Neil J. Cronin
Conditioning hops increase triceps surae muscle force and Achilles tendon strain energy in the stretch-shortening cycle
Postactivation potentiation can improve athletic performance, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. This study investigated the effect of conditioning hops on triceps surae muscle force and tendon strain and its contribution to potentiated stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) performance. Thirty-two subjects participated in two experiments. In both experiments, subjects performed three drop jumps (DJs) after prior conditioning with 10 maximal hops, three unconditioned DJs served as control. Ground reaction forces, kinematics, and triceps surae electromyographic activity were recorded. Ultrasound imaging was used to determine fascicle lengths (FASC) of the gastrocnemius (GM) and sol…
Using deep neural networks for kinematic analysis: Challenges and opportunities
Kinematic analysis is often performed in a lab using optical cameras combined with reflective markers.\ud With the advent of artificial intelligence techniques such as deep neural networks, it is now possible\ud to perform such analyses without markers, making outdoor applications feasible. In this paper I summarise\ud 2D markerless approaches for estimating joint angles, highlighting their strengths and limitations.\ud In computer science, so-called ‘‘pose estimation” algorithms have existed for many years. These methods\ud involve training a neural network to detect features (e.g. anatomical landmarks) using a process called\ud supervised learning, which requires ‘‘training” images to be …
Effects of muscle activation on shear between human soleus and gastrocnemius muscles
Lateral connections between muscles provide pathways for myofascial force transmission. To elucidate whether these pathways have functional roles in vivo, we examined whether activation could alter the shear between the soleus (SOL) and lateral gastrocnemius (LG) muscles. We hypothesized that selective activation of LG would decrease the stretch-induced shear between LG and SOL. Eleven volunteers underwent a series of knee joint manipulations where plantar flexion force, LG, and SOL muscle fascicle lengths and relative displacement of aponeuroses between the muscles were obtained. Data during a passive full range of motion were recorded, followed by 20° knee extension stretches in both pass…
Non‐uniform displacement within ruptured Achilles tendon during isometric contraction
The purpose of this study was investigate tendon displacement patterns in non-surgically treated patients 14 months after acute Achilles tendon rupture (ATR) and to classify patients into groups based on their Achilles tendon (AT) displacement patterns. Twenty patients were tested. Sagittal images of AT were acquired using B-mode ultrasonography during ramp contractions at a torque level corresponding to 30% of the maximal isometric plantarflexion torque of the uninjured limb. A speckle tracking algorithm was used to track proximal-distal movement of the tendon tissue at 6 antero-posterior locations. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA for peak tendon displacement was performed. K-means cluster…
In vivo localized gastrocnemius subtendon representation within the healthy and ruptured human Achilles tendon
The Achilles tendon (AT) is composed of three distinct in-series elastic subtendons, arising from different muscles in the triceps surae. Independent activation of any of these muscles is thought to induce sliding between the adjacent AT subtendons. We aimed to investigate displacement patterns during voluntary contraction (VOL) and selective transcutaneous stimulation of medial (MGstim) and lateral (LGstim) gastrocnemius between ruptured and healthy tendons, and to examine the representative areas of AT subtendons. Twenty-eight patients with unilateral AT rupture performed bilateral VOL at 30% of the maximal isometric un-injured plantarflexion torque. AT displacement was analysed from sagi…
Modulation of muscle-tendon interaction in the human triceps surae during an energy dissipation task.
The compliance of elastic elements allows muscles to dissipate energy safely during eccentric contractions. This buffering function is well documented in animal models but our understanding of its mechanism in humans is confined to non-specific tasks, requiring a subsequent acceleration of the body. The present study aimed to examine the behaviour of the human triceps surae muscle-tendon unit (MTU) during a pure energy dissipation task, under two loading conditions. Thirty-nine subjects performed a single-leg landing task, with- and without added mass. Ultrasound measurements were combined with 3D kinematics and kinetics to determine instantaneous length changes of MTUs, muscle fascicles, A…
Lower limb muscle moments and power during recovery from forward loss of balance in male and female single and multiple steppers
Abstract Background Studying recovery responses to loss of balance may help to explain why older adults are susceptible to falls. The purpose of the present study was to assess whether male and female older adults, that use a single or multiple step recovery strategy, differ in the proportion of lower limb strength used and power produced during the stepping phase of balance recovery. Methods Eighty-four community-dwelling older adults (47 men, 37 women) participated in the study. Isometric strength of the ankle, knee and hip joint flexors and extensors was assessed using a dynamometer. Loss of balance was induced by releasing participants from a static forward lean (4 trials at each of 3 f…
Mechanical and neural stretch responses of the human soleus muscle at different walking speeds
During human walking, a sudden trip may elicit a Ia afferent fibre mediated short latency stretch reflex. The aim of this study was to investigate soleus (SOL) muscle mechanical behaviour in response to dorsiflexion perturbations, and to relate this behaviour to short latency stretch reflex responses. Twelve healthy subjects walked on a treadmill with the left leg attached to an actuator capable of rapidly dorsiflexing the ankle joint. Ultrasound was used to measure fascicle lengths in SOL during walking, and surface electromyography (EMG) was used to record muscle activation. Dorsiflexion perturbations of 6 deg were applied during mid-stance at walking speeds of 3, 4 and 5 km h(-1). At eac…
Effect of Training-Induced Changes in Achilles Tendon Stiffness on Muscle–Tendon Behavior During Landing
During rapid deceleration of the body, tendons buffer part of the elongation of the muscle–tendon unit (MTU), enabling safe energy dissipation via eccentric muscle contraction. Yet, the influence of changes in tendon stiffness within the physiological range upon these lengthening contractions is unknown. This study aimed to examine the effect of training-induced stiffening of the Achilles tendon on triceps surae muscle–tendon behavior during a landing task. Twenty-one male subjects were assigned to either a 10-week resistance-training program consisting of single-leg isometric plantarflexion (n = 11) or to a non-training control group (n = 10). Before and after the training period, plantarf…
Postactivation potentiation can counteract declines in force and power that occur after stretching.
