Heidi Harju-luukkainen

Elementary School Teachers' Experiences of Implementing the Teacher Classroom Management Method - Case Study in Finland

The diversity of pupils and their different difficulties challenge teachers' skills and methods in teaching. Some behavioral challenges require rapid intervention and a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach from the teachers. An internationally recognized tool, TCM (Teacher Classroom Management), aims to support pupils' socio-emotional development, improve teacher-pupil interaction, and strengthen school-home cooperation. This pilot study examines teachers' experiences of TCM in Finnish primary school context. The study is qualitative, and the data (N=16) was collected through focus group interviews. According to the results, the teacher's strengthened group management skills wer…

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Developing Students Well-Being and Engagement in Higher Education during COVID-19—A Case Study of Web-Based Learning in Finland

COVID-19 rapidly and extensively changed the normal everyday practices of societies, and there is no going back to the past. Universities also had to adapt and re-establish their normal routines, from policies to practices. In this article, we explore university students’ experiences of web-based learning, their well-being, and engagement during the pandemic. As a theoretical framework, we use the concept of the university student engagement inventory (USEI), which includes behavioral, cognitive, and emotional dimensions. The data were collected during the COVID-19 pandemic from university students (N = 35) via an online survey and analyzed using a thematic content analysis. According to th…

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“I sámifize it...” : Preschool in the Centre of South Sámi Language and Culture Learning in Norway

For an Indigenous population, there is a need for an inclusive educational space from the language and culture srevitalisation perspective. This is especially important during the early years when the basics of the language are formed alongside cultural knowledge. This paper takes a closer look at a South Sami preschool language learning environment through the lenses of teachers. The South Sami (South Saami) is the southernmost Sami population, frequently described as a minority within the minority. The estimation for South Sami speakers in Norway is around 300, making the language severely endangered This paper aims to take a closer look at how early childhood education teachers describe …

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Economic, social and cultural status (ESCS) and mathematics performance of immigrant students in the Finnish metropolitan area in PISA 2012

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PISA 2012 : resultatnivån i de svenskspråkiga skolorna i Finland

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Family related variables effect on later educational outcome: a further geospatial analysis on TIMSS 2015 Finland

AbstractFamily-related factors, like parent’s educational level, their values and expectations have a significant impact on child’s early skills and later educational outcomes. Further, parents provide their child, alongside with other learning environments, a broad mathematical and early literacy input. This study investigates the relationship between family-related socio-economic and other factors like, parental education, amount of books at home, parental attitudes towards mathematics and science, parental perception of child’s early skills and student’s later academic achievement. This is studied in the light of the Finnish data collected for Trends in International Mathematics and Scie…

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Finlandssvenska 15-åriga elevers resultatnivå i PISA 2009 -undersökningen

Finlandssvenska 15-åriga elevers resultatnivå i PISA 2009 -undersökningen Heidi Harju-Luukkainen, Kari Nissinen 2011. 83 s. 25 e. D100. År 2009 deltog finlandssvenska skolor för andra gången med ett större sampel i PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), OECD:s internationella studie som undersöker elevers förmågor i och attityder till läsning, matematik och naturvetenskap. År 2009 deltog redan över 60 länder i undersökningen. I den här rapporten presenteras resultatnivån i Svenskfinland. Resultatnivån för de finlandssvenska ungdomarnas prestationer jämförs med de nationella resultaten och resultaten i andra nordiska länder samt andra deltagande länders resultat. Den här rapp…

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“At worst it leads to madness.” A phenomenographic approach on how early childhood education professionals experience emotions in teamwork

Teamwork is a key part of almost any person’s working life. At its best, teamwork embodies a good team spirit and increases employee well-being, but at its worst, a team is characterized by mistrust or competition between members where action and development is not possible. In this study we explored what types of emotions early childhood education professionals experience during teamwork. These questions are answered with the help of a phenomenographic approach. As a theoretical frame, in this study, we utilize Warr’s (2012) Affective circumplex model. According to our results the ECE professional’s experienced emotions can be mostly described through the categories of enthusiasm, anxiety,…

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PISA 2012 : resultatnivån i de åländska skolorna

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Understanding Different Approaches to ECE Pedagogy through Tensions

Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The concept of pedagogy is the key to understanding pedagogy in early childhood education (ECE) in the Nordic countries, which are known for their high quality of life and education. However, in ECE, there are several different approaches toward pedagogy and it can be said that pedagogy is a multidimensional and dynamic concept. In this paper, the different approaches to pedagogy are defined and reconceptualized through an integrative literature analysis focusing on scientific papers and research reports of the concept. Five approaches to pedagogy were constructed: pedagogy through interaction, pedagogy through s…

