Kryotherapie maligner Tumoren: Untersuchungen mittels MRT im Tierexperiment und Vergleich mit morphologischen Veränderungen*
son with pathological changes in mice. Purpose: Aim of our study was to investigate the efficacy of 7 F cryoprobes for percutaneous use morpho- and histologically, to examine the role of apoptosis after cryotherapy, and to compare contrast-enhanced MRI with histopathological findings at different time intervals in a tumor-mouse model. Methods: Percutaneous cryotherapy was performed in 15 immunocompromised nude mice with subcutaneously implanted tumors using the non-small-cell lung cancer cell line Lu 1. In group a) 7 mice were sacrificed after definite time intervals and histological examinations were done for evaluation of necrosis and apoptosis (HE; TUNEL assay); 2 mice are in long-term f…