Stretching can decrease a muscle's maximal force, whereas short but intense muscle contractions can increase it. We hypothesized that when combined, postactivation potentiation induced by reactive jumps would counteract stretch-induced decrements in drop jump (DJ) performance. Moreover, we measured changes in muscle twitch forces and ankle joint stiffness (KAnkle ) to examine underlying mechanisms. Twenty subjects completed three DJs and 10 electrically evoked muscle twitches of the triceps surae subsequent to four different conditioning activities and control. The conditioning activities were 10 hops, 20s of static stretching of the triceps surae muscle, 20s of stretching followed by 10 ho…
Fully automated analysis of muscle architecture from B-mode ultrasound images with deep learning
B-mode ultrasound is commonly used to image musculoskeletal tissues, but one major bottleneck is data interpretation, and analyses of muscle thickness, pennation angle and fascicle length are often still performed manually. In this study we trained deep neural networks (based on U-net) to detect muscle fascicles and aponeuroses using a set of labelled musculoskeletal ultrasound images. We then compared neural network predictions on new, unseen images to those obtained via manual analysis and two existing semi/automated analysis approaches (SMA and Ultratrack). With a GPU, inference time for a single image with the new approach was around 0.7s, compared to 4.6s with a CPU. Our method detects…
Repeatability and sensitivity of passive mechanical stiffness measurements in the triceps surae muscle‐tendon complex
Measurements of muscle-tendon unit passive mechanical properties are often used to illustrate acute and chronic responses to a training stimulus. The purpose of this study was to quantify the inter-session repeatability of triceps surae passive stiffness measurements in athletic and non-athletic populations, with the view to discussing its usefulness both as a muscle-tendon profiling tool and a control measure for studies with multiple data collection sessions. The study also aimed to observe the effects of quiet standing on passive stiffness parameters. Twenty-nine men (10 cyclists, nine triathletes, 10 controls) visited the laboratory on three separate occasions, where passive stiffness t…
Exploration of muscle–tendon biomechanics one year after Achilles tendon rupture and the compensatory role of flexor hallucis longus
Achilles tendon (AT) rupture leads to long-term structural and functional impairments. Currently, the predictors of good recovery after rupture are poorly known. Thus, we aimed to explore the interconnections between structural, mechanical, and neuromuscular parameters and their associations with factors that could explain good recovery in patients with non-surgically treated AT rupture. A total of 35 patients with unilateral rupture (6 females) participated in this study. Muscle-tendon structural, mechanical, and neuromuscular parameters were measured 1-year after rupture. Interconnections between the inter-limb differences (Δ) were explored using partial correlations, followed by multivar…
Mechanisms of Adaptation from a Multiple to a Single Step Recovery Strategy following Repeated Exposure to Forward Loss of Balance in Older Adults
When released from an initial, static, forward lean angle and instructed to recover with a single step, some older adults are able to meet the task requirements, whereas others either stumble or fall. The purpose of the present study was to use the concept of margin of stability (MoS) to investigate balance recovery responses in the anterior-posterior direction exhibited by older single steppers, multiple steppers and those that are able to adapt from multiple to single steps following exposure to repeated forward loss of balance. One hundred and fifty-one healthy, community dwelling, older adults, aged 65-80 years, participated in the study. Participants performed four trials of the balanc…
Distinct muscle-tendon interaction during running at different speeds and in different loading conditions.
The interaction between the Achilles tendon and the triceps surae muscles seems to be modulated differently with various task configurations. Here we tested the hypothesis that the increased forces and ankle joint work during running under contrasting conditions (altered speed or load) would be met by different, time-dependent adjustments at the muscle-tendon level. Ultrasonography, electromyography, kinematics, and ground reaction force measurements were used to examine Achilles tendon, gastrocnemius, and soleus muscle mechanics in 16 runners in four different running conditions, consisting of a combination of two different speeds (preferred and +20% of preferred speed) and two loading co…
Achilles tendon length changes during walking in long-term diabetes patients
Diabetes leads to numerous side effects, including an increased density of collagen fibrils and thickening of the Achilles tendon. This may increase tissue stiffness and could affect stretch distribution between muscle and tendinous tissues during walking. The primary aim of this study was to examine stretch distribution between muscle and tendinous tissues in the medial gastrocnemius muscle-tendon unit in long-term diabetes patients and control subjects during walking.Achilles tendon length changes were investigated in 13 non-neuropathic diabetes patients and 12 controls, whilst walking at a self selected speed across a 10 m force platform. Electromyographic activity was recorded in the me…
Markerless 2D kinematic analysis of underwater running : A deep learning approach
Kinematic analysis is often performed with a camera system combined with reflective markers placed over bony landmarks. This method is restrictive (and often expensive), and limits the ability to perform analyses outside of the lab. In the present study, we used a markerless deep learning-based method to perform 2D kinematic analysis of deep water running, a task that poses several challenges to image processing methods. A single GoPro camera recorded sagittal plane lower limb motion. A deep neural network was trained using data from 17 individuals, and then used to predict the locations of markers that approximated joint centres. We found that 300–400 labelled images were sufficient to tra…
Decreased lower limb muscle recruitment contributes to the inability of older adults to recover with a single step following a forward loss of balance
In response to a balance disturbance, older individuals often require multiple steps to prevent a fall. Reliance on multiple steps to recover balance is predictive of a future fall, so studies should determine the mechanisms underlying differences between older adults who can and cannot recover balance with a single step. This study compared neural activation parameters of the major leg muscles during balance recovery from a sudden forward loss of balance in older individuals capable of recovering with a single step and those who required multiple steps to regain balance. Eighty-one healthy, community dwelling adults aged 70±3 participated. Loss of balance was induced by releasing participa…
Ultrasound-based testing of tendon mechanical properties: a critical evaluation.