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Immigrant Student Achievement and Education Policy in Finland

Finnish society has faced many changes during the past decade. One major change has been the increasing number of students speaking languages other than the national ones. This chapter provides an overview of the immigrant student population in Finland, including its change during the last decades. This chapter also takes a closer look at results of national and international assessments of students with an immigrant background, particularly the PISA 2012 results in which this student group was oversampled in Finland. This oversampling made the data considerably more representative of students having an immigrant background than in any other rounds, and also allowed more reliable statistica…

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Avaimet osaamiseen ja tulevaisuuteen : selvitys maahanmuuttajataustaisten nuorten osaamisesta ja siihen liittyvistä taustatekijöistä PISA 2012 -tutkimuksessa

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Differences between students' PISA reading literacy scores and grading for mother tongue and literature at school : A geostatistical analysis of the Finnish PISA 2009 data

In Finland, the national Core Curriculum for Basic Education defines the learning objectives along with the numerical grade to be given for good competence in each school subject in the final phase of basic education. While serving as a guideline for schools and teachers, it should also ensure an objective evaluation of all students in Finland. In this paper, we take a closer look at the equality of student assessment in Finland in the light of student performance in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009. This study investigates the relationship between the grades given to students in mother tongue and literature at different schools and the same students’ reading l…

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Läsning för nöjes skull? : finlandssvenska gymnasiestuderandes läsmotivation

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Worldviews and National Values in Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care Curricula

This paper examines how worldviews and national values are displayed in the national (Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) curricula of Sweden, Finland and Norway. The specific interest is to investigate what similarities and differences there are between these three ECEC curricula with regard to the position of religions and other worldviews. ECEC is often the first societal arena for children to enter and to negotiate their personal values, worldviews, and memberships in relation to the values represented in the surrounding social context. Countries employ different policies for dealing with diversity. Home languages for example, are often supported whereas for home cultures and worl…

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Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajuuden tulevaisuutta rakentamassa : sisällönanalyysi ohjausasiakirjojen tulevaisuusnäkökulmasta

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Migration and Mobility in Childhood (Finland)

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Difficult but Valuable! Learning in Student-centered Assessment Feedback Practices in Higher Education

Aims: The aim of this study is to fill a gap in research on students' experiences of learning in student-centered assessment feedback practices. The article examines what students tell us about their learning in the context of student-centered feedback practices in higher education during online learning.
 Study Design: The study was conducted as a qualitative online survey among Finnish university students (N=35). The relationship between learning and assessment was explored in the context of formative and summative assessment practices during an online learning environment. The data was analysed using a discursive approach.
 Place and Duration of Study: The research was conducte…

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Sosiaaliset suhteet koulunkäynnissä vahvuutena ja haasteena - nuorten kokema sosiaalinen tuki kotona ja koulussa

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Åländska : 15-åriga elevers resultatnivå i PISA 2009 -undersökningen

År 2009 deltog åländska skolor för andra gången med ett större sampel i PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), OECD:s internationella studie som undersöker elevers förmågor i och attityder till läsning, matematik och naturvetenskap. År 2009 deltog redan över 60 länder och områden i undersökningen. I den här rapporten presenteras resultatnivån på Åland. Resultatnivån för de 151 åländska ungdomarnas prestationer i läsförmåga, matematik och naturvetenskaper jämförs med de nationella resultaten och resultaten i andra nordiska länder samt andra deltagande länders resultat. Ett stort intresse riktas även mot könsskillnaderna som traditionellt sett har varit stora i Finland.

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The Influence of Local Culture on Students' Educational Outcomes

All adolescents are closely connected with their living environment, which influences their lives and learning in many ways. For example, individuals’ mental functions develop in interaction within different social, historical, cultural, and institutional contexts. In these environments, we can find different cultural features that have an impact on students’ educational outcomes.

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Bilingualism and Multilingualism in Early Childhood Education (Finland)

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Revisiting the Narratives of Finnish Early School Leavers: Mapping Experiences of Detachment through a Self-determination Theory Lens

Basic psychological needs and people’s experiences affect the choices they make, and further shape the trajectories followed through school. The present study focuses on the perspectives of people who left school without graduating. Through narrative interviewing processes we collected the storied experiences of eleven imprisoned early school leavers in Finland. We triangulated data-driven themes and used as theory the concept of three basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Of these, relatedness was the most common and a shared topic brought forth by the participants. Experiencing dissatisfaction and frustration as a result of the need for relatedness played a cru…

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