Xavier Rodier
Understanding Urban Fabric with the OH_FET model based on Social Use, Space and Time
The proposed principle for understanding the urban fabric is based on considering the town as a set of complex objects, taking a systemic approach. The town system used to study the urban fabric over large time spans is composed of three sub-systems relating to historical objects from the level of the excavation to that of the former urban space: function (social use), space (location, surface area and morphology) and time (dating, duration and chronology). The historical object is the analytical unit of the space studied. It is the Cartesian product of the three sets, Social use, Space and Time, from which it stems. On the basis of this process, the Historical Object (OH) is broken down in…
Modélisation des objets historiques selon la fonction, l'espace et le temps pour l'étude des dynamiques urbaines dans la longue durée
The proposed principle for understanding the urban fabric is based on considering the town as a set of complex objects, taking a systemic approach. The town system used to study the urban fabric over large time spans is composed of three sub-systems relating to historical objects from the level of the excavation to that of the former urban space: function (social use), space (location, surface area and morphology) and time (dating, duration and chronology). The historical object is the analytical unit of the space studied. The purposed model allows urban changes to be observed. The originality of this procedure lies in its approach whereby it is possible to start not from the mapping of a p…
Abstraire : formaliser et modéliser l'information archéologique
National audience
Social features, Spatial features, Time features: An urban archaeological data model
http://proceedings.caaconference.org/files/2007/64_Rodier_Saligny_CAA2007.pdf; International audience; The use of GIS to study the spatial evolution of pre-industrial cities over the "longue durée" requires rigorous formalisation of heterogeneous data from different sources into robust entities. An initial model using the HBDS (Hypergraph Based Data Structure) method enabled us to distinguish social and spatial features. In this paper, we develop a specific model for the temporal dimension. The definition of urban objects using social, spatial and temporal features enhances the study of urban dynamics and of change over the "longue durée".
Modéliser les objets historiques pour l'étude des dynamiques urbaines dans la longue durée. Le modèle OH_FET (objet historique, fonction, espace, temps)
National audience
Représenter les dynamiques urbaines de Tours antique et médiéval
ToToPI, for Topography of Tours Pre-Industrial, is a GIS for studying of the city of Tours (France) in large time span. The aim of this paper is to explain how GIS is used for historical data processing to understand time-space dynamics. The proposed principle for understanding the urban dynamic is based on considering the town as a set of complex objects, taking a systemic approach. The town system used to study the urban fabric over large time spans is composed of three sub-systems relating to historical objects from the level of the excavation to that of the former urban space: function (social use), space (location, surface area and morphology) and time (dating, duration and chronology)…