In the past 20 years, the use of ultrasound-based methods has become a standard approach to measure tendon mechanical properties in vivo. Yet the multitude of methodological approaches adopted by various research groups probably contribute to the large variability of reported values. The technique of obtaining and relating tendon deformation to tensile force in vivo has been applied differently, depending on practical constraints or scientific points of view. Divergence can be seen in 1) methodological considerations, such as the choice of anatomical features to scan and to track, force measurements, or signal synchronization; and 2) in physiological considerations related to the viscoelas…
Neural Compensation Within the Human Triceps Surae During Prolonged Walking
During human walking, muscle activation strategies are approximately constant across consecutive steps over a short time, but it is unknown whether they are maintained over a longer duration. Prolonged walking may increase tendinous tissue (TT) compliance, which can influence neural activation, but the neural responses of individual muscles have not been investigated. This study investigated the hypothesis that muscle activity is up- or down-regulated in individual triceps surae muscles during prolonged walking. Thirteen healthy subjects walked on a treadmill for 60 min at 4.5 km/h, while triceps surae muscle activity, maximal muscle compound action potentials, and kinematics were recorded…
High-density electromyography activity in various hamstring exercises
Proximal-distal differences in muscle activity are rarely considered when defining the activity level of hamstring muscles. The aim of this study was to determine the inter-muscular and proximal-distal electromyography (EMG) activity patterns of hamstring muscles during common hamstring exercises. Nineteen amateur athletes without a history of hamstring injury performed 9 exercises, while EMG activity was recorded along the biceps femoris long head (BFlh) and semitendinosus (ST) muscles using 15-channel high-density electromyography (HD-EMG) electrodes. EMG activity levels normalized to those of a maximal voluntary isometric contraction (%MVIC) were determined for the eccentric and concentr…
Muscle activity patterns and spinal shrinkage in office workers using a sit–stand workstation versus a sit workstation
Reducing sitting time by means of sit-stand workstations is an emerging trend, but further evidence is needed regarding their health benefits. This cross-sectional study compared work time muscle activity patterns and spinal shrinkage between office workers (aged 24-62, 58.3% female) who used either a sit-stand workstation (Sit-Stand group, n = 10) or a traditional sit workstation (Sit group, n = 14) for at least the past three months. During one typical workday, muscle inactivity and activity from quadriceps and hamstrings were monitored using electromyography shorts, and spinal shrinkage was measured using stadiometry before and after the workday. Compared with the Sit group, the Sit-Stan…
Understanding altered contractile properties in advanced age : insights from a systematic muscle modelling approach
Age-related alterations of skeletal muscle are numerous and present inconsistently, and the effect of their interaction on contractile performance can be nonintuitive. Hill-type muscle models predict muscle force according to well-characterised contractile phenomena. Coupled with simple, yet reasonably realistic activation dynamics, such models consist of parameters that are meaningfully linked to fundamental aspects of muscle excitation and contraction. We aimed to illustrate the utility of a muscle model for elucidating relevant mechanisms and predicting changes in output by simulating the individual and combined effects on isometric force of several known ageing-related adaptations. Simu…
Region-dependent hamstrings activity in Nordic hamstring exercise and stiff-leg deadlift defined with high-density electromyography
Recent studies suggest region-specific metabolic activity in hamstring muscles during injury prevention exercises, but the neural representation of this phenomenon is unknown. The aim of this study was to examine whether regional differences are evident in the activity of biceps femoris long head (BFlh) and semitendinosus (ST) muscles during two common injury prevention exercises. Twelve male participants without a history of hamstring injury performed the Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) and stiff-leg deadlift (SDL) while BFlh and ST activities were recorded with high-density electromyography (HD-EMG). Normalized activity was calculated from the distal, middle, and proximal regions in the e…
EMG and force production of the flexor hallucis longus muscle in isometric plantarflexion and the push-off phase of walking
Large forces are generated under the big toe in the push-off phase of walking. The largest flexor muscle of the big toe is the flexor hallucis longus (FHL), which likely contributes substantially to these forces. This study examined FHL function at different levels of isometric plantarflexion torque and in the push-off phase at different speeds of walking. FHL and calf muscle activity were measured with surface EMG and plantar pressure was recorded with pressure insoles. FHL activity was compared to the activity of the calf muscles. Force and impulse values were calculated under the big toe, and were compared to the entire pressed area of the insole to determine the relative contribution of…
Differences in contractile behaviour between the soleus and medial gastrocnemius muscles during human walking
The functional roles of individual lower limb muscles during human walking may differ depending on walking speed or duration. In this study, 11 volunteers walked on a treadmill for 60 min at speeds corresponding to both optimal and 20% above optimal energetic cost of transport whilst oxygen consumption and medial gastrocnemius (MG) and soleus fascicle lengths were measured. Although energetic cost of transport was ∼12% higher at the faster speed, it remained constant over 60 min at both speeds, suggesting that humans can walk for prolonged periods at a range of speeds without compromising energetic efficiency. The fascicles of both muscles exhibited rather ‘isometric’ behaviour during the e…
The effects of high heeled shoes on female gait: a review.
