Stefano Spezia
Preliminary Analysis on Correlations between Spatial Distribution of Chlorophyll-a and Experimental Data of Biomass in the Strait of Sicily
This study, using both remotely sensed and measured in situ data, is directed to the analysis of the correlations between the chlorophyll-a concentration and the biomass of sardines and anchovies acoustically evaluated in the Strait of Sicily. This work, inter alia, shows the usefulness of remote observation of seas in determining possible relationships between fish stocks and some oceanographic parameters (Sea Surface Temperature, Chlorophyll-a, Zooplankton).
Relaxation of Electron Spin during High-Field Transport in GaAs Bulk
A semiclassical Monte Carlo approach is adopted to study the multivalley spin depolarization of drifting electrons in a doped n-type GaAs bulk semiconductor, in a wide range of lattice temperature ($40<T_L<300$ K) and doping density ($10^{13}<n<10^{16}$cm$^{-3}$). The decay of the initial non-equilibrium spin polarization of the conduction electrons is investigated as a function of the amplitude of the driving static electric field, ranging between 0.1 and 6 kV/cm, by considering the spin dynamics of electrons in both the $\Gamma$ and the upper valleys of the semiconductor. Doping density considerably affects spin relaxation at low temperature and weak intensity of the driving electric fiel…
Nonequilibrium electron spin relaxation in n-type doped GaAs sample
Non-equilibrium electron spin relaxation in a n-type doped GaAs bulk semiconductor is investigated. We use a semiclassical Monte Carlo approach by considering multivalley spin dynamics of drifting electrons. Spin relaxation is considered through the D'yakonov-Perel mechanism, which is the dominant process in III-V semiconductors. An analytical expression for the inhomogeneous broadening of spin precession vector is derived by taking into account the effect of the electric field and the doping density. The inclusion of electron-electron scattering has the effect of increasing both the spin lifetime and the depolarization length. In particular, we find a non-monotonic trend with the maximum o…
Monte Carlo Study of Electron Spin Relaxation in n-type GaAs Bulk
Risonanza stocastica nel riconoscimento e nel corteggiamento di specie di Nezara viridula
Electric Field Orientation Dependence of Electron Spin Relaxation in Wurtzite GaN
Doping dependence of spin dynamics of drifting electrons in GaAs bulks
We study the effect of the impurity density on lifetimes and relaxation lengths of electron spins in the presence of a static electric field in a n-type GaAs bulk. The transport of electrons and the spin dynamics are simulated by using a semiclassical Monte Carlo approach, which takes into account the intravalley scattering mechanisms of warm electrons in the semiconductor material. Spin relaxation is considered through the D'yakonov-Perel mechanism, which is the dominant mechanism in III-V semiconductors. The evolution of spin polarization is analyzed by computing the lifetimes and depolarization lengths as a function of the doping density in the range 10^{13} - 10^{16} cm^{-3}, for differ…
Noise effects in biological systems
External Noise Effects in Silicon MOS Inversion Layer
The effect of the addition of an external source of correlated noise on the electron transport in silicon MOS inversion layer, driven by a static electric field, has been investigated. The electron dynamics is simulated by a Monte Carlo procedure which takes into account non-polar optical and acoustic phonons. In our modelling of the quasi-two-dimensional electron gas, the potential profile, perpendicular to the MOS structure, is assumed to follow the triangular potential approximation. We calculate the changes in both the autocorrelation function and the spectral density of the velocity fluctuations, at different values of noise amplitude and correlation time. The findings indicate that, t…
Enhancement of the Lifetime of Metastable States in Er-Doped Si Nanocrystals by External Colored Noise
The changes in the lifetime of a metastable energy level in Er-doped Si nanocrystals in the presence of an external source of colored noise are analyzed for different values of noise intensity and correlation time. Exciton dynamics is simulated by a set of phenomenological rate equations which take into account all the possible phenomena inherent in the energy states of Si nanocrystals and Er^{3+} ions in the host material of Si oxide. Electronic deexcitation is studied by examining the decay of the initial population of the Er atoms in the first excitation level 4I_{13/2} through fluorescence and cooperative energy transfer upconversion. Our results show that the deexcitation process of th…
Enhancement of electron spin lifetime in GaAs crystals: the benefits of dichotomous noise
The electron spin relaxation process in n-type GaAs crystals driven by a fluctuating electric field is investigated. Two different sources of fluctuations are considered: (i) a symmetric dichotomous noise and (ii) a Gaussian correlated noise. Monte Carlo numerical simulations show, in both cases, an enhancement of the spin relaxation time by increasing the amplitude of the external noise. Moreover, we find that the electron spin lifetime versus the noise correlation time: (i) increases up to a plateau in the case of dichotomous random fluctuations, and (ii) shows a nonmonotonic behaviour with a maximum in the case of bulks subjected to a Gaussian correlated noise.
