Thierry Klag
Formation processes and sedimentary filling history of closed depressions on the plateau lorrain, north-eastern Paris Basin (France).
International audience
Une occupation du Bronze final et sa nécropole à Metz – ZAC du Sansonnet (Moselle). Un cas particulier de stabilisation d’un habitat.
International audience
The Bronze Age in Lorraine: a proposed model of the settlement
Thirty years of assiduous preventive archaeology practice in Lorraine have built up a stock of data that can be used for numerous archaeological problems with a spatial focus.For the Bronze Age, as for the other chronological periods, the archaeological occupations discovered during diagnostics and excavations are strongly correlated with current developments (motorways, TGV, housing estates, quarries, etc.). These occupations must be discussed in order to estimate their spatial representativeness. Similarly, the landscape characterisation, in which the occupations highlighted are situated, is an important step in defining the types of settlement.As most of the data comes from the national …