Walking is the most common form of human locomotion. From a motor control perspective, human bipedalism makes the task of walking extremely complex. For parts of the step cycle, there is only one foot on the ground, so both balance and propulsion are required in order for the movement to proceed smoothly. One condition known to compound the difficulty of walking is the use of high heeled shoes, which alter the natural position of the foot–ankle complex, and thereby produce a chain reaction of (mostly negative) effects that travels up the lower limb at least as far as the spine. This review summarises recent studies that have examined acute and chronic effects of high heels on balance and lo…
Effect of footwear on plantar flexor fine-wire electromyography activity in walking
Compared to barefoot walking, walking in footwear seems to alter plantar flexor electromyography (EMG) activity, vertical and horizontal ground reaction forces (Sacco, Akashi, & Hennig, 2010), ankle kinematics and the time of peak activity (Sacco et al., 2010). However, study results are inconsistent regarding the magnitude and direction of these changes. Magnetic resonance imaging showed high inter-individual variability in muscle metabolic activity during walking, suggesting individual-specific activation patterns (Kolk et al., 2015). Additionally, little is known about the role of toe flexors such as flexor hallucis longus (FHL) in walking.
Effects of caffeine on neuromuscular function in a non‐fatigued state and during fatiguing exercise
New findings What is the central question of the study? What are the effects of caffeine on neuromuscular function in a non-fatigued state and during fatiguing exercise? What is the main finding and its importance? In a non-fatigued state, caffeine decreased the duration of the silent period evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Caffeine-induced reduction of inhibitory mechanisms in the central nervous system before exercise was associated with an increased performance. Individuals who benefit from caffeine ingestion may experience lower perception of effort during exercise and an accelerated recovery of M-wave amplitude postfatigue. This study elucidates the mechanisms of action of …
Afferent contribution to locomotor muscle activity during unconstrained overground human walking:an analysis of triceps surae muscle fascicles
Plantar flexor series elasticity can be used to dissociate muscle–fascicle and muscle–tendon behavior and thus afferent feedback during human walking. We used electromyography (EMG) and high-speed ultrasonography concomitantly to monitor muscle activity and muscle fascicle behavior in 19 healthy volunteers as they walked across a platform. On random trials, the platform was dropped (8 cm, 0.9 g acceleration) or held at a small inclination (up to ±3° in the parasagittal plane) with respect to level ground. Dropping the platform in the mid and late phases of stance produced a depression in the soleus muscle activity with an onset latency of about 50 ms. The reduction in ground reaction force…
Triceps surae muscle-tendon properties in older endurance- and sprint-trained athletes
Previous studies have shown that aging is associated with alterations in muscle architecture and tendon properties (Morse CI, Thom JM, Birch KM, Narici MV. Acta Physiol Scand 183: 291–298, 2005; Narici MV, Maganaris CN, Reeves ND, Capodaglio P. J Appl Physiol 95: 2229–2234, 2003; Stenroth L, Peltonen J, Cronin NJ, Sipila S, Finni T. J Appl Physiol 113: 1537–1544, 2012). However, the possible influence of different types of regular exercise loading on muscle architecture and tendon properties in older adults is poorly understood. To address this, triceps surae muscle-tendon properties were examined in older male endurance (OE, n = 10, age = 74.0 ± 2.8 yr) and sprint runners (OS, n = 10, age…
Background Hamstring Strain Injuries (HSIs) represent 12% of all injuries in soccer players, and their incidence has increased in recent years. Between 53%-84% of HSIs involve the Biceps femoris muscle (BF). Recent studies have shown that soccer players with shorter BF fascicle length (FL) suffer more HSIs and exhibit regional differences in FL and pennation angle (PA) along BF. It is unclear whether there is any regional difference in the degree of change of these parameters after a soccer match. Objective Describe changes in BF muscle architecture after a simulated soccer match. Design Controlled laboratory study. Pre and Post single session. Setting Laboratory. Amateur Level. Participant…
Validity of long-term and short-term recall of occupational sitting time in Finnish and Chinese office workers.