Noise-induced effects in nonlinear relaxation of condensed matter systems
Abstract Noise-induced phenomena characterise the nonlinear relaxation of nonequilibrium physical systems towards equilibrium states. Often, this relaxation process proceeds through metastable states and the noise can give rise to resonant phenomena with an enhancement of lifetime of these states or some coherent state of the condensed matter system considered. In this paper three noise induced phenomena, namely the noise enhanced stability, the stochastic resonant activation and the noise-induced coherence of electron spin, are reviewed in the nonlinear relaxation dynamics of three different systems of condensed matter: (i) a long-overlap Josephson junction (JJ) subject to thermal fluctuat…
Analysis of the vertical distribution in a model of phytoplankton dynamics
Phytoplankton often faces the dilemma of living in contrasting gradients of two essential resources: the light that comes from above and nutrients that are often supplied from below. In poorly mixed water columns, algae can be heterogeneously distributed, with thin layers of biomass found on the surface, in depth, or on the sediment surface. Here, we show that these patterns can result from intraspecific competition between light and nutrients. First, we present numerical solutions of a reaction-diffusion-taxis model for phytoplankton, nutrients and light. We argue that motile phytoplankton can form a thin layer under poorly mixed conditions. The numerical solution of this model indicates t…
Evidence of stochastic resonance in the mating behavior of Nezara viridula (L.)
We investigate the role of the noise in the mating behavior between individuals of Nezara viridula (L.), by analyzing the temporal and spectral features of the non-pulsed type female calling song emitted by single individuals. We have measured the threshold level for the signal detection, by performing experiments with the calling signal at different intensities and analyzing the insect response by directionality tests performed on a group of male individuals. By using a sub-threshold signal and an acoustic Gaussian noise source, we have investigated the insect response for different levels of noise, finding behavioral activation for suitable noise intensities. In particular, the percentage…
Noise Enhanced Stability Phenomenon in Electron Spin Dynamics
Possible utilization of the electron spin as an information carrier in electronic devices is an engaging challenge for future spin-based electronics. In these new devices, the information stored in a system of polarized electron spins, is transferred by applying an external electric field and finally detected. However, each initial non-equilibrium magnetization decays both in time and distance during the transport. Because of increasing miniaturization, to avoid too much intense electric fields, which could lead the system to exhibit a strongly nonlinear physical behavior, applied voltages are very low. Low voltages are subjected to the background noise; hence, it is mandatory to understand…
New insights into electron spin dynamics in the presence of correlated noise
The changes of the spin depolarization length in zinc-blende semiconductors when an external component of correlated noise is added to a static driving electric field are analyzed for different values of field strength, noise amplitude and correlation time. Electron dynamics is simulated by a Monte Carlo procedure which keeps into account all the possible scattering phenomena of the hot electrons in the medium and includes the evolution of spin polarization. Spin depolarization is studied by examinating the decay of the initial spin polarization of the conduction electrons through the D'yakonov-Perel process, the only relevant relaxation mechanism in III-V crystals. Our results show that, f…
Noise effects in two different biological systems
We investigate the role of the colored noise in two biological systems: (i) adults of Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), and (ii) polymer translocation. In the first system we analyze, by directionality tests, the response of N. viridula individuals to subthreshold signals plus noise in their mating behaviour. The percentage of insects that react to the subthreshold signal shows a nonmonotonic behaviour, characterized by the presence of a maximum, as a function of the noise intensity. This is the signature of the non-dynamical stochastic resonance phenomenon. By using a “soft” threshold model we find that the maximum of the input-output cross correlation occurs in the same ra…
Two-species model for spatial distributions of sardine and anchovy: A comparison with real data
We present a study of pattern formation in a set of two coupled equations modeling two competing species. We consider generalized Lotka-Volterra equations in the presence of a multiplicative noise which models the interaction between the species and the environment. The interaction parameter between the species is a random process which obeys a stochastic differential equation with a generalized bistable potential in the presence of a periodic driving term, which accounts for the environment temperature variation.We find noise-induced spatial patterns with strong anti-correlation between the two species. We compare our theoretical results with the experimental data of the spatial distributi…
