Jimmy De La Torre
Comparing Traditional and IRT Scoring of Forced-Choice Tests.
This article explores how traditional scores obtained from different forced-choice (FC) formats relate to their true scores and item response theory (IRT) estimates. Three FC formats are considered from a block of items, and respondents are asked to (a) pick the item that describes them most (PICK), (b) choose the two items that describe them the most and the least (MOLE), or (c) rank all the items in the order of their descriptiveness of the respondents (RANK). The multi-unidimensional pairwise-preference (MUPP) model, which is extended to more than two items per block and different FC formats, is applied to obtain the responses to each item block. Traditional and IRT (i.e., expected a po…
Resumen tomado de la publicación Puntuaciones tradicionales y estimaciones TRI en tests de elección forzosa con un modelo de dominancia. Antecedentes: los tests de elección forzosa (TEFs) fueron propuestos para reducir los sesgos de respuesta de ítems tipo Likert. Se cuestiona que los métodos de puntuación tradicional (PT) empleados permitan hacer comparaciones entre-sujetos. Recientemente, Hontangas et al. (2015) exploraron cómo las PTs obtenidas con diferentes TEFs se relacionan con sus puntuaciones verdaderas y estimaciones TRI, mostrando las condiciones para ser utilizadas cuando el modelo subyacente es un modelo de unfolding. El objetivo del trabajo actual es comprobar si el patrón de …
A Dominance Variant Under the Multi-Unidimensional Pairwise-Preference Framework: Model Formulation and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation.
Forced-choice questionnaires have been proposed as a way to control some response biases associated with traditional questionnaire formats (e.g., Likert-type scales). Whereas classical scoring methods have issues of ipsativity, item response theory (IRT) methods have been claimed to accurately account for the latent trait structure of these instruments. In this article, the authors propose the multi-unidimensional pairwise preference two-parameter logistic (MUPP-2PL) model, a variant within Stark, Chernyshenko, and Drasgow’s MUPP framework for items that are assumed to fit a dominance model. They also introduce a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) procedure for estimating the model’s paramete…