Histologische und histoautoradiographische Untersuchungen zur Wanddicke und zum Zellumsatz am interponierten Hundedünndarm nach totaler Gastrektomie
Total gastrectomy was performed on purebred beagle dogs and a 30--40 cm jejunal segment was grafted isoperistaltically between oesophagus and duodenum. Histological and histoautoradiographical examinations were carried out and the wall-thickness and the cell-transformation rate in the interponate determined. Despite the isoperistaltic substitute-stomach a muscular wall-hypertrophy of 140% of the interponated jejunum was found. The reason for this hypertrophy is thought to be the result of adhesions and the functional mechanical demands. Histoautoradiographical examinations confirmed that the regeneration time in the substitute-stomach decreased by 70% compared with the normal jejunum. The d…