We investigate the electron spin dephasing in low n-doped GaAs semiconductor bulks driven by a correlated fluctuating electric field. The electron dynamics is simulated by a Monte Carlo procedure which keeps into account all the possible scattering phenomena of the hot electrons in the medium and includes the evolution of spin polarization. Spin relaxation times are computed through the D’yakonov–Perel process, which is the only relevant relaxation mechanism in zinc-blende semiconductors. The decay of initial spin polarization of conduction electrons is calculated for different values of field strength, noise intensity and noise correlation time. For values of noise correlation time compara…
Doping dependence of spin lifetime of drifting electrons in GaAs bulks
We study the effect of the impurity density on lifetimes and relaxation lengths of electron spins in the presence of a static electric field in a n-type GaAs bulk. The transport of electrons and the spin dynamics are simulated by using a semiclassical Monte Carlo approach, which takes into account the intravalley scattering mechanisms of warm electrons in the semiconductor material. Spin relaxation is considered through the D'yakonov-Perel mechanism, which is the dominant mechanism in III-V semiconductors. The evolution of spin polarization is analyzed by computing the lifetimes and depolarization lengths as a function of the doping density in the range 10^{13} - 10^{16} cm^{-3}, for differ…
Monte Carlo investigation of electron spin relaxation in GaAs crystals during low-field transport
A great emerging interest within the condensed matter physics is the use of electron spin in semiconductor-based spintronic devices to perform both logic operations, communication and storage. In order to make spintronics a feasible technology, sufficiently long spin lifetimes and the possibility to manipulate, control and detect the spin polarization are required. The loss of spin polarization before, during and after the necessary operations is a crucial problem into spin device design; thus, a full understanding of the role played by the lattice temperature, the doping density and the amplitude of the applied electric field on the electron spin dynamics in semiconductors is essential for…
Metastability and Relaxation in Quantum and Mesoscopic Systems
The transient dynamics and the relaxation of three quantum and mesoscopic systems are investigated. In particular we analyze: (i) a long Josephson junction (LJJ) driven by a non-Gaussian Lévy noise current; (ii) a metastable quantum dissipative system driven by an external periodical driving; and (iii) the electron spin relaxation process in n-type GaAs crystals driven by a fluctuating electric field. Specifically, in the first system the LJJ phase evolution is described by the perturbed sine-Gordon equation. We find the noise enhanced stability and resonant activation phenomena, by investigating the mean escape time as a function of the bias current frequency, noise intensity and length of…
Nonlinear dependence on temperature and field of electron spin depolarization in GaAs semiconductors
In this work the influence of temperature and drift conditions on the electron spin relaxation in lightly doped n-type GaAs bulk semiconductors is investigated. The electron transport, including the evolution of the spin polarization vector, is simulated by a Monte Carlo procedure which keeps into account all the possible scattering phenomena of the hot electrons in the medium. Electron-spin states in semiconductor structures relax by scattering with imperfections, other carriers and phonons. Spin relaxation lengths and times are computed through the D'yakonov-Perel process since this is the more relevant spin relaxation mechanism in the regime of interest (10 < T < 300 K). The decay of the…
Effect of a fluctuating electric field on electron spin dephasing in III-V semiconductors
In the present work we investigate electron spin relaxation in low-doped n-type GaAs semiconductor bulks driven by a static electric field. The electron dynamics is simulated by a Monte Carlo procedure which keeps into account all the possible scattering phenomena of the hot electrons in the medium and includes the evolution of spin polarization. Spin relaxation lengths are computed through the D’yakonov-Perel process, which is the only relevant relaxation mechanism in zinc-blende semiconductors. Since semiconductor based devices are always imbedded into a noisy environment that can strongly affect their performance, the decay of initial spin polarization of conduction electrons is calculat…
The spin depolarization of drifting electrons in a n-type doped GaAs bulk semiconductor is studied, in a wide range of lattice temperature (40 K < TL < 300 K) and doping density (10^{13} cm^{−3} < n < 10^{16} cm^{−3}), by adopting a semiclassical Monte Carlo approach. The effect of the mechanism of Dyakonov-Perel (DP) on the spin depolarization of the conduction electrons is analyzed as a function of the amplitude of a static electric field, ranging between 0.1 and 6 kV cm^{−1}, by considering the spin dynamics of electrons in both the Γ-valley and the upper L-valleys of the semiconductor. Moreover, the role of the electron-electron scattering mechanism in the suppression of DP spin relaxat…