Abstract Background As sedentary behavior is a global health issue, there is a need for methods of self-reported sitting assessment. The accuracy and reliability of these methods should also be tested in various populations and different cultural contexts. This study examined the validity of long-term and short-term recall of occupational sitting time in Finnish and Chinese subgroups. Methods Two cohort groups of office-based workers (58.6% female, age range 22–67 years) participated: a Finnish group (FIN, n = 34) and a Chinese group (CHI, n = 36). Long-term (past 3-month sitting) and short-term (daily sitting assessed on 5 consecutive days) single-item measures were used to assess self-r…
Effects of plyometric and pneumatic explosive strength training on neuromuscular function and dynamic balance control in 60–70year old males
The present study compared neuromuscular adaptations to 12weeks of plyometric (PLY) or pneumatic (PNE) power training and their effects on dynamic balance control. Twenty-two older adults aged 60-70 (PLY n=9, PNE n=11) participated in the study. Measurements were conducted at Pre, 4, 8 and 12weeks. Dynamic balance was assessed as anterior-posterior center of pressure (COP) displacement in response to sudden perturbations. Explosive isometric knee extension and plantar flexion maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) were performed. Maximal drop jump performance from optimal dropping height was measured in a sledge ergometer. Increases in knee extensor and ankle plantar flexor torque and muscle…
Effect of footwear on intramuscular EMG activity of plantar flexor muscles in walking
One of the purposes of footwear is to assist locomotion, but some footwear types seem to restrict natural foot motion, which may affect the contribution of ankle plantar flexor muscles to propulsion. This study examined the effects of different footwear conditions on the activity of ankle plantar flexors during walking. Ten healthy habitually shod individuals walked overground in shoes, barefoot and in flip-flops while fine-wire electromyography (EMG) activity was recorded from flexor hallucis longus (FHL), soleus (SOL), and medial and lateral gastrocnemius (MG and LG) muscles. EMG signals were peak-normalised and analysed in the stance phase using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM). We f…
Effects of environmental intervention on sedentary time, musculoskeletal comfort and work ability in office workers
Sit-stand workstations offer a potential strategy to reduce prolonged occupational sitting. This controlled intervention study examined the effects of an environmental intervention on occupational sedentary time, musculoskeletal comfort and work ability, and the usability of sit-stand workstations in office work via a self-reported questionnaire. The intervention group (n = 24) used sit-stand workstations during the 6-month intervention period, and the control group (n = 21) used traditional sitting workstations. The results showed that working at sit-stand workstations can reduce sitting time significantly compared to control workstations (-6.7% vs. 5.0%, p = .019), which is reallocated mo…
Background The majority of hamstring strain injuries (HSIs) occur in the late swing phase of high-speed running when hamstrings work eccentrically. The proximal region of the biceps femoris (BF) seems to be the most common site of injury. Elongation of the fascicles in eccentric contractions is higher in the proximal region compared to the distal region of BF, but the neural background to this phenomenon is not clear. Objective To examine the region-specificity of BF muscle activity at different running speeds. Design Observational study. Running speeds were randomized. Setting Laboratory, amateur level. Participants Football players without acute injury/illness, and without HSI history wer…
Exercise-induced changes in tendinous tissue compliance: Outer tendon or aponeurosis?
Viscoelastic properties of the Achilles tendon in vivo
It has been postulated that human tendons are viscoelastic and their mechanical properties time-dependent. Although Achilles tendon (AT) mechanics are widely reported, there is no consensus about AT viscoelastic properties such as loading rate dependency or hysteresis, in vivo. AT force-elongation characteristics were determined from 14 subjects in an ankle dynamometer at different loading rates using motion capture assisted ultrasonography. AT stiffness and elongation were determined between 10 – 80% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) force at fast and slow loading rates. As subjects were unable to consistently match the target unloading rate in the slow condition, AT hysteresis was on…
Medial gastrocnemius muscle fascicle function during heel-rise after non-operative repair of Achilles tendon rupture
Background To better understand muscle remodelling in dynamic conditions after an Achilles tendon rupture, this study examined the length of medial gastrocnemius muscle fascicles during a heel-rise at 6- and 12-months after non-operative ATR treatment. Methods Participants (15 M, 3F) were diagnosed with acute Achilles tendon rupture. Medial gastrocnemius subtendon length, fascicle length and pennation angle were assessed in resting conditions, and fascicle shortening during bi- and unilateral heel-rises. Findings Fascicle shortening was smaller on the injured side (mean difference [95% CI]: −9. 7 mm [−14.7 to −4.7 mm]; −11.1 mm [−16.5 to −5.8 mm]) and increased from 6- to 12 months (4.5 mm …
Long-term use of high-heeled shoes alters the neuromechanics of human walking
Human movement requires an ongoing, finely tuned interaction between muscular and tendinous tissues, so changes in the properties of either tissue could have important functional consequences. One condition that alters the functional demands placed on lower limb muscle-tendon units is the use of high-heeled shoes (HH), which force the foot into a plantarflexed position. Long-term HH use has been found to shorten medial gastrocnemius muscle fascicles and increase Achilles tendon stiffness, but the consequences of these changes for locomotor muscle-tendon function are unknown. This study examined the effects of habitual HH use on the neuromechanical behavior of triceps surae muscles during w…
In vivo mechanical response of human Achilles tendon to a single bout of hopping exercise
SUMMARY Stiffness of the human Achilles tendon (AT) was determined in vivo before and after a single bout of hopping exercise. It was hypothesized, based on published data using in vitro specimens, that a reduction in AT stiffness may occur after just 1000 loading cycles at physiological stress levels. Ten healthy subjects performed two-legged hopping exercise consisting of 1150–2600 high impacts. Tendon stiffness was determined in several isometric ramp contractions [20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC)] during which tendon elongation was measured using ultrasonography and two cameras. Tendon force was calculated by dividing measured ankle torque by magnetic reso…
Acute Metabolic Response, Energy Expenditure, and EMG Activity in Sitting and Standing
Purpose While merely standing up interrupts sedentary behavior, it is important to study acute metabolic responses during single bouts of sitting and standing to understand the physiological processes affecting the health of office workers. Methods Eighteen healthy middle-age women 49.4 ± 7.9 yr old (range: 40–64) with a body mass index of 23.4 ± 2.8 kg·m−2 volunteered for this laboratory-based randomized crossover trial where they performed 2 h desk work in either sitting or standing postures after overnight fasting. Muscle activity (normalized to walking at 5 km·h−1), respiratory gas exchange, and blood samples were assessed after glucose loading (75 g). Results Compared with seated work,…
Muscle‐tendon morphology and function following long‐term exposure to repeated and strenuous mechanical loading
We mapped structural and functional characteristics of muscle‐tendon units in a population exposed to very long‐term routine overloading. Twenty‐eight military academy cadets (age: 21.00 ± 1.1 yrs; height: 176.1 ± 4.8 cm; mass: 73.8 ± 7.0 kg) exposed for over 24 months to repetitive overloading were profiled via ultrasonography with a senior subgroup of them (n = 11; age = 21.4 ± 1.0 yrs; height = 176.5 ± 4.8 cm; mass = 71.4 ± 6.6 kg) also tested while walking and marching on a treadmill. A group of eleven ethnicity‐ and aged‐matched civilians (age = 21.6 ± 0.7 yrs; height = 176.8 ± 4.3 cm; mass = 74.6 ± 5.6 kg) was also profiled and tested. Cadets and civilians exhibited similar morphology…
Superimposing hip extension on knee flexion evokes higher activation in biceps femoris than knee flexion alone.
