photoperiod entrains the molecular clock of the rat pineal.
The suprachiasmatic nucleus-pineal system acts as a neuroendocrine transducer of seasonal changes in the photoperiod by regulating melatonin formation. In the present study, we have investigated the extent to which the photoperiod entrains the nonself-cycling oscillator in the Sprague-Dawley rat pineal. For this purpose, the 24-h expression of nine clock genes (bmal1, clock, per1, per2, per3, cry1, cry2, dec1 and dec2) and the aa-nat gene was monitored under light-dark 8 : 16 and light-dark 16 : 8 in the rat pineal by using real-time RT-PCR. The 24-h pattern of the expression of only per1, dec2 and aa-nat genes was affected by photoperiod. In comparison with the short photoperiod, the durat…
Influence of photoperiodic history on clock genes and the circadian pacemaker in the rat retina
The influence of seasonal lighting conditions on expression of clock genes and the circadian pacemaker was investigated in the rat retina. For this purpose, the 24-h profiles of nine clock genes (bmal1, clock, per1, per2, per3, dec1, dec2, cry1 and cry 2) and the arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase gene as an indicator of the circadian pacemaker output were compared between light-dark periods of 8 : 16 and 16 : 8 h. The photoperiod influenced the daily patterns of the amount of transcript for per1, per3, dec2 and arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase. This indicates that photoperiodic information modulates clock gene expression in addition to the circadian pacemaker of the retina. Under constan…