Suomalaisen ruokaturvan ulottuvuudet : sisällönanalyysi ruokaturvasta julkisissa asiakirjoissa
There has been wide public debate about global food security over the decades. Academic research has mainly focused on developing countries, which are most affected by food insecurity. In this context, only a little attention has been paid to the situation in developed countries like Finland. Contributing to filling this gap, this article studies how food security is understood and contextualized in Finland. Food security is explored by the four commonly used dimensions: 1) access, 2) availability, 3) stability (of supply) and 4) utilization. The research data consists of public reports related to food security as published by the ministries, organizations and research institutes. The analy…
Ruoka, maatalous ja kestävyysmurros puhuttivat tutkijoita Jyväskylässä
Experiments in sustainable rural livelihood in Finland
This paper addresses rural development and farm level action in Finland by posing the following main questions: What is the pioneering potential of small-scale entrepreneurship in enhancing rural sustainability? What are the specialisations feasible for such entrepreneurship in the present societal circumstances? What kind of local networking does it take to sustain on-farm activity for rural sustainability? We present empirical evidence from Central Finland about the ways in which both local food entrepreneurship and farm-based renewable energy production add to the rural livelihood and particularly to its social dimension. It is concluded that there is a potential overall impact on sustai…
Enemmän vuorovaikutusta, vähemmän vastakkainasettelua : Palkittu maaseutugradu tarkastelee paikkaperustaista kehittämistä
Inhimillisiä tarinoita satavuotiaan Suomen maaseudulta
Kirja-arvio teoksesta Jenni Räinä ja Vesa Ranta: Reunalla – Tarinoita Suomen tyhjeneviltä sivukyliltä. Like, Helsinki, 2017. 263 sivua. ISBN 978-952-01-1648-4 nonPeerReviewed
Maaseutu ja moderni mieli
Ruokaturva, kriisit ja maatalous
Sitä, että ruoka tulee maaseudulta, on totuttu pitämään itsestäänselvyytenä. Monenlaiset asiat haastavat tarkastelemaan asiaa toisin: Ruokaturva on noussut polttavan ajankohtaiseksi, ja tuotantoeläinten hyvinvoinnissa pitää huomioida uudetkin tartuntataudit. Samaan aikaan maaseudulta nousee paikkaseksikkäitä yrityksiä, jotka hyödyntävät brändäystä taitavasti tavoitellen etenkin y-sukupolven huomiota. nonPeerReviewed
Kuntatalous ja kaamosaika
Näkökulmia kestävään hyvinvointiin ja eriarvoisuuteen
Action-oriented knowledge for sustainable management of organic soils in Finnish agriculture
Agriculture is a contributing force to climate change due to unsustainable changes in land use with the usage of peatlands for food production in Finland. The use of organic soils in food production is a complex and politically driven issue, thus multistakeholder and participatory approaches to policy development, implementation and evaluation are essential. This study is integrating qualitative and quantitative methods in an iterative process to produce action-oriented knowledge for supporting actions to sustainably manage peatlands and reduce the enormous greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural peatlands. This study has engaged inter-disciplinary researchers and transdisciplinary actor…
Finnish dairy farmers’ perceptions of justice in the transition to carbon-neutral farming
Highlights • Finnish dairy farmers' perceptions of issues with carbon neutrality were examined. • Concerns include farming profitability, farmer blaming, and use of peatlands. • Public policy guidance is needed for carbon-neutral, sustainable agriculture. Environmental and political debate concerning the role of agriculture in sustainability has long been on the agenda. However, owing to climate change, an analysis of the transition to a low-carbon society must also be considered from the perspective of justice. Dairy farming, in particular, faces pressure in this context, when contemplating changing consumer behaviors and reduction in the carbon footprint of dairy products. Accordingly, ma…