C Caracciolo
Clinical history of thrombosis before diagnosis of overt myeloproliferative neoplasms in triple negative patients
Thromboses are the most important preventable risk factors for morbidity and mortality in myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN). We here performed a retrospective cross sectional study of patients with a diagnosis of Philadelphia negative MPN and a prior history of thrombosis, analyzed from electronic charts. Among a cohort of 260 patients with MPNs (78PV, 102ET, 80 MF), forty four were found triple negative for JAK-2, calreticulin and MPL gene mutations. Sixty-nine (26.54%) patients (29F, 40M) had a personal past clinical history of arterial or venous thrombosis. Among patients with thrombosis, 13(18.8%) cases (11ET, 2MF) were triple negative (median age:60 years). Most events, in particular …
Chronic myeloid leukemia as second malignancy; a retrospective multicentrico study
Aspetti emoreologici nella iperviscosità policitemica e sierica
I fattori strutturali in grado di modificare la viscosità ematica sono la massa cellulare, le frazioni proteiche plasmatiche e la deformabilità del globulo rosso. In base alla presenza di uno di questi fattori si distinguono le diverse condizioni primarie di iperviscosità. Mentre l'iperviscosità policitemica è possibile riscontrarla in molti quadri clinici caratterizzati dall'aumento della massa cellulare (policitemia vera, eritrocitosi, leucocitosi iperleucocitiche, trombocitemia), l'iperviscosità sierica è probabile evidenziarla in quadri clinici diversi quali mieloma, malattia di Waldenstrom, crioglobulinemia, disfibrinogenemie, malattie del connettivo, e l'iperviscosità sclerocitemica è…
Deformabilità eritrocitaria nella policitemia vera
Erythrocyte deformability in Polycythemia Vera
Chronic myeloid leukemia as second malignancy; restrospective multicentric study
Cardiovascular events and intensity of treatment in polycythemia vera.
A b s t r ac t Background Current treatment recommendations for patients with polycythemia vera call for maintaining a hematocrit of less than 45%, but this therapeutic strategy has not been tested in a randomized clinical trial. Methods We randomly assigned 365 adults with JAK2-positive polycythemia vera who were being treated with phlebotomy, hydroxyurea, or both to receive either more intensive treatment (target hematocrit, <45%) (low-hematocrit group) or less intensive treatment (target hematocrit, 45 to 50%) (high-hematocrit group). The primary composite end point was the time until death from cardiovascular causes or major thrombotic events. The secondary end points were cardiovascula…