Hamstring muscle function during knee flexion has been linked to hamstring injury and performance. However, it is unclear whether knee flexion alone (KF) requires similar hamstring electromyography (EMG) activity pattern to simultaneous hip extension and knee flexion (HE-KF), a combination that occurs in the late swing phase of sprinting. This study examined whether HE-KF maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) evokes higher (EMG) activity in biceps femoris long head (BFlh) and semitendinosus (ST) than KF alone. Effects of shank rotation angles were also tested. Twenty-one males performed the above-mentioned MVICs while EMG activity was measured along ST and BFlh. Conditions were com…
Training-induced increase in Achilles tendon stiffness affects tendon strain pattern during running
Background During the stance phase of running, the elasticity of the Achilles tendon enables the utilisation of elastic energy and allows beneficial contractile conditions for the triceps surae muscles. However, the effect of changes in tendon mechanical properties induced by chronic loading is still poorly understood. We tested the hypothesis that a training-induced increase in Achilles tendon stiffness would result in reduced tendon strain during the stance phase of running, which would reduce fascicle strains in the triceps surae muscles, particularly in the mono-articular soleus. Methods Eleven subjects were assigned to a training group performing isometric single-leg plantarflexion co…
Slower Walking Speed in Older Men Improves Triceps Surae Force Generation Ability
Purpose \ud Older adults walk slower than young adults, but it is not known why. Previous research suggests that ankle plantarflexors may have a crucial role in the reduction of walking speed. The purpose of this study was to investigate age-related differences in triceps surae muscle–tendon function during walking to further investigate the role of plantarflexors in the age-related reduction of walking speed.\ud \ud Methods \ud Medial gastrocnemius and soleus muscle fascicle lengths were measured using ultrasound imaging during walking from 13 young (25 ± 4 yr) men at preferred walking speed and from 13 older (73 ± 5 yr) men at preferred speed and at the young men’s preferred speed. Muscle…
Individual Region- and Muscle-specific Hamstring Activity at Different Running Speeds
Introduction \ud Hamstring strain injuries typically occur in the proximal biceps femoris long head (BFlh) at high running speeds. Strain magnitude seems to be the primary determinant of strain injury, and may be regulated by muscle activation. In running, BFlh strain is largest in the proximal region, especially at high speeds. However, region-specific activity has not been examined. This study examined the proximal–distal and intermuscular activity of BFlh and semitendinosus (ST) as a function of increasing running speed.\ud \ud Methods \ud Thirteen participants ran at steady speeds of 4.1 (slow), 5.4 (moderate), and 6.8 m·s−1 (fast) on a treadmill. Region- and muscle-specific EMG activit…
Neuromuscular interaction during human walking : how do changes in muscle–tendon mechanics affect the motor control of walking?
Treadmill versus overground and barefoot versus shod comparisons of triceps surae fascicle behaviour in human walking and running
Studies of human locomotion are commonly performed on a treadmill or overground, as well as with or without footwear. These testing modalities have been suggested to influence kinematics, kinetics and/or spatio-temporal variables differently. However, it is unclear whether they influence contractile behaviour at the level of the muscle fascicles. This has major relevance because results from studies performed with different combinations of the testing modalities are often compared. The present study used ultrasound to examine fascicle behaviour of the medial gastrocnemius (MG) and soleus muscles of ten young, healthy males during walking and running on a treadmill and overground, as well as…
In vivo fascicle behavior of the flexor hallucis longus muscle at different walking speeds.
Ankle plantar flexor muscles support and propel the body in the stance phase of locomotion. Besides the triceps surae, flexor hallucis longus muscle (FHL) may also contribute to this role, but very few in vivo studies have examined FHL function during walking. Here, we investigated FHL fascicle behavior at different walking speeds. Ten healthy males walked overground at three different speeds while FHL fascicle length changes were recorded with ultrasound and muscle activity was recorded with surface electromyography (EMG). Fascicle length at heel strike at toe off and at peak EMG activity did not change with speed. Range of FHL fascicle length change (3.5-4.5 and 1.9-2.9 mm on average in s…
Muscle-tendon morphomechanical properties of non-surgically treated Achilles tendon 1-year post-rupture
Background\ud Achilles tendon rupture appears to alter stiffness and length of the tendon. These alterations may affect the function of tendon in force transmission and in energy storage and recovery. We studied the mechanical properties of the Achilles' tendon post-rupture and their association with function.\ud Methods\ud Twenty-four (20 males, 4 females) participants (mean age: 43 y, 176 cm, 81 kg) were recruited. Ultrasonography and dynamometry were used to assess the muscle-tendon unit morphological and mechanical properties of non-surgically treated patients 1-year post rupture.\ud Findings\ud Injured tendons were longer with difference of 1.8 cm (95%CI: 0.5–1.9 cm; P < 0.001), and th…
Doublet potentiation in the triceps surae is limited by series compliance and dynamic fascicle behavior.
Activation of skeletal muscle twice in quick succession results in nonlinear force summation (i.e., doublet potentiation). The force contributed by a second activation is typically of augmented amplitude, longer in duration, and generated at a greater rate. The purpose of this study was to examine force summation in a muscle attached to a compliant tendon, where considerable internal shortening occurs during a fixed-end contraction. The triceps surae of 21 ( Experiment 1) and 9 ( Experiment 2) young adults were maximally activated with doublet stimulation of different interstimulus intervals (ISIs) (5-100 ms) at several muscle lengths. Ultrasound images acquired from lateral gastrocnemius …
Let the machine do the work: learning to reduce the energetic cost of walking on a split‐belt treadmill
In everyday tasks such as walking and running, we often exploit the work performed by external sources to reduce effort. Recent research has focused on designing assistive devices capable of performing mechanical work to reduce the work performed by muscles and improve walking function. The success of these devices relies on the user learning to take advantage of this external assistance. Although adaptation is central to this process, the study of adaptation is often done using approaches that seem to have little in common with the use of external assistance. We show in 16 young, healthy participants that a common approach for studying adaptation, split-belt treadmill walking, can be under…
Non‐uniform displacement within ruptured Achilles tendon during isometric contraction
The purpose of this study was investigate tendon displacement patterns in non‐surgically treated patients 14 months after acute Achilles tendon rupture (ATR) and to classify patients into groups based on their Achilles tendon (AT) displacement patterns. Twenty patients were tested. Sagittal images of AT were acquired using B‐mode ultrasonography during ramp contractions at a torque level corresponding to 30% of the maximal isometric plantarflexion torque of the uninjured limb. A speckle tracking algorithm was used to track proximal‐distal movement of the tendon tissue at 6 antero‐posterior locations. Two‐way repeated measures ANOVA for peak tendon displacement was performed. K‐means cluster…
Spatial variability of muscle activity during human walking: The effects of different EMG normalization approaches
Human leg muscles are often activated inhomogeneously, e.g. in standing. This may also occur in complex tasks like walking. Thus, bipolar surface electromyography (sEMG) may not accurately represent whole muscle activity. This study used 64-electrode high-density sEMG (HD-sEMG) to examine spatial variability of lateral gastrocnemius (LG) muscle activity during the stance phase of walking, maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) and maximal M-waves, and determined the effects of different normalization approaches on spatial and inter-participant variability. Plantar flexion MVC, maximal electrically elicited M-waves and walking at self-selected speed were recorded in eight healthy males aged 2…
Age-related neuromuscular function and dynamic balance control during slow and fast balance perturbations.
This study investigated age-related differences in dynamic balance control and its connection to reflexes and explosive isometric plantar flexor torque in 19 males (9 Young aged 20–33 yr, 10 Elderly aged 61–72 yr). Dynamic balance was measured during Slow (15 cm/s) and Fast (25 cm/s) anterior and posterior perturbations. H/M-ratio was measured at 20% of maximal M-wave (H/M20%) 10, 30, and 90 ms after perturbations. Stretch reflexes were measured from tibialis anterior and soleus during anterior and posterior perturbations, respectively. In Slow, Elderly exhibited larger peak center-of-pressure (COP) displacement (15%; P < 0.05) during anterior perturbations. In Fast, Young showed a tren…
The use of ultrasound to study muscle–tendon function in human posture and locomotion
Analysis of human movement has traditionally relied on measures such as kinematics, kinetics and electromyography. These measures provide valuable information about movement performance and make it possible to draw inferences about muscle and tendon function. Musculoskeletal models are also used frequently to examine the relationship between joint kinematics and muscle-tendon behaviour, and have provided important insights into both healthy and clinical gait. However, muscles interact with compliant tendons during movement, which complicates interpretation of muscle and tendon function based on external measures such as joint kinematics. Accordingly, methods have been developed that enable …
Age-related differences in Achilles tendon properties and triceps surae muscle architecture in vivo
This study examined the concurrent age-related differences in muscle and tendon structure and properties. Achilles tendon morphology and mechanical properties and triceps surae muscle architecture were measured from 100 subjects [33 young (24 ± 2 yr) and 67 old (75 ± 3 yr)]. Motion analysis-assisted ultrasonography was used to determine tendon stiffness, Young's modulus, and hysteresis during isometric ramp contractions. Ultrasonography was used to measure muscle architectural features and size and tendon cross-sectional area. Older participants had 17% lower ( P < 0.01) Achilles tendon stiffness and 32% lower ( P < 0.001) Young's modulus than young participants. Tendon cross-section…
Effects of prolonged walking on neural and mechanical components of stretch responses in the human soleus muscle
After repeated passive stretching, tendinous tissue compliance increases in the human soleus (SOL) muscle–tendon unit. During movement, such changes would have important consequences for neural and mechanical stretch responses. This study examined the existence of such effects in response to a 75 min walking intervention. Eleven healthy subjects walked on a treadmill at 4 km h−1 with a robotic stretch device attached to the left leg. Ultrasonography was used to measure SOL fascicle lengths, and surface EMG activity was recorded in the SOL and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles. Perturbations of 6 deg were imposed at three different measurement intervals: Pre (immediately before the walking inte…
Reactive stepping behaviour in response to forward loss of balance predicts future falls in community-dwelling older adults.
Background: a fall occurs when an individual experiences a loss of balance from which they are unable to recover. Assessment of balance recovery ability in older adults may therefore help to identify individuals at risk of falls. The purpose of this 12-month prospective study was to assess whether the ability to recover from a forward loss of balance with a single step across a range of lean magnitudes was predictive of falls. Methods: two hundred and one community-dwelling older adults, aged 65–90 years, underwent baseline testing of sensorimotor function and balance recovery ability followed by 12-month prospective falls evaluation. Balance recovery ability was defined by whether particip…
Mechanical and neural function of triceps surae in elite racewalking
Racewalking is a unique event combining mechanical elements of walking with speeds associated with running. It is currently unclear how racewalking technique impacts upon lower limb muscle-tendon function, despite the relevance of this to muscle economy and overall performance. The present study examined triceps surae neuromechanics in 11 internationally competitive racewalkers (age 25±11 years) walking and running on a treadmill at speeds between 4.5 - 13.8 km/h whilst triceps surae fascicle lengths, electromyography and kinematic data were recorded. Cumulative muscle activity required to traverse a unit distance (CMAPD) was calculated for each muscle. Medial gastrocnemius (MG) and soleus …
Achilles tendon stiffness is unchanged one hour after a marathon
Overuse-induced injuries have been proposed as a predisposing factor for Achilles tendon (AT) ruptures. If tendons can be overloaded, their mechanical properties should change during exercise. Because there data are lacking on the effects of a single bout of long-lasting exercise on AT mechanical properties, the present study measured AT stiffness before and after a marathon. AT stiffness was determined as the slope of the force–elongation curve between 10 and 80% of maximum voluntary force. AT force–elongation characteristics were measured in an ankle dynamometer using simultaneous motion-capture-assisted ultrasonography. Oxygen consumption and ankle kinematics were also measured on a trea…
Muscle‐tendon morphology and function following long‐term exposure to repeated and strenuous mechanical loading
We mapped structural and functional characteristics of muscle‐tendon units in a population exposed to very long‐term routine overloading. Twenty‐eight military academy cadets (age = 21.00 ± 1.1 years; height = 176.1 ± 4.8 cm; mass = 73.8 ± 7.0 kg) exposed for over 24 months to repetitive overloading were profiled via ultrasonography with a senior subgroup of them (n = 11; age = 21.4 ± 1.0 years; height = 176.5 ± 4.8 cm; mass = 71.4 ± 6.6 kg) also tested while walking and marching on a treadmill. A group of eleven ethnicity‐ and age‐matched civilians (age = 21.6 ± 0.7 years; height = 176.8 ± 4.3 cm; mass = 74.6 ± 5.6 kg) was also profiled and tested. Cadets and civilians exhibited similar mo…
Lower limb muscle weakness predicts use of a multiple- versus single-step strategy to recover from forward loss of balance in older adults.
BACKGROUND: Older adults compared with young adults have reduced strength and balance recovery ability. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether age, sex, and/or lower limb strength predicted the stepping strategy used to recover from a forward loss of balance. METHODS: Ninety-five, community-dwelling, older adults, aged 65-90 years, participated in the study. Loss of balance was induced by releasing participants from a static forward lean. Participants performed four trials at three initial lean magnitudes and were subsequently classified as using a single- or multiple-step strategy. Isometric strength of the ankle, knee, and hip joint flexors and extensors was assessed …
Does ankle joint power reflect type of muscle action of soleus and gastrocnemius during walking in cats and humans?
The main objective of this paper is to highlight the difficulties of identifying shortening and lengthening contractions based on analysis of power produced by resultant joint moments. For that purpose, we present net ankle joint powers and muscle fascicle/muscle-tendon unit (MTU) velocities for medial gastrocnemius (MG) and soleus (SO) muscles during walking in species of different size (humans and cats). For the cat, patterns of ankle joint power and MTU velocity of MG and SO during stance were similar: negative power (ankle moment×angular velocity<0), indicating absorption of mechanical energy, was associated with MTU lengthening, and positive power (generation of mechanical energy) w…
Muscle fascicle stretch velocity in relation to stretch reflex activation at different contraction levels in human triceps surae
Viewpoint: On the hysteresis in the human Achilles tendon.
This viewpoint was stimulated by two observations: 1) the statistical skewness whereby numerous articles have reported tendon stiffness and Young9s modulus, but far fewer have reported tendon hysteresis; 2) in vivo human studies seem very often to report hysteresis values greater than 10%, suggesting either that there are methodological differences between human and animal studies, or that human tendons have a much poorer capacity to store and reutilize elastic energy. In this article we focus on the healthy human Achilles/gastrocnemius tendon (AT) since it has an important locomotor function and clearly a low AT hysteresis would allow elastic recoil for efficient locomotion. We